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scalp micropigmentation

Autoimmune Hair Loss and SMP

Hair loss, or alopecia, can be a distressing experience, and autoimmune alopecia is a specific form that deserves attention. This condition occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, leading to excessive shedding. Unfortunately, it could transform into complete hair loss in some cases. There is no permanent treatment for autoimmune hair loss and SMP does offer hope.

Understanding Autoimmune Hair Loss and SMP Link

Alopecia may be of different types.

Alopecia Areata

The most common form of hair loss is characterized by patchy bald spots on the scalp, beard, or eyebrows.

The bald patches can be round, oval, or irregular in shape, and hair loss can occur suddenly or develop gradually.

In some cases, hair may regrow on its own, but the condition can become chronic with recurring episodes of hair loss.

Alopecia Totalis

Totalis involves complete baldness on the scalp. The hair loss usually progresses from alopecia areata, although it can sometimes develop on its own.

Alopecia Universalis

The rarest form, causing complete hair loss from the entire body, including the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and body hair.

What are the Causes?

 The exact cause of autoimmune alopecia remains under investigation, but researchers believe it involves a complex interplay between genetics and environmental factors. People with a family history of autoimmune diseases are at higher risk. Additionally, certain triggers like severe emotional stress or illness may initiate an immune response that attacks hair follicles.


Beyond the physical changes, hair loss can impact a person’s self-esteem, leading to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. Hair plays a significant role in self-identity and social interactions, and its loss can be a deeply emotional experience.

Autoimmune Hair Loss and SMP Treatment

While there’s no cure for autoimmune alopecia, various treatments aim to manage the condition and promote hair regrowth. This includes immunotherapy, corticosteroid injections, phytotherapy, and transplant.


Topical and injectable corticosteroids are used to suppress the immune system’s attack on hair follicles and promote hair regrowth. But you cannot ignore side effects of these treatments. Thinning skin and weight gain are some of the adverse effects with long-term use.


Treatments like oral or topical immunomodulators aim to modulate the immune system’s response and prevent further hair loss. These therapies can have potential side effects like fatigue, headaches, and allergic reactions, and may require ongoing monitoring.


Exposure to specific wavelengths of light might stimulate hair regrowth in some patients with alopecia areata. However, this treatment may require multiple sessions and isn’t always effective for everyone.

Hair Transplantation

For individuals with extensive or permanent hair loss, hair transplantation can be an option to restore hair growth in affected areas. During the surgical procedure, healthy follicles are transplanted from a donor area of the scalp to the bald areas. However, it can be expensive and requires ongoing maintenance. No doubt, it is painful and requires long-term care and has a long recovery period as well.

Autoimmune Hair Loss and SMP as a Solution

While medical treatments focus on hair regrowth, scalp micropigmentation offers a non-surgical solution for individuals struggling with autoimmune alopecia.

SMP is a cosmetic tattooing technique that creates the appearance of tiny hair follicles on the scalp. It can be used to conceal patchy hair loss in alopecia areata. Besides, scalp micropigmentation helps create a full head of hair illusion for those with alopecia totalis.

The procedure involves using a specialized needle to deposit pigment into the scalp’s top dermis layer. It is effective for various forms of hair loss, including autoimmune alopecia, and can be customized to match individual needs and desired outcomes.

SMP is a minimally invasive procedure that involves using a specialized needle to deposit pigment into the scalp’s top dermis layer. The process is typically performed over multiple sessions to achieve the desired density and shade.

SMP offers long-lasting results that can typically last for several years with occasional touch-up sessions. It’s a low-maintenance solution that requires minimal aftercare. However, SMP could be a solution only when performed by scalp experts in Arizona.

DermiMatch Clinic understands the unique challenges faced by individuals with autoimmune alopecia. Our Arizona SMP technicians offer a comprehensive consultation process to discuss your specific condition, hair loss pattern, and desired outcome. Let us examine your condition and explore if scalp micropigmentation in Arizona is the way forward.

Schedule a consultation now.

scalp micropigmentation

Is Ginger for Hair Growth Effective?

Hair loss can be a frustrating and emotionally taxing experience.  The internet is full of so-called home remedies for hair loss, and ginger for hair growth has emerged as a popular natural solution.  But does ginger truly live up to the hype?  Let’s delve into the science behind this potential hair-raising hero.

Ginger for Hair Growth Potential Benefits

Improved Scalp Health

Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which could help soothe an irritated scalp and reduce inflammation. In some cases, inflammation is blamed for illness and hair loss.

Increased Blood Circulation

Gingerol, a key compound in ginger, may improve blood circulation. This could potentially deliver more nutrients to hair follicles, promoting hair growth. However, more research is needed to confirm this specifically for the scalp.

Enhanced Scalp Microbiome

Early research suggests that the anti-microbial properties of ginger may help regulate the scalp microbiome. A balanced scalp microbiome is crucial for maintaining overall scalp health, which can indirectly contribute to healthy hair growth.

Does Ginger for Hair Loss Work?

While these potential benefits sound promising, there’s a lack of robust scientific studies directly evaluating ginger’s effectiveness in promoting hair growth in humans. Most existing research is limited to laboratory studies or anecdotal evidence.

A Study on Gingerol:

A Food and Chemical Toxicology study investigated the effects of 6-gingerol on hair growth. The study used cultured human hair follicles and found that 6-gingerol suppressed hair growth. However, more research is needed to confirm ginger’s impact on hair loss.

So it may be concluded that ginger may offer some scalp health benefits, but there’s currently insufficient evidence to prove its hair growth claims. Additionally, some studies suggest it might even have the opposite effect.

Exploring Scalp Micropigmentation

If you’re experiencing hair loss and ginger or any other home remedy hasn’t yielded the desired results, you might consider Scalp Micropigmentation as an alternative solution. SMP is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that creates a realistic illusion of tiny hair follicles on the scalp.

The method is effective for different types of hair loss and can be customized to address different hair loss patterns. SMP can work where other hair loss treatments fail or cannot work.

For example, genetic hair loss. No, scalp micropigmentation does not stimulate hair growth, but it can help hide baldness or patchy hair loss in people with hereditary alopecia.

What’s more, SMP professionals are skilled in creating natural-looking, realistic, and undetectable hair density that boosts confidence. Since the technique is non-invasive, recovery is quick.

If you’re looking for a proven and effective solution for hair loss, SMP is a strong option. It offers a long-lasting and low-maintenance way to achieve a fuller and more confident look. 

Consult with a qualified Arizona SMP practitioner to discuss your specific needs and see if SMP is the right choice for you.

The best SMP brains are available for consultation at the DermiMatch Clinic. Schedule your consultation now.