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scalp micropigmentation

Is Postpartum Hair Loss Permanent?

Many women experience noticeable hair loss a few months after giving birth, which certainly is not a pleasant sight, especially after hair growth during pregnancy. But this is a natural phenomenon, called postpartum hair loss. However, it is a temporary side effect of hormonal changes following pregnancy. So hair loss in new moms should not be a cause for concern.

While it can be unsettling to see more hair in the shower drain or on your brush, rest assured that it’s usually not a sign of something serious. If the sight is unsettling, there are hair loss solutions that can be tried.

Understanding Postpartum Hair Loss

During pregnancy, high estrogen levels keep your hair follicles in a constant growth phase. After childbirth, estrogen levels plummet, triggering a large number of follicles to enter the resting phase and eventually shed.

This shedding typically peaks around 3-4 months postpartum but can last up to a year.

Increased shedding

It is natural for hair to shed after pregnancy. If you notice more hair coming out when you brush or shower, consider it a part of the process. You may experience thinning of hair. Remember, the phase is temporary and shouldn’t lead to significant bald patches.

Coping with Postpartum Hair Loss

While you can’t prevent postpartum hair loss, there are ways to manage it and minimize the impact.

Gentle hair care

Be gentle with your hair when brushing and styling. Avoid tight hairstyles and harsh products that can contribute to breakage.

Scalp massage

Gently massaging your scalp can improve circulation and promote hair growth. This may or may not help postpartum hair loss. but for long-term hair care, massage is an excellent addition to hair care regime.

Nutritious diet

Ensure you’re getting enough essential vitamins and minerals that support hair health, like iron, zinc, and biotin.

For some women, even after hair regrows, the experience of postpartum hair loss can leave a lasting impact on self-confidence, especially if they were struggling with hair loss even before pregnancy. If your story is the same and you seek a permanent solution to hair loss woes, scalp micropigmentation might be a good alternative.

Scalp Micropigmentation: A Long-Term Solution

SMP is a non-surgical technique for women experiencing postpartum hair loss after pregnancy, particularly those who desire a more immediate and long-lasting aesthetic improvement.

Here’s how SMP can help:

Illusion of thicker hair

SMP uses tiny needles to inject pigment on the second layer of the scalp. The deposited ink mimicks the appearance of hair follicles. This creates a realistic illusion of a denser hairline, fuller scalp, or even the ability to camouflage any remaining hair loss.


Unlike hair transplants or wigs, SMP requires minimal maintenance. Once the initial sessions are complete, occasional touch-ups might be needed, but it’s a much less demanding option compared to other solutions.

Confidence boost

By creating a thicker and fuller-looking scalp, SMP can significantly improve self-confidence and overall well-being.

If postpartum hair loss is affecting your self-esteem, scalp micropigmentation can be a viable option to consider. Consult with a qualified SMP practitioner in Arizona to discuss your specific needs and explore whether this innovative technique can help you achieve the desired results.

The best Arizona scalp artists are available for consultation at the DermiMatch Clinic. Schedule yours now and find a solution to your postpartum hair loss woes.

scalp micropigmentation

Does Indian Gooseberry for Hair Growth Work?

Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, has been an Ayurvedic medicine for hair growth for centuries. It holds potential as a natural hair growth remedy, but its effectiveness remains under scientific investigation.

It boasts a rich Vitamin C profile, which has helped Amla earn the tag of a hair growth superfood. Besides, its potential for improved circulation along with antioxidant properties contributes to hair health. However, more robust research can help investigate the role of Indian gooseberry for hair growth.

Benefits of Indian Gooseberry for Hair Growth

Rich in Vitamin C

Amla is a potent source of Vitamin C, a well-known antioxidant that promotes collagen production. Now what is collagen and how does it help hair growth?

Well, collagen is a protein essential for building and maintaining healthy hair follicles. Stronger follicles may contribute to thicker and healthier hair growth

Improves Scalp Circulation

Some studies suggest amla may improve blood circulation, potentially delivering more nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. This could contribute to hair growth and overall hair health.

Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties

Amla’s antioxidant and antibacterial properties might help fight free radical damage and scalp issues like dandruff. Besides, it might play a role in keeping the scalp clean and healthy.

What does science say?

All studies are preliminary and don’t directly investigate amla’s impact on human hair growth. More robust clinical trials are needed to confirm these potential benefits. Just like natural remedies for hair growth, indian gooseberry is also touted to be a health superstar. But scientific research alone can validate this fact.

Form and Use Matter

Amla can be consumed as a fruit, used in oil form topically, or applied as a hair mask. The effectiveness of each method for hair growth likely varies, and research is lacking in this area.

Individual Results

As with any natural remedy, individual experiences with amla for hair growth can vary depending on factors like hair type, scalp condition, genetics, and overall health.

Indian gooseberry for hair growth shows promise based on its nutritional profile and potential benefits for scalp circulation and free radical damage. However, more research is required to definitively establish its effectiveness for hair growth.

What’s the Solution?

For those experiencing significant hair loss, alternative solutions might be more effective. Scalp micropigmentation (SMP), for example, offers hope to conceal the signs of hair loss.

The non-surgical cosmetic procedure creates the illusion of a thicker hairline or a fuller scalp. SMP specialists use special needles to deposit ink into the scalp, with the goal to mimic the look of hair follicles. 

While Indian gooseberry may or may not work to hide the signs of hair loss, SMP offers a more predictable and permanent solution to the problem. While it doesn’t involve actual hair growth, SMP creates a realistic and low-maintenance aesthetic improvement for those struggling with baldness or thinning hair. It’s important to consult with a qualified and experienced SMP practitioner to discuss suitability and desired outcomes.

The best Arizona SMP brains and hands are available for consultation at DermiMatch Clinic. if you are seriously seeking scalp micropigmentation for hair loss or thinning hair, scalp experts in Arizona can help. With decades of experience in SMP, DermiMatch Clinic practitioners have helped transform client’s hair restoration journey.

Get in touch today to take the first step forward.

scalp micropigmentation

Protein and Hair Growth Connection

Hair is primarily composed of a protein called keratin. This naturally leads to the assumption that increasing protein intake can promote hair growth. While there’s some truth to this, the relationship between protein and hair growth is more nuanced than a simple cause-and-effect scenario. Let’s explore whether protein for hair can help the growth of your locks.

The Protein and Hair Growth Relationship

Studies have shown a clear link between severe protein deficiency and hair loss. Hair follicles require protein for growth and repair, and a lack of it can hinder hair health. This exposes you to a risk of hair thinning and increased shedding.

Does that mean you should increase your protein intake?

Well, exceeding the recommended daily protein intake has not been proven to stimulate hair growth in people without protein deficiency.

Keratin Composition

Hair is primarily composed of a protein called keratin. Keratinocytes are cells in the hair follicle, which are responsible for synthesizing keratin. These cells require a steady supply of amino acids, the building blocks of protein, to function optimally.

Essential Amino Acids

Not all protein sources are created equal. Hair follicles require a specific set of amino acids, known as essential amino acids, for optimal keratin synthesis. These amino acids cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through diet.

Animal vs. Plant Sources

Animal-based protein sources like meat, poultry, and eggs are considered complete proteins, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids.

On the other hand, plant-based protein sources like legumes, nuts, and seeds can be beneficial, but careful selection is necessary to ensure a complete amino acid profile. It’s always better to combine different plant-based sources to achieve this.

That’s where you can emphasize the relationship between protein and hair growth.

Additional Factors for Hair Health

Biotin and Other Nutrients

Biotin, a B vitamin, plays a role in keratin production. Deficiencies can lead to hair loss. Additionally, ensuring adequate intake of iron, zinc, and other essential vitamins and minerals is crucial for overall hair health.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal fluctuations can disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to hair loss. Underlying health conditions or medications may contribute to hair loss. Addressing these factors is essential for promoting healthy hair growth.

Scalp Micropigmentation: A Solution for Hair Loss

While ensuring adequate protein intake from high-quality sources is crucial for health, other factors like vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and genetics can influence hair growth.

For individuals experiencing significant hair loss, scalp micropigmentation can offer a reliable and effective solution.

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical procedure that utilizes cosmetic tattooing techniques to create the appearance of tiny hair follicles on the scalp. This results in a natural-looking shaved head effect, effectively concealing hair loss and boosting confidence. Unlike protein intake, SMP offers a more direct and permanent solution for those struggling with hair loss.

Protein is an essential nutrient for overall health, and ensuring adequate intake supports healthy hair growth. However, it’s not a guaranteed solution for hair loss, especially for individuals experiencing significant hair loss. In such cases, scalp micropigmentation provides a viable alternative for achieving a natural-looking, fuller head of hair.

Protein and hair growth connection is real but protein intake helps only if the cause of your problem is nutritional deficiency. SMP can certainly be a solution.

Consult with the best Arizona SMP practitioners at DermiMatch Clinic. They are the leading names in scalp micropigmentation and have helped thousands of clients with their hair loss woes.

scalp micropigmentation

The Reality of DIY Hair Masks for Hair Growth

While the market overflows with hair care products, there’s a persistent interest in DIY hair masks and treatments. Are they worth trying? Do hair masks for hair growth work?

Hair masks are usually made of natural ingredients that are a welcome alternative to commercially produced products with potentially harsh chemicals.

Popular DIY Hair Masks


Rich in vitamins and healthy fats, avocado offers deep hydration and nourishment, leaving hair soft and manageable.

Aloe Vera

This natural ingredient soothes irritation and dryness on the scalp while promoting healthy hair growth.


 A humectant, honey attracts and retains moisture, leaving hair soft and manageable.


Packed with potassium and vitamins, bananas can help add volume and shine to hair.


Eggs are a natural source of protein, which strengthens hair follicles and promotes healthy hair growth.

Hair Masks for Hair Growth: A Reality Check

Hair masks have become a popular DIY and commercial hair care trend, often touted for their ability to promote hair growth. But what’s the reality? Well, there are certainly some benefits.

Hydration and Nourishment

Many masks contain hydrating ingredients that moisturize and nourish dry, brittle hair. This can lead to improved manageability, shine, and reduced breakage.

Scalp Soothing and hair strengthening

Masks with ingredients like aloe vera can soothe a dry or irritated scalp, creating a healthier environment for hair growth.

Some masks contain protein, like eggs, which can help strengthen hair strands, reducing breakage and promoting a fuller appearance.

While hair masks can contribute to overall hair health, it’s important to understand that masks work on the hair shaft and do not penetrate the follicle. No doubt, they can support indirect growth, hair masks for hair growth may not be a viable solution to hair loss induced by medical conditions, treatment, deficiency, or stress.

Besides, the effectiveness of hair masks varies across individuals, depending on hair type, scalp condition, and ingredients used.

Alternative Solutions for Hair Growth

Diet and Nutrition

Ensuring adequate intake of protein, iron, biotin, and other essential nutrients can support healthy hair growth.

Scalp Micropigmentation

For individuals with significant hair loss, SMP offers a non-surgical solution that creates the appearance of a shaved head with tiny hair follicles.

However, for individuals experiencing significant hair loss, hair masks for hair growth may not be sufficient. In such cases, scalp micropigmentation emerges as a viable alternative. SMP utilizes cosmetic tattooing techniques to create the appearance of tiny hair follicles on the scalp. This results in a natural-looking shaved head effect, effectively concealing hair loss and boosting confidence.

Unlike DIY masks, SMP offers a more permanent and low-maintenance solution for those struggling with hair loss. Consider exploring both options to determine which approach best suits your hair care needs and goals.

Getting the best SMP is possible at DermiMatch Clinic, where you can find top scalp practitioners in Arizona. Scheduling a consultation is the best step to getting in touch with leading Arizona SMP artists. Do it now and see how you can transform your hair loss experience into something natural and fulfilling with scalp micropigmentation.