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Caffeine for Hair Growth: Does It Work?

Caffeine has gained attention in hair care for its potential benefits in promoting hair growth. It is known to have a unique quality that enables its interaction with hair through the bloodstream, stimulating hair growth. So, does it actually help hair growth? Let’s explore this further.

How To Use Caffeine for Hair Growth

Caffeine is one of the most popular ingredients in skin and hair care products, from shampoos to topical creams, hair thickeners, styling gel, and mousse.

Stimulation of Follicles

Caffeine is known to stimulate follicles and improve blood circulation to the scalp. With better circulation, more nutrients and oxygen are delivered to hair follicles. This is thought to create an environment conducive to hair growth.

Inhibition of DHT

Research explains the role of caffeine in inhibiting the effects of DHT, reducing its impact on follicles and slowing down the progression of hair loss.

Extension of Anagen Phase

Regular use of caffeine can help stimulate hair growth. Caffeine helps prolong the anagen phase, which is the growth period of hair. As a result, the hair has an extended period of active growth, which delays the onset of the resting phase.

Reduction in inflammation

Caffeine for hair growth works since it is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce scalp inflammation and create a healthier hair growth environment.

Protection Against UV Radiation

Caffeine can protect your hair against ultraviolet radiation, which can otherwise damage the hair and scalp. The antioxidant properties of caffeine help neutralize free radicals, which can contribute to premature aging and harm the hair and scalp. Caffeine is known for its antioxidant activity, which may mitigate some of the oxidative stress from UV exposure.

You may use caffeine-infused shampoos, serums, and conditioners. Besides, caffeine-infused hair oils also help nourish the scalp.

Is Caffeine for Hair Loss Effective?

Well, individual responses vary, from person to person. Nothing works overnight. Caffeine is no exception. Regular and consistent use of caffeine is recommended. Making caffeine products a part of your hair care regime can help hair health. But it takes time and may or may not work.

The product may not be effective if you are suffering from hair loss due to a specific medical condition. In that case, hair loss might continue unless the illness is treated.

Similarly, certain medications cause hair loss. Unless you discontinue the medicine, hair loss may not stop.

What’s the Right Treatment for hair loss

If you seek an effective hair loss treatment, natural remedies, such as caffeine or rosemary, may not work. But scalp micropigmentation might help. The procedure helps hide scalp problems, such as hair thinning, receding hairline, and baldness. People with pattern baldness or hair loss can benefit significantly from scalp micropigmentation in Arizona.

Get help at DermiMatch Clinic if you are looking for experienced SMP artists in Arizona. Their team of scalp artists is the best in Arizona and has helped thousands of clients. Connect with Arizona scalp experts now and overcome the hair loss blues.

Are you ready?


Is SMP uncomfortable?

Okay, so you have finally made up your mind to go for scalp micropigmentation to get over your hair loss blues. True, hair loss of any type is frustrating. It adds up to your stress, and stress aggravates hair shedding further. While some amount of hair loss is natural, hair fall for a prolonged period of time can give you goosebumps.

So, finding the right solution is the right way to deal with the situation. But when everyone makes tall claims about hair growth, scalp micropigmentation emerges as a winner. Unlike other hair restoration procedures, the reason is that it does not claim to grow your hair back. It only helps conceal hair loss, hair thinning, and a receding hairline. But you might wonder if SMP is uncomfortable or painful. Let’s explore this.

How Uncomfortable Is SMP?

You are planning to get inked but want to make sure if SMP is uncomfortable. Well, the answer is clear. The pain level varies from one person to another. Ideally, the procedure is not painful if a certified scalp practitioner in Arizona performs the job with the right SMP tools. What tools are important to make the procedure painless?

The most important SMP tool is a needle that implants the pigment into the scalp. The needle used by scalp artists is micro in size. The idea behind using such a tiny needle tip is to create the appearance of follicles, which are too small to be seen with naked eyes. So, the needle used for the procedure should be such that it can puncture the skin and create a tiny dot in the skin.

The smaller the needle tip, the less the pain! However, it may be slightly uncomfortable. You may experience varying levels of discomfort, depending on your tolerance level, scalp area to be treated, size of the treatment area, and tools used. Some parts are more sensitive than others and may cause different levels of discomfort. While some may feel a scratching sensation, others can’t describe what it feels like and may compare it with a mild sunburn.

Last but not least, the skill of the scalp artist will also determine the extent of pain for the client.  Choosing the best Arizona SMP practitioner can change your whole experience with the treatment.

The procedure may become more and more bearable as the treatment progresses.

Tips for Minimizing SMP Discomfort

Stay hydrated

A well-hydrated body will be less sensitive to pricks. So, drinking plenty of water before the procedure can surely work in your favor.


You are less likely to feel the treatment sensations when you come to the clinic with a relaxed body and mind. Rather, you will be enjoying the treatment.

Choose the best scalp practitioner

Your choice of a scalp artist can make a big difference to the end result as well as how the treatment goes. When you choose a skilled SMP technician, you can rest assured about the tools they will use. Besides, their skills and experience will help make the treatment smooth for you. Skilled SMP practitioners have the experience and training to deal with different parts of the scalp. They are aware of the sensitive areas and perform the procedure accordingly.

Get help from SMP experts to minimize SMP pain and discomfort. Your choice of a skilled SMP technician will work in your favor in improving your scalp micropigmentation experience. Consult with the best brains at DermiMatch Clinic today.


Causes of Hair Loss after Pregnancy

Is hair loss after pregnancy real? Why does a woman lose hair during this period?  Well, pregnancy does not cause hair loss. Rather, hair growth is in full swing for an expectant woman as hormone levels are high. During pregnancy, a woman’s hair may transition from the growing to the resting phase. As a result, there is no hair shedding. In fact, a pregnant woman enjoys fuller and thicker hair during this time.

But hormone levels drop as soon as she delivers her baby, causing hair to suddenly transition to the shedding stage. When that happens, a new mother starts to experience incessant hair shedding because the hair in the resting phase starts to fall. This happens usually 12 weeks postpartum. A good diet can help, but not significantly at this stage.

Hair loss After Pregnancy Is Real

When you have brought your child into the real world, your body experiences many changes as it returns to its normal state. Your hormone levels that were in full swing during pregnancy start to return to normal within 3 months of delivery. Now is the time when you’ll start noticing increased hair shedding. But it is natural to lose excessive hair after delivery. This phase is only temporary but may last a few months before hair starts to grow back.

Unfortunately, some new moms may still not see any significant hair regrowth. For such moms, the causes could vary. They should see a physician to determine the cause.

Hormones and Hair Loss

Other factors that affect hormonal balance include:

  • Menopause
  • Going on/off contraceptives
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Women with PCOS
  • Hereditary

What’s the treatment for hair loss after pregnancy

If excessive hair shedding disturbs your peace of mind, you might look for treatment options.  But there aren’t any proven hair loss treatments that deliver permanent results. That means hair loss may still begin during or after the treatment. In some cases, hair shedding begins as soon as you stop the treatment. Does that serve you any purpose? Of course, not!

So what’s the best way out?

Luckily, many women have chosen scalp micropigmentation in Pheonix after pregnancy to overcome hair-shedding blues. These women cannot stand the sight of hair loss after delivery and seek a permanent solution.

Here, SMP comes to their rescue in hiding the scalp problems caused by excessive hair loss. As a result, they experience renewed self-esteem and self-confidence that seem to have been lost due to hair loss after pregnancy.

Why SMP?

Well, the best thing about this hair restoration procedure is that it is painless and non-invasive. You can walk into the SMP clinic and stay there for 3-4 hours for the procedure and then return home the same day. Recovery is quick, and the results are realistic.

During the procedure, SMP professional implants scalp micropigmentation ink into the scalp areas that require attention. This could be bald patches, thinning hair, or a receding hairline. The natural-looking results are not noticeable if the Pheonix SMP practitioner is experienced and skilled in scalp micropigmentation for women hair loss.

So what are you waiting for? If hair loss after pregnancy is causing you distress, consult with the best SMP artists in Phoenix at DermiMatch Clinic today. Now you can walk out with a smile and confidence after getting scalp micropigmentation to conceal your pregnancy hair loss.

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Steroids and Hair Loss: Is There A Connection?

Can steroids cause hair loss? Is there actually a connection between steroids and hair loss? There are different types of steroids. Many people take steroids for muscle mass building and to improve athletic performance. Some others use corticosteroids for allergies, skin conditions, or blood disorders. Since these steroids behave similarly to testosterone, they may lead to hair loss or male pattern baldness.

Steroids and Hair Loss: The Link

Hair loss in men using steroids is primarily found in those taking anabolic steroids, which is a synthetic form of testosterone or male sex hormone. These steroids may cause hormonal imbalance and affect androgen levels, resulting in androgenetic alopecia over a period of time.

Prednisone and Hair Loss

There is another steroid that is linked to hair loss. Prednisone is a steroid taken by people with low corticosteroid levels. This includes lupus, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. People with certain conditions affecting the skin, lungs, blood, eyes, kidneys, stomach, thyroid, and intestines are often prescribed Prednisone as their body is unable to naturally produce certain steroids

People taking Prednisone often experience hair thinning, depending on the dosage and interaction with other drugs. However, for some prednisone even stimulates hair growth.

How Do Steroids Cause Hair Loss?

Anabolic steroids can stimulate the production of DHT or dihydrotestosterone. DHT is the hormone that is blamed for androgenetic alopecia. this can cause genetic hair loss

Women too may experience adverse effects of anabolic steroid treatment. Such women may report excessive hair growth all over the body, except the scalp. In some cases, excessive use of the hormone may result in irreversible hair loss in women.

How To Prevent Hair Loss Caused by Steroids?

Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about the steroids and hair loss connection. They may prescribe alternative medications.

You must avoid steroids unless there is no other option. Steroid abuse may result in severe side effects in men, including severe acne, infertility, gynecomastia, and prostate cancer. Women may experience problems with menstruation, deepened voice, and increased hair growth.  The doctor may reduce the steroid dosage in some cases if the side effects are extreme.

What To Do for Steroid-Related Hair Loss?

A doctor may prescribe Finasteride for patients with steroid-related hair loss. The treatment is based on regulating DHT hormone levels in men. Minoxidil is another drug used for hair growth in people with steroid-caused hair loss.

Hair regrowth takes longer than expected. Hair does not grow overnight. A diet and lifestyle modification can help your cause in the long run. But what is the solution if you are losing hair at present and don’t know how to go about steroid-caused hair loss?

SMP for Hair Camouflage

If you cannot wait for medications and diet to show their effect, scalp micropigmentation can help cover those scalp problems. SMP cannot prevent hair loss but it can hide the site of thinning hair, alopecia, baldness, and receding hairline.

But not everyone can produce the desired results when it comes to scalp micropigmentation. You need expert hands for the procedure. Get in touch with DermiMatch SMP experts in Phoenix for the best scalp micropigmentation experience if you are looking for a solution to steroid-induced hair loss.


How To Stimulate Hair Growth For Men

Hair loss is one of the most frustrating experiences for men and women both. Having healthy hair is a matter of pride for most people from both genders. Sadly, hair loss is regular and ongoing. In fact, it is common for men and women to lose hair. However, hair loss starts to hurt more when it does not regrow as quickly as it is lost. The experience becomes worse when most men start going bald by 50 years of age. It is that time when men start looking for the right solutions to stimulate hair growth.

Hair Growth for Men Options


Well, if you are least concerned about the side effects of drugs, then you may want to try the FDA-approved Rogaine and Propecia for hair growth. You will need a doctor’s prescription though to purchase these, and the result will not be apparent quickly. Your hair may take a year to show up.

Hair transplant

Unless you are afraid of going under the knife or a long recovery period, which is often accompanied by pain, a hair transplant might be an option. There are two hair transplant options popular these days that are known to stimulate hair growth, including follicular unit transplantation and follicular unit extraction.


It is a preferred hair regrowth solution for men who are suffering from alopecia. But in some cases of hair loss, laser treatment might reduce the follicular inflammatory response. This helps prevent hair regrowth.

Lifestyle adjustments for Hair Growth for men

Food and nutrition are crucial to the physical and mental growth of a person. Good food is also essential for hair growth. Hair grows when follicles and roots get nutrition. Combined with physical activity and an active lifestyle, good food can work wonders for hormonal balance, which helps the growth of hair.  Add more protein to your diet and wait for it to show results. However, remember that hair regrowth following lifestyle adjustments will not happen overnight.

Avoid frequent washing

Now you don’t want to wash your hair regularly. This might sound weird, but it is a fact that regular washing strips hair of natural oils that weaken the roots, resulting in weak hair that falls easily.

Stress and sleep

Kick that stress out of your life. It is one of the significant causes of hair loss. It can affect the growth phase of hair, pushing the follicles into the resting phase. Regular exercise and meditation combined with a good night’s sleep can help your body focus on more important functions. A good night routine allows growth hormones to speed up cell reproduction. Healthy cells can also stimulate hair growth.

No doubt, these are some of the proven tips for hair growth for men. But some are associated with side effects and risks that you want to be wary of while others take a long time to show effect.

What’s the Solution for Hair Growth for Men

If you feel hair loss has ruined your personality, you want a quick fix. Here comes scalp micropigmentation. No, it is not meant to spur hair regrowth. But the procedure can help cover the scalp flaws that seem to have ruined your peace of mind. If you have thinning hair, receding hairline, or excessive hair loss, you can trust SMP.

Get in touch with a highly reputable team of scalp experts at DermiMatch.


How To Prepare Before SMP

Wondering how to prepare before SMP for baldness or hair loss? Well, SMP is an intricate procedure and requires preparation. So how to prepare before SMP? There are some important tips to prepare before the hair restoration procedure.

Tips To Prepare Before SMP

  1. Moisturize the scalp

Before scalp micropigmentation, make sure you moisturize your scalp in order to have soft skin. When a client has soft skin, the scalp artist can work better with the needle. This ensures that the needle can go under the epidermis layer easily without causing any discomfort or pain. So it is important to keep your skin hydrated and not dehydrated before the procedure. Contrarily, a hard, dehydrated scalp will only make the needle bounce off. As a result, penetration with the needle will be tough.

2. Avoid caffeinated drinks that might thin the blood

Now you don’t want to pop a blood thinner before the procedure. In fact, it is equally important not to indulge in caffeinated beverages before you go for scalp micropigmentation. Caffeine is known as a blood thinner, which may result in bleeding while the scalp artist is at work on your scalp.

Worse still, the blood might mix with the SMP pigment, which may dilute it. Anticoagulants lengthen the time for the blood to clot. On the other hand, anti-platelet drugs prevent blood from clotting. As a result, the tattoo might bleed. So when you prepare before SMP, bear this in mind.

3. Choose a hairline

What type of hairline looks more attractive? You want to choose a hairline that looks best on you. So researching the subject will surely help. You should have a hairline in mind when you want to do SMP. But let the final say rest with the scalp artist in determining whether the hairline will suit your personality and be appropriate for you. Top SMP practitioners believe in creating results that look realistic.

4. Eat well

When you prepare before SMP session, remember to eat well on the day of the procedure. You do not want to go to the clinic on an empty stomach. Besides, make sure you have a good stock of food on the day of the treatment. Remember, it is going to be a long session, so you need to have small breaks to energize yourself. It’s okay if you take a short break for a healthy snack.  Unless you have good food to take you through the session, your blood sugar might drop. As a result, you might feel dizzy and unwell.

5. Sleep well

Make sure you have a sound sleep the night before the procedure. This will help keep you stress free. Besides, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. When you skin is moisturized, it can accept the ink better. It might help to scrub or exfoliate the scalp to remove any dead cells.


Now that you know how to prepare before SMP, it is important to start your D-day with a protein-packed breakfast. In addition, you must wash your head properly. Remember, it will take a few days until you can wash your scalp after the procedure. You should also not use any oily products on your scalp as that can prevent the pigment from settling down.

Now that you are opting for SMP, remember to prepare for scalp aftercare as well.

Unless you find the best scalp artist for the procedure, it might be tough to realize your dream SMP look. The top SMP practitioners in Phoenix are available at DermiMatch.


Joey lawrence Hair Loss

From what I can tell, Joey Lawrence has done just about everything under the sun to hide his hair loss. 

Joey is seen on a talk show stating that he doesn’t have any hair loss but that he just chooses to shave his head. For whatever personal reasons he is still not open about balding and what he’s done to combat it. 

Here are the things I think Joey has done to hide his hair loss. If you look over the years, Joey has shaved his head and also grown his hair back years later. With his head shaved down you can still see it looks as though he has a full head of shaved down hair. It’s apparent to me that Joey has had Scalp Micropigmentation done. The artist that did the work did a great job however, this is what I think Joey’s answer to his hair loss consisted of until he obtained hair transplants. I Think Joey has had multiple FUE transplants and I would bet he has also used body hair to obtain more grafts by looking at the texture of his hair. 

SMP in combination with hair transplants can be a great combination and I think Joey is a good example of combining these two options. 

For any SMP questions, take a look at located in Scottsdale, AZ. 


Trichophytic Closure

Trichophytic closure is a surgical incision closing technique that is designed to allow hair to grow through the incision. This is a great technique for scars from surgery on the scalp where you would want to minimize the appearance of a scar. 

Trichophytic closure is something you may want to ask your hair transplant doctor about. Some doctors do not feel comfortable performing this closure or feel it does not yield the best results. 

I had to request my doctor to perform this closure which he attempted to talk me out of; I insisted. I will tell you the results were 90% better than closing the scar without. That being said, I did make sure of my doctor’s resume in which he was a plastic surgeon before moving into hair transplants. If a doctor does not have the experience or feels uncomfortable with this closure, you should find another doctor. 

Best hair transplant closures in my opinion are done by doctors that understand tension and reduce scar tissue. To reduce the tension on the outer skin layer your surgeon should utilize dissolving stitches and close internally to allow the internal stitches to hold the tension. The outer stitches should close the outer layer using very little tension. (Almost just resting the two portions of skin together).

SMP is a great way to enhance this closure and camouflage your hair transplant scar. in Scottsdale Arizona. 


Free Scar Revision Before SMP

Scalp Micropigmentation is a great way to camouflage hair transplant scars; however there are always limitations to what can be achieved. SMP can not change a scars texture or size so there are other options you need to consider in conjunction to SMP. 

Many people are shocked that you may be able to get a free scar revision. Many hair transplant doctors will revise a scar for past clients; so, if you received a hair transplant you can go back to that same clinic and have a revision at no charge. This is amazing knews that many people do not know about. The only bad side is that if you don’t like your doctor or trust their work; you may be stuck paying for a different clinic to perform your revision. 

Check with the clinic or doctor who performed your transplant and ask if they can revise the scar. I would also request that the surgeon perform a Trichophytic closure if possible. I will be making a separate article regarding this closure technique. 

Obtaining the best results and healthy tissue via scar revision before SMP may yield you a much better outcome in the end. 

Contact on Scottsdale AZ for all SMP questions.


Turning Gray With SMP

What happens five to ten years down the road if I turn gray? I am asked this question in just about every consultation I have with a potential client.  

The answer may vary depending on how dense and dark you request your SMP. Typically, the density and shade will be determined by your natural existing hair that the artist will match to. 

The main thing to understand is that hair shaved down in a majority of people leaves a shadow of gray. If your hair is brown, black, blond, red, etc. Once shaved, it leaves a gray shadow. The importance of this lies within the SMP pigments. Most SMP is performed with carbon black pigments that are diluted to be shades of gray when healed in the skin. Your SMP artist will add distilled water to the pigment to make the gray shade darker or lighter to match your existing hair. Some SMP pigments are warmed with warming colors added however the same principle remains. 

A small majority of clients with blonde, white or red hair may almost look bald on the sides when their natural hair is shaved down. This is actually not an issue because this transparent look isn’t going to change by the hair going gray; it will still remain transparent. Meaning, your smp will likely match and blend from the start. 

In conclusion, the SMP pigments used, heal in shades of gray already and with a shaved head the color of your hair is already leaving a shade of gray. Your hair turning gray over time may lighten this shadow, however your smp will also have been lighting up over this time as well.  

For those that do have a blending issue due to color years down the road; it’s important to know that SMP is typically removed with one laser session. 

For more information regarding SMP, please visit located in Scottsdale Arizona and  feel free to give us a call or book a consultation.