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scalp micropigmentation

Which is Better: Hair Transplant versus SMP?

Struggling with hair loss? Are you unsure which way to go – hair transplant versus SMP? Both procedures offer potential solutions to balding and thinning hair, but their approach and outcomes differ. So, which is a better option for you: hair transplant versus SMP?

Understanding the critical differences between the two can help individuals make an informed decision based on their specific needs and preferences.

Hair Transplant Versus SMP

Hair transplants and SMP have emerged as popular options when addressing hair loss. Solutions to balding and thinning hair, including hair transplants, are not similar to scalp micropigmentation. They differ in procedure and outcome.

Hair Transplant

A surgical procedure, a transplant involves the extraction of follicles from a donor area. Hair is usually extracted from the back of the head and transplanted to the balding or thinning areas. Transplantation helps hair growth. However, everyone is not comfortable with a transplant since it is invasive and causes post-operative discomfort and scarring. However, those seeking long-term results may be happy with a transplant. Unfortunately, a hair transplant may not solve your problem if hair loss is caused by hereditary reasons, making you susceptible to future hair loss.

Besides, hair transplants are quite costly, and some individuals may require multiple procedures to achieve desired results.

On the other hand, scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive technique that is not surgical and involves no stitches, cuts, or incisions.

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive procedure that involves the application of natural pigments to the scalp to create the appearance of a fuller head of hair.

Unlike hair transplants, SMP is a non-invasive procedure that does not require incisions or stitches. That means there are minimal side effects of the treatment. The treatment is associated with little to no post-treatment discomfort and no scarring.

Besides, SMP is more affordable than a hair transplant.

What are the risks and side effects of hair transplant and scalp micropigmentation?

One of the biggest risks of a surgical procedure is bleeding, which might occur during or immediately after the procedure. Besides, the treatment may result in itching due to scab formation after the procedure. Scarring is another side effect of the treatment, which may limit hair growth in the affected area.

Recovery may take around 7 to 10 days, and the patient may experience discomfort, swelling, and redness. Full recovery may take weeks.

During the recovery period, the transplanted hair sheds and then starts regrowing. The full results of the hair transplant may not be apparent until 6 to 12 months after the procedure.

On the other hand, SMP may cause a little redness, which may disappear on its own after a few days.

Which is Better: Hair Transplant Versus SMP?

Whether you should opt for a transplant or scalp micropigmentation depends on individual preferences. You may consider your budgetary constraints, the side effects of treatment, and the extent of hair loss.

If you seek a permanent, cost-effective, and low-maintenance solution to hair loss, which is also not invasive, try scalp micropigmentation. Consult with experts for a pleasant experience.

Talk to SMP technicians in Arizona at DermiMatch Clinic for a pleasant scalp micropigmentation experience. The clinic’s best scalp artists are available, backed by a track record of delivering excellent results.

scalp micropigmentation

Thickening Strategies for Women Thinning Hair

Women thinning hair is a severe issue for females. It deals a significant blow to their confidence. It is more of a pain if you’ve enjoyed luscious locks turning finer and sparser. But you’re not alone. About 40 percent of women experience hair thinning.

Though the scenario is more common among women above 40 years of age, thinning hair is becoming a huge problem for young girls experiencing stress, health issues, and hormonal imbalances. Luckily, there are proven ways to treat the condition. If treatment is not possible, you can certainly opt to create the illusion of density and maximize fullness.

Are Natural Remedies Worth It for Women Thinning Hair?

As far as natural remedies are concerned, you want to source everything from your diet. Eggs are one of the most significant sources of biotin and protein, essential for strong, thick hair. Include eggs in your diet and use them as egg treatment, too. Make other dietary tweaks, too, and include iron and leafy greens.

You may also want to include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, which are suitable for healthy hair. According to a study, 120 healthy women who were suffering from thinning hair experienced thicker hair after supplementing their diet with omega-3 fatty acids for six months. But diet may not work overnight, nor does it help people with specific health conditions. a

Are Treatments Good Enough For Hair Growth?

Rogaine is one of the leading over-the-counter topical solutions for the scalp, which stimulates hair growth. It helps prevent hair loss to an extent but once the treatment is discontinued, hair loss resumes.

What about Lifestyle Changes?

You don’t want to get into the trap of harsh chemical treatments. Using hair styling products for curling, straightening, or perming can cause hair loss. Avoid sulfate chemicals and heating products that can damage your locks permanently and worsen hair loss. Chemicals can strip away oils from hair and weaken roots.

Use the right hair care products that are formulated with organic ingredients. Some shampoos and conditioners can lock in moisture and reduce breakage. That helps prevent breakage and stimulate hair growth. 

An essential part of the hair care regime, scalp massage stimulates blood flow to the scalp. This boosts circulation and nutrient delivery to follicles.  This supplies nutrients to all parts of the scalp, thus helping with hair growth.

Besides, castor oil is touted to be an excellent nourishment for hair. Mixing castor with a carrier oil like coconut oil perfectly nourishes the scalp.

Keep yourself hydrated to ensure proper moisturization of your scalp. Dehydration can impact hair health. This is one of the most common problems in women hair loss.

Why Scalp Micropigmentation for Women is Becoming Increasingly Popular?

SMP is a minimally invasive, low-maintenance solution to hair loss. It is a permanent hair loss treatment that helps camouflage signs of women thinning hair, receding hairline, and pattern baldness.

SMP creates the appearance of thicker hair without invasive surgery or leaving scars. Recovery is quick, too. So, if women thinning hair is a problem, you may want to try out scalp micropigmentation in Phoenix. It gives women a sense of self-confidence with a look of thicker hair.

Scalp experts at DermiMatch Clinic can help.