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scalp micropigmentation

Is Ginger for Hair Growth Effective?

Hair loss can be a frustrating and emotionally taxing experience.  The internet is full of so-called home remedies for hair loss, and ginger for hair growth has emerged as a popular natural solution.  But does ginger truly live up to the hype?  Let’s delve into the science behind this potential hair-raising hero.

Ginger for Hair Growth Potential Benefits

Improved Scalp Health

Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which could help soothe an irritated scalp and reduce inflammation. In some cases, inflammation is blamed for illness and hair loss.

Increased Blood Circulation

Gingerol, a key compound in ginger, may improve blood circulation. This could potentially deliver more nutrients to hair follicles, promoting hair growth. However, more research is needed to confirm this specifically for the scalp.

Enhanced Scalp Microbiome

Early research suggests that the anti-microbial properties of ginger may help regulate the scalp microbiome. A balanced scalp microbiome is crucial for maintaining overall scalp health, which can indirectly contribute to healthy hair growth.

Does Ginger for Hair Loss Work?

While these potential benefits sound promising, there’s a lack of robust scientific studies directly evaluating ginger’s effectiveness in promoting hair growth in humans. Most existing research is limited to laboratory studies or anecdotal evidence.

A Study on Gingerol:

A Food and Chemical Toxicology study investigated the effects of 6-gingerol on hair growth. The study used cultured human hair follicles and found that 6-gingerol suppressed hair growth. However, more research is needed to confirm ginger’s impact on hair loss.

So it may be concluded that ginger may offer some scalp health benefits, but there’s currently insufficient evidence to prove its hair growth claims. Additionally, some studies suggest it might even have the opposite effect.

Exploring Scalp Micropigmentation

If you’re experiencing hair loss and ginger or any other home remedy hasn’t yielded the desired results, you might consider Scalp Micropigmentation as an alternative solution. SMP is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that creates a realistic illusion of tiny hair follicles on the scalp.

The method is effective for different types of hair loss and can be customized to address different hair loss patterns. SMP can work where other hair loss treatments fail or cannot work.

For example, genetic hair loss. No, scalp micropigmentation does not stimulate hair growth, but it can help hide baldness or patchy hair loss in people with hereditary alopecia.

What’s more, SMP professionals are skilled in creating natural-looking, realistic, and undetectable hair density that boosts confidence. Since the technique is non-invasive, recovery is quick.

If you’re looking for a proven and effective solution for hair loss, SMP is a strong option. It offers a long-lasting and low-maintenance way to achieve a fuller and more confident look. 

Consult with a qualified Arizona SMP practitioner to discuss your specific needs and see if SMP is the right choice for you.

The best SMP brains are available for consultation at the DermiMatch Clinic. Schedule your consultation now.

scalp micropigmentation

Potential of Pumpkin Seeds for Hair Growth

Pumpkin seeds or pepitas are a nutritional powerhouse celebrated for their diverse health benefits. One such benefit often touted is their potential to promote hair growth.

While there’s no single, definitive scientific study declaring pumpkin seeds a hair-growth miracle cure, the evidence suggests they might play a supportive role.

Pumpkin Seeds for Hair Growth

One study published in the journal “Experimental Dermatology” in 2014 explored the effects of pumpkin seed oil on male pattern hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia.

Men with moderate hair loss were divided into two groups, one receiving daily doses of pumpkin seed oil and the other a placebo. After 24 weeks, the pumpkin seed oil group exhibited a significant increase in hair count compared to the placebo group.

While this study offers intriguing results, it’s important to acknowledge limitations. Firstly, the study focused only on male pattern hair loss, leaving the effectiveness for other hair loss types unclear. Second, more extensive research is needed to confirm these findings.

A Nutritional Powerhouse for Scalp Health

Even if the direct evidence of pumpkin seeds for hair growth requires further investigation, their nutritional profile offers undeniable value for overall scalp health, which can indirectly impact hair growth.

Protein and Amino Acids

Pumpkin seeds boast a rich source of plant-based protein, containing essential amino acids like arginine, glutamine, and cystine.

These building blocks are crucial for the formation and structure of hair proteins, such as keratin. Adequate protein intake is vital for maintaining healthy hair and preventing excessive shedding.


Often dubbed the “hair mineral,” zinc plays a critical role in protein synthesis, cell division, and hormone regulation, all of which influence hair growth cycles.

Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of zinc, making them a potential ally in combating zinc deficiency, a factor linked to hair loss and poor hair quality.


Iron deficiency can lead to hair loss and thinning.

Hair follicles require an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients to function optimally. That’s where your body needs iron to supply nutrients to cells.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in iron, a vital component of hemoglobin responsible for oxygen supply in the blood.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids

These essential fatty acids found in pumpkin seeds nourish hair follicles, promote blood circulation to the scalp, and potentially reduce inflammation, which can contribute to hair loss.

Vitamin C

Pumpkin seeds contain a decent amount of vitamin C, an antioxidant that aids in iron absorption and promotes collagen production. Collagen, a structural protein, plays a vital role in hair strength and growth.

While the nutrients in pumpkin seeds hold promise for hair growth, hair loss can stem from various factors, including:

  • Genetics
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Stress
  • Medical conditions

Incorporating pumpkin seeds into a balanced diet can contribute to overall health and help with hair growth.

Conclusion: A Seed of Hope, But Not a Plant of Growth

No doubt, pepitas are nutrient-dense and can create a foundation for promoting hair growth and preventing excessive shedding. But they are not a magic pill for hair growth.

If you suffer from hair loss and are looking for a solution that delivers results right from the word go, then consider scalp micropigmentation. Getting SMP done by experts is the right approach.

So where should you go to find them?

Well, you can find the best scalp practitioners in Arizona at DermiMatch Clinic, who can deliver the expected results by using their skills to hide scalp problems.

scalp micropigmentation

Do Vitamins in Hair Growth Work?

While vitamin pills for hair loss are marketed as a potential solution to the problem, their effectiveness is limited. What’s more, vitamin supplements work only if they address the root cause of the hair loss problem. Additionally, they are not a magic pill for hair loss and do not produce overnight results either. But let’s explore the role of vitamins in hair growth below.

The Role of Vitamins in Hair Growth

Hair is a complex structure that requires a variety of nutrients for proper growth and maintenance. No doubt, certain vitamins are crucial for hair growth, their effectiveness as a hair loss therapy depends on the cause of the problem.

Here are some crucial vitamins in hair growth:

Biotin or Vitamin B7 or hair vitamin

Biotin is involved in the production of hair protein, keratin, which makes up the structure of hair.

While biotin deficiency can cause hair loss, but if you are not deficient in biotin and still suffer hair shedding biotin supplementation may not help.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help in the absorption of iron in the body, which is crucial to hair growth. But popping vitamin C pills unnecessarily may not help hair problems. Although C vitamin plays a role in collagen production, it is not the sole solution to the problem.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can also cause hair shedding so much so that it may result in alopecia areata. This reinforces the role of vitamins in hair growth.

However, there is no established relationship between vitamin D supplementation and hair growth.


Iron supplementation may not be the solution unless your hair loss is caused by iron deficiency. Although it is crucial for the production of hair cell protein and the proper oxygenation of follicles, you don’t need to choose iron for hair growth if you are not deficient in folic acid.

Limitations of Vitamins in Hair Growth

While vitamin supplements can potentially support hair growth by addressing nutrient deficiencies, there are limitations.

Underlying Causes

For hair loss conditions caused by hormonal imbalances, autoimmune disorders, genetic factors, or medications, vitamin supplements alone may not provide a significant solution.

Absorption and Bioavailability

The effectiveness of vitamin supplements depends on their absorption and bioavailability in the body, which can be influenced by various factors such as age, health conditions, and interactions with other medications or supplements.

Excessive Intake

Certain vitamins, including fat-soluble vitamins, can lead to adverse side effects if taken in more than the recommended amount or for a prolonged period. The result could be increased hair loss.

While vitamins play a role in supporting hair growth, their effectiveness as a standalone solution for hair loss is limited. Therefore, it’s important to address the underlying causes of hair loss.

Scalp Micropigmentation: A Viable Solution

For individuals experiencing significant hair loss, the non-invasive scalp micropigmentation can be an alternative. SMP is a cosmetic procedure that involves implanting pigment into the scalp to create the look of hair follicles, resulting in a natural-looking hairline.

It is a non-surgical procedure that requires no scalpels or stitches, unlike a hair transplant. That is why many clients do not experience pain or discomfort and have a quicker recovery time.

Besides, when a scalp expert performs the procedure, the result is more likely natural-looking and realistic. What’s more, it is a low-maintenance procedure that requires little aftercare.

But in order to enjoy the best SMP results, it might help to go with scalp experts in Arizona. DermiMatch Clinic has a team of skilled SMP practitioners in Arizona who have earned a reputation for their scalp micropigmentation skills and experience. Happy clients are happy to recommend their services.

What are you waiting for?

Schedule a consultation with Arizona’s top scalp technicians.

scalp micropigmentation

Is Diet-Induced Hair Loss A Reality?

Yes, diet and hair loss are connected. In fact, diet-induced hair loss is a reality. Your diet can affect your hairline and overall hair health. Several studies have shown a connection between nutrient deficiencies and hair loss or thinning hair, including a receding hairline.

Causes of diet-induced hair loss

Protein deficiency

Since hair is made up of a protein known as keratin, deficiency can lead to hair loss, including a receding hairline. A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that patients with diffuse hair loss had significantly lower protein levels compared to those without hair loss.

Iron deficiency

Iron is essential for carrying oxygen to hair follicles. A study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that women with iron deficiency anemia suffered from a higher rate of hair loss.

Zinc deficiency

Zinc plays a crucial role in hair growth and repair. A study in the Annals of Dermatology found that zinc supplementation improved hair growth in people with temporary hair loss caused by zinc deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D receptors are present in hair follicles, and a deficiency can disrupt the hair growth cycle. A study in the British Journal of Dermatology found that women with female pattern hair loss (including hairline recession) had lower vitamin D levels than those without hair loss.

Biotin or vitamin B7 deficiency

Biotin is a B-complex vitamin that helps promote healthy hair growth. A small study showed that biotin supplements improved hair growth in participants with temporary hair loss.

Crash diets

Severe calorie restriction can trigger telogen effluvium, a temporary form of hair loss. When calorie intake is drastically reduced, the body prioritizes essential functions over hair growth.

Severe calorie restriction in crash diets, such as keto, can lead to nutrient deficiencies and disrupt the hair growth cycle. When hair growth is disrupted, hair loss is predictable.

Is Diet The Solution?

While diet can impact overall hair loss, the specific effect on your hairline remains unclear. Hair loss patterns, including receding hairlines, are often influenced by genetics and hormones like testosterone.  However, some studies suggest that nutritional deficiencies can worsen existing hair loss patterns, potentially making a receding hairline more noticeable.

No doubt, a healthy diet is crucial to a healthy you.

But in many cases, diet alone is not a solution to hair loss. Many causes of hair loss can trigger hair shedding, and diet may not help.

So scalp micropigmentation can be an alternative to addressing hair loss, regardless of the cause.

SMP is non-invasive and minimally disruptive. The process involves using microneedles to deposit pigment into the scalp and is relatively painless.

SMP results are visible almost immediately after the procedure. You’ll see a fuller head of hair without waiting for transplanted hair to grow.

Hair transplants might not be suitable for all hair loss patterns, but SMP sounds like a better alternative.

However, it works only when an experienced and skilled Arizona SMP practitioner performs the procedure. Getting SMP from a tattoo artist might turn out to be a nightmare experience. Find Arizona SMP experts at DermiMatch Clinic.

scalp micropigmentation

Lack of Sleep and Hair Loss: Exploring the Evidence

Millions of us struggle with chronic sleep deprivation, and the consequences extend far beyond daytime fatigue and irritability. One potential concern, particularly for those already experiencing hair issues, is the link between sleep and hair loss. While the answer isn’t as straightforward as some might hope, emerging research paints a complex picture suggesting sleep disturbances can contribute to hair loss in certain scenarios.

Exploring Sleep and Hair Loss

How Sleep Affects The Hair Growth Cycle

Hair follicles undergo three cyclical phases – anagen (active growth), catagen (transition/cessation of growth), and telogen (resting/shedding). This process relies on body rhythms and hormones like melatonin and cortisol, which are intrinsically tied to sleep patterns.

Disrupting sleep potentially alters these hormonal environments and growth cycles. Preliminary research shows: 

  • Sleep deprivation lowered melatonin levels and elevated cortisol, linked to premature catagen shifts
  • Chronic sleeplessness correlated to increased self-reported hair shedding/loss in women
  • Sleep deprived mice exhibited hair cycle abnormalities and loss

While correlations exist, direct causal evidence remains limited. Nonetheless, plausible mechanisms center on depleted growth factors and inflammation from poor sleep damaging follicles.

Recommendations For Those With Sleep and Hair Loss Concerns

– Optimizing sleep duration and consistency

– Managing stressors that disrupt sleep

– Having hair loss evaluated by a dermatology/trichology professional

– Ruling out other potential causal hair loss factors, including nutrition, medications, disease 

In summary, while the sleep-hair loss connection awaits definitive study, improving sleep habits is a reasonable precaution for those bothered by thinning hair. As always, consult a doctor for any ongoing concerns.

A 2016 study published in the “Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology” found that women with chronic sleep deprivation (less than 6 hours per night) were more likely to report female hair loss compared to those with adequate sleep (7-8 hours).

A 2017 “Archives of Dermatological Research” study observed that chronic sleep deprivation in mice disrupted hair follicle cycling and accelerated hair loss.

A 2019 “Sleep Medicine Reviews” review compiled evidence suggesting sleep disturbances like insomnia and sleep apnea can trigger telogen effluvium and other hair loss conditions.

However, it’s important to note that these studies mainly establish correlations, not definitive cause-and-effect relationships. More research is needed to fully understand the complex mechanisms at play and individual variations in susceptibility.

Beyond Correlational Evidence

While the exact mechanisms linking sleep and hair loss are still under investigation, some theories hold promise. One study published in the “Journal of Investigative Dermatology” suggests that sleep deprivation might impair the production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a protein crucial for hair follicle growth and health. Chronic sleep disturbances could also lead to inflammation throughout the body, potentially affecting hair follicles.

Addressing Sleep and Hair Loss

So, if you’re experiencing hair loss and suspect sleep deficiencies might be playing a role, what can you do?

Prioritize sleep hygiene

Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night by establishing a regular sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimizing your sleep environment.

Manage stress

Chronic stress is a known trigger for hair loss and is often exacerbated by sleep deprivation. Implementing stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness, yoga, or deep breathing can be beneficial.

Consult a healthcare professional.

If you’re concerned about hair loss, seek professional advice from a dermatologist or trichologist. They can assess your situation, rule out other potential causes, and recommend personalized treatment plans.

What else can be done?

While lack of sleep might not be the sole culprit for hair loss in every case, it’s undoubtedly a contributing factor for some individuals. By prioritizing sleep hygiene, managing stress, and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can address your hair loss concerns and promote overall well-being.

If hair loss continues to be stressful, look for ways to camouflage it. Scalp micropigmentation is one of the safest ways to hide your scalp problems. It is a permanent solution to your hair loss woes. Seek professional help when it comes to scalp micropigmentation in Arizona.

Only scalp experts in Arizona can help you find the solution you seek. DermiMatch Clinic SMP professionals have expertise in scalp micropigmentation and can help you achieve the look you desire. Overcome hair loss blues now by talking to scalp experts.

scalp micropigmentation

Exploring the Link Between Seasonal Affective Disorder and Hair Loss

The changing season for some brings along a darker secret. It ushers in the arrival of Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. Unfortunately, this cyclical depression resulting from dwindling sunlight can adversely impact mood and energy. Besides, it may trigger hair loss. let’s explore this connection between seasonal affective disorder and hair loss and understand the protective role of sun.

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Hair Loss: The Connection

Daylight regulates our circadian rhythm, charging our hormones. Unfortunately, shortened daylight hours in the winter season disrupt this intricate balance, resulting in decreased serotonin production. Serotonin is crucial in mood regulation, assisting sleep patterns and promoting hair growth.

When serotonin production is affected, SAD sets in. Clinical depression brings such symptoms as extreme fatigue, low mood, loss of interest, appetite suppression, and changes in sleep patterns. Such emotional turmoil causes a cascade of stress hormones, which disrupt the hair growth cycle and push follicles into the resting phase. This premature shift of follicles results in increased shedding.

Hair Loss in SAD

Different types of hair loss happen when you suffer from SAD.

Diffuse thinning

As a result of SAD, you might experience a gradual decrease in hair density all over the scalp.

Alopecia areata

Stress can trigger an autoimmune disorder, alopecia areata, resulting in patchy hair loss.

Telogen effluvium

Stress can trigger hair loss in more ways than one. A stressful event can suddenly push many follicles into the resting phase. As a result, you are more likely to experience sudden and noticeable hair loss.

Treating the Condition

Though Seasonal affective disorder and hair loss are connected, the good news is that the condition might improve as the days lengthen and sunlight increases. As a result of improvement in sunlight, natural serotonin production resumes. With that, you can experience an improvement in hair loss. However, hair growth won’t resume overnight. It may take a few months for things to normalize.

Additionally, you may try stress management techniques to combat the harmful effects of stress on hair loss. Ensure an adequate intake of nutrients to support healthy hair growth.

Hair loss associated with SAD is a distressing experience, but you can overcome the fear of living with hair loss during this emotional state by choosing hair growth treatments.

Can SMP Help?

Scalp micropigmentation, for example, is a non-invasive hair loss therapy for those with different forms of hair loss. it could be a receding hairline, thinning hair, or pattern baldness.

SMP comes to the rescue in every case. If you are suffering from seasonal affective disorder and hair loss, try SMP.

It might help change your looks and give you the confidence to look and feel better since SMP effectively hides your seasonal shedding problem under the SMP pigment.  Get help from scalp experts in Arizona, who have a track record of performing non-surgical procedures on clients with similar problems.

Scalp professionals at DermiMatch Clinic are known for their expertise in scalp micropigmentation. Get help now. Schedule your consultation today.

scalp micropigmentation

Does Caffeine for Hair Work? Debunking Myths

In the endless quest for luscious locks, caffeine recently emerged as a stylish ingredient in shampoos, rinses, and serums. But before brewing a hair care regimen around coffee grounds and tea leaves, let’s analyze the science behind the java juice. Does caffeine for hair work?

Caffeine for Hair Growth

The allure of luscious, healthy hair fuels a constant search for new solutions. In recent years, caffeine has emerged as a trendy ingredient in shampoos, conditioners, and serums, touted for its potential to boost hair growth and combat thinning. But does caffeine for hair work?

Will caffeine help my hair grow?

Let’s explore how caffeine for hair works.

Go for caffeine for shinier hair

For dull, dry, and brittle hair, adding moisturizer to improve dullness and appearance is a good idea. That’s where a coffee rinse might come in handy to improve dullness, as it contains flavonoids that promote hair regeneration. With increased blood circulation, nutrients can move around and reach the roots, thus stimulating hair growth. Moreover, coffee’s moisture-locking effects help make hair smoother and more accessible to detangle.

Does caffeine block DHT?

The theory behind caffeine’s hair-boosting potential rests on its ability to block dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone. DHT is one of the major causes of hair loss in men and women. How does DHT affect hair?

It is blamed for its role in shrinking follicles, resulting in thinner, shorter strands. If it is left unaddressed, the condition could eventually result in baldness. Research claims that caffeine might inhibit the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT.

Is Caffeine As Effective As Minoxidil?

This java superstar boasts two potential superpowers for hair, as discussed already. It is an effective DHT disruptor and a blood circulation champion. In both roles, caffeine supports hair growth.

But Minoxidil works differently, stimulating hair growth by extending the “Grow Phase.” The hair loss treatment is known to stretch out the anagen phase. As a result, hair strands have more time to grow without falling.

While Minoxidil might be a winner between the two, caffeine isn’t out of the game yet, since it is natural and safe. Choose the option that works well for you for healthy hair. However, the problem with minoxidil is that the results are visible as long as the treatment is on. As soon as you end the treatment, the result disappears too, and hair fall begins again.

The problem with caffeine is that it might take time to show effective results, as nothing happens overnight. You may have to wait for months for the treatment to be effective. 

What to do if nothing works for hair loss?

Well, nourishing your hair with a balanced diet packed with macro and micronutrients is crucial in promoting hair health. Besides, you may want to get into a sleep pattern that also keeps your hair cycle happy. Sound sleep keeps stress at bay, which is critical for hair growth.

But if you want quick results and can’t wait to see the results of caffeine for hair growth, choose scalp micropigmentation in Arizona. The best Arizona SMP artists promise to create realistic results that appeal to clients and look natural. DermiMatch Clinic has some of the best scalp practitioners in the business.

scalp micropigmentation

Can You Prevent Hair Loss?

Well, if you are suffering from hair loss, you might think that is the end of the world because hair shedding hurts. You might look for anything and everything you can do to prevent hair loss.

Unfortunately, hereditary hair loss or fall induced by a specific medical problem or health disorder cannot be prevented. Besides, there are other types of hair loss, including chemotherapy hair loss, about which you can do nothing. But here are a few tips to reduce hair loss in other cases.

How to prevent hair loss?

While genetics cannot be altered, small lifestyle changes can help slow down hair loss if you follow them religiously.

Preserve hair health

Hair fashion is trending, and hairstyles like buns and ponytails, which damage hair follicles at the root if worn excessively tight or regularly, are widely popular. You would do better to limit wearing these hairstyles and avoid follicular harm, so your scalp has enough resting periods.

Nourish strands to prevent hair loss

Your body needs nutrition for growth. Similarly, your hair needs proteins for healthy growth. Unless your diet is rich in protein, B vitamins, Vitamins E, and minerals like iron and folate, you are depriving your hair of adequate nutrition for optimal growth.

Stress management is crucial

Manage life’s stresses, which can trigger hair loss. Stress is part of everyone’s life, but it can adversely affect your overall health and well-being and ruin hair health. To prevent hair loss, it is advised to manage stress through counseling, meditation, diet, and yoga.

Stay hydrated

Hydration is critical to hair health since hair shafts contain 25% water. Make sure you drink at least 4 to 8 cups of water daily to prevent dehydration, which can further trigger moisture loss from the scalp and cause hair loss.

Make healthy food choices

Dietary Improvements can have a significant effect on hair health. Consume lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and supplements to boost hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Avoid chemical exposure

Harsh chemicals, hair styling tools, and tight styles can damage follicles. Even the shampoos and conditioners should be chemical-free to avert damage to hair. Use mild shampoos and gentle handling for best results. 

Scalp Massage

Massage can improve blood flow and nutrient circulation to the scalp, stimulating hair growth. Scalp massage can help boost hair health and improve the quality of hair as well.

Hair treatments to prevent hair loss

Besides, if hair care tips do not work or produce quick results, you might want medical intervention. Various forms of hair loss treatments claim to help stimulate hair growth. For example, minoxidil, rogaine, and finasteride. These treatments are considered adequate as long as the therapy is on. As soon as the therapy is discontinued, the hair loss starts again. Moreover, there are hair loss treatment side effects.

Concealing Hair Loss in the Modern Age

For those distressed by hair loss, scalp micropigmentation is an innovative cosmetic solution that can renew self-confidence. This technique involves making tattoos using natural pigments on the scalp. During the treatment, a scalp technician aims to produce the look of closely buzzed stubble. It can effectively conceal hair loss.

SMP seeks to create a realistic appearance with tiny dotted pigments that mimic hair follicles. When a skilled SMP practitioner performs the procedure, they aim to customize the treatment and integrate the dots with existing hair to conceal thin spots or receding hairlines.

With SMP that realistically simulates hair, you no longer have to worry about hair loss if hair care does not produce the desired results. Get your confidence back with scalp micropigmentation.

The DM Advantage

Contact Arizona SMP experts at DermiMatch Clinic for a job done right the first time. Skilled scalp practitioners in Arizona can help camouflage your scalp problems without invasive techniques.

scalp micropigmentation

Male Baldness: At What Age Do Men Go Bald?

Male baldness seems like an unfortunate reality. Many men experience hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia, which is a form of male pattern baldness. The condition results from their sensitivity to DHT, primarily due to hereditary causes.

Over time, DHT will shrink and degrade hair follicles, causing the production of thinner strands of hair. Gradually, they stop production, resulting in bald patches.

If you are genetically predisposed to hair loss, the balding process begins as early as the 20s or in the late teen years. Initial subtle thinning around the temples becomes visible for some men in their late teens.  

Later Onset of Male Baldness

No doubt, balding starts early; not all men lose their hair young. Hair loss unfolds differently in each person, unique to the interaction of various environmental, genetic, and hormonal factors. It is better to catch the early signs and causes of baldness to curb the problem before it’s too late.

DHT binds to hormone receptors in follicles. As a result, they shrink over a period of time. Eventually, after years of thinning, the follicles stop producing healthy hair.

According to the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, genetic hair loss begins early, with 16% of surveyed men showing signs of balding around 18 years of age. The figure rises to 30% among men of 30 years of age. About 50% of men show signs of significant hair loss around 50.

The balding pattern begins with gradual thinning near the temples and crown. Gradually, the receding hairline takes on an M-shaped pattern as the balding spots spread and eventually join.

However, not all men experience baldness at an early age. The speed and severity of hair loss depend on various factors, including stress, age, and genetics.

Slowing & Preventing Progression

If baldness runs in your family, you, too, could experience genetic hair loss. The FDA has approved finasteride and minoxidil to prevent hair loss and baldness. The drugs block DHT, so blood circulation to shrunken hair follicles improves. When that happens, hair can regrow and thicken if applied early.

Topical minoxidil typically takes 2 to 4 months of application to show the effect on hair loss. however, excessive use could cause more hair loss and side effects. Besides, don’t be alarmed if you begin losing hair during the first 2 weeks of starting the medication. Initial hair shedding is a side effect of minoxidil use.

Is Minoxidil Better Than Finasteride?

Topical minoxidil is effective with regular use. But if you discontinue, hair loss may resume, and growth will subside. After discontinuing the medication, hair regrowth may stop completely after 3 to 4 months.

That means you need consistent use of the medication to see results.

What to do for Male Baldness?

Scalp micropigmentation might help if you are experiencing hereditary hair loss. But it is important to get help from top SMP professionals in Arizona who are skilled and experienced in scalp micropigmentation.

Arizona SMP artists at DermiMatch Clinic are experts in scalp micropigmentation and have helped thousands of clients overcome hair loss woes since the clinic’s inception.

Get help now if you are suffering from male baldness.


Caffeine for Hair Growth: Does It Work?

Caffeine has gained attention in hair care for its potential benefits in promoting hair growth. It is known to have a unique quality that enables its interaction with hair through the bloodstream, stimulating hair growth. So, does it actually help hair growth? Let’s explore this further.

How To Use Caffeine for Hair Growth

Caffeine is one of the most popular ingredients in skin and hair care products, from shampoos to topical creams, hair thickeners, styling gel, and mousse.

Stimulation of Follicles

Caffeine is known to stimulate follicles and improve blood circulation to the scalp. With better circulation, more nutrients and oxygen are delivered to hair follicles. This is thought to create an environment conducive to hair growth.

Inhibition of DHT

Research explains the role of caffeine in inhibiting the effects of DHT, reducing its impact on follicles and slowing down the progression of hair loss.

Extension of Anagen Phase

Regular use of caffeine can help stimulate hair growth. Caffeine helps prolong the anagen phase, which is the growth period of hair. As a result, the hair has an extended period of active growth, which delays the onset of the resting phase.

Reduction in inflammation

Caffeine for hair growth works since it is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce scalp inflammation and create a healthier hair growth environment.

Protection Against UV Radiation

Caffeine can protect your hair against ultraviolet radiation, which can otherwise damage the hair and scalp. The antioxidant properties of caffeine help neutralize free radicals, which can contribute to premature aging and harm the hair and scalp. Caffeine is known for its antioxidant activity, which may mitigate some of the oxidative stress from UV exposure.

You may use caffeine-infused shampoos, serums, and conditioners. Besides, caffeine-infused hair oils also help nourish the scalp.

Is Caffeine for Hair Loss Effective?

Well, individual responses vary, from person to person. Nothing works overnight. Caffeine is no exception. Regular and consistent use of caffeine is recommended. Making caffeine products a part of your hair care regime can help hair health. But it takes time and may or may not work.

The product may not be effective if you are suffering from hair loss due to a specific medical condition. In that case, hair loss might continue unless the illness is treated.

Similarly, certain medications cause hair loss. Unless you discontinue the medicine, hair loss may not stop.

What’s the Right Treatment for hair loss

If you seek an effective hair loss treatment, natural remedies, such as caffeine or rosemary, may not work. But scalp micropigmentation might help. The procedure helps hide scalp problems, such as hair thinning, receding hairline, and baldness. People with pattern baldness or hair loss can benefit significantly from scalp micropigmentation in Arizona.

Get help at DermiMatch Clinic if you are looking for experienced SMP artists in Arizona. Their team of scalp artists is the best in Arizona and has helped thousands of clients. Connect with Arizona scalp experts now and overcome the hair loss blues.

Are you ready?