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scalp micropigmentation

Hair Loss-Hair Color Link

There are different causes of hair loss. Hormonal imbalances, genetics, environmental factors, stress, health disorders, and certain cosmetic applications all combine to contribute to hair loss. Research blames hair color for hair loss in some individuals. Studies find that people with blonde hair are vulnerable to specific conditions due to low melanin production. As a result of melanin deficiency, you may be prone to hair fall. In such individuals, no hair restoration therapy can have permanent results. but SMP does offer some hope as it can camouflage bald spots or a receding hairline.

Ideally, the loss of hair in brunettes is in proportion to the number of strands on their scalp. The reason could be genetics or the effect of hair color interaction with the sun. That means someone born a natural brunette may be more prone to hair loss than other colors.

Do Hair Dyes Cause Hair Loss

Hair dyes can cause loss of hair by damaging the treated hair. Artificial hair dyes are composed of chemicals, such as ammonia, which can weaken the roots and contribute to hair fall. Although colors can’t reach the hair beneath the scalp, you may experience hair shedding if you opt for frequent coloring sessions.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, which are common ingredients in hair dyes, can weaken hair shafts in the telogen phase, resulting in breakage. Peroxide removes pigment from the hair, resulting in discoloring. Besides, it strips protein from the hair, which weakens hair shafts. As a result, hair breakage starts at the scalp.

If you want to minimize damage to the hair, it is best to reduce the number of treatment sessions to once in six weeks. No doubt, this won’t solve the hair shedding or graying problem. But it has the potential to reduce the shedding of hair.

How SMP can Help?

Well, whether you are suffering from hair loss or thinning hair, scalp micropigmentation looks promising. The procedure is simple and requires a couple of sessions for the scalp artist to recreate the look of a fuller head of hair. If you are suffering from hair fall or pattern baldness, then you can trust the top scalp artist for the job.

Experienced SMP technicians are aware of the role of scalp micropigmentation in hiding flaws and patches on the scalp that spoil the look. A scalp artist knows how to work on different hair loss conditions through their knowledge and experience.

The SMP Experts

Trust scalp practitioners who believe in customer care and satisfaction. They know how to work on a scalp with thinning hair or pattern baldness or a receding hairline. Top SMP artists are experts in 3D scalp micropigmentation that uses the best scalp ink to recreate the look of natural follicles.

Regardless of your hair color, the best scalp artist understands how you feel about the loss of hair. Excessive hair shedding can affect your self-esteem. DermiMatch has perfected the art of scalp micropigmentation to give you the desired look of a full head of hair. You can seek hair restoration treatment for brunette, blonde, or redheads as the scalp artist knows how best to match the SMP pigment with the natural hair color. So what are you still waiting for?

Get in touch with DermiMatch today and take the first step toward the look you have always desired.

scalp micropigmentation

Seasonal Hair Fall Tips

Does weather change cause seasonal hair fall? Well, when seasons change, you are likely to suffer hair fall. Although seasonal hair loss is normal in hot weather and late fall, it might trigger the panic button to look at your hairbrush, which cries out that all is not well with your scalp. Extra shedding in different seasons hurts, but it should not be a cause for panic.

In fact, sometimes the hair shedding spree continues for a long time long after the weather change. If you are suffering from hair fall due to changing weather, then you are surely looking for ways to revive your hair growth. You might lose more hair with a change in weather. When things don’t work out in your favor, you might look for a permanent solution to hair loss. Scalp micropigmentation is one such hair restoration procedure that can come in handy. Let’s see how.

Why Does Sesaonal Hair Fall Occur?

Which weather change causes more hair fall? Well, hair shedding is primarily excessive in the hot rainy season and chilling winters. The cold season causes hair loss due to moisture loss in the scalp. Dry air sucks out moisture from the scalp, resulting in a dry scalp. This results in dry hair, which is prone to breakage and hair fall. Additionally, the use of a hairdryer could worsen the situation and cause more hair shedding than normal.

There are some home remedies to reduce the shedding of hair and seasonal hair fall.

Oil massage

Massage your scalp in the winter. This will moisturize your hair, strengthen the roots, provide nutrients to the scalp, and help rein in hair shedding.  It is extremely relaxing to massage your hair. This will further help with oxygen and blood flow to the site, helping stimulate.

Focus on nutrition

A nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals can do wonders to your hair. This can help nourish your scalp from within and make it strong enough to fight the winter blues. Your hair needs protein for healthy growth. Add more protein to your diet to supply the scalp with nutrients to strengthen roots and stem hair shedding.

Remain stress-free

Practice meditation and stress-relieving techniques to manage stress and anxiety, which are often responsible for sesaonal hair loss.

Use a hair mask

Focus on scalp hydration even during the cold season. An occasional hair mask might work wonders for your scalp, prevent drying, and give your hair the strength to control breakage. Doing these things can make your hair seem a little more voluminous and if you do not make this it will make your hair flat, dull and lifeless by default in the winter season.

Scalp micropigmentation

If none of the aforementioned hair regrowth tips works, then you might want to look for a permanent hair restoration solution. Scalp micropigmentation is one such technique to hide some imperfections on your scalp, such as bald patches, thinning hair, receding hairline, and scars. You might be surprised to see how the best SMP practitioner can help transform those imperfections into a look of a fuller head of hair.

Get professional scalp micropigmentation help today. Connect with DermiMatch for the best SMP solution for seasonal hair fall.


Top Hair Loss Solution

If you are dealing with too much hair loss, there could be several reasons behind that. Unless you unlock the cause, you cannot get rid of it, right? You must have heard claims of coconut oil being the best hair loss solution available. Is it really effective as a treatment for hair loss, alopecia, receding hairline, and thinning hair? Well, coconut oil does help supply some nutrients to the scalp, since it is rich in good fatty acids. But it takes a lot of time to show results. Moreover, the results do not show up in every case, depending on the type of hair loss you are experiencing. Health scientists have too many reasons to dispute the effectiveness of coconut oil for hair. So what is the solution then? Well, if you seek a permanent cure for hair loss, then forget everything else and choose scalp micropigmentation in Phoenix Arizona.

What Does Research Say on Coconut Oil as Hair Loss Solution

While research does find proof that coconut oil can reduce the effects of protein loss in hair, there’s still doubt on the effectiveness of coconut oil on preventing male pattern baldness resulting from DHT.

One 2003 study found that coconut oil helps maintain protein levels in hair. You might be surprised to learn that frequent application of styling chemicals, over-brushing, and too much exposure to sunlight and wind might result in the loss of hair protein. No doubt, coconut oil is better than sunflower oil and safflower oil for hair loss. Coconut oil performs better than these two oils in terms of hair loss prevention.

While coconut oil can replenish your hair follicles, it is not a one-cure for hair loss. Its effectiveness might vary from person to person, depending on the extent and type of hair loss. If you are impressed with the claims of coconut oil for hair loss, you may want to use shampoos and hair care products that are formulated with coconut milk and oil. It not only smells good but also makes your hair feel soft and shiny. The best part is coconut oil as a hair loss solution is safe to use and does not cause any side effects.

But it takes time to show up results. If you are fighting serious hair loss in the form of thinning hair, alopecia areta, receding hairline, you may not want to wait for months or years for coconut oil to cover those visible signs of hair loss, which are ruining your looks and personality.

Bottom line

If you observe too much thinning of hair or fast receding hairline, you want to choose a quick-fix solution and not wait endlessly for results. Coconut oil may or may not help your hair loss problem. So instead of waiting for results that might not even show up, it is better to choose a permanent hair restoration solution.

Scalp micropigmentation in Phoenix Arizona gives you a permanent solution to hair loss. SMP helps recreate the look of hair follicles with the help of microneedles to implant matching pigment into the scalp. The best thing about SMP for hair loss is that it gives you a near-natural look so nobody can say you have undergone a hair loss procedure.


Scalp Micropigmentation – Adding the Hairline

So you’ve made the decision to schedule a consultation for scalp micropigmentation: what next? A common concern clients express when considering the procedure is whether the final result will look natural. The good news is, you have a considerable amount of control in that regard. There are a few things for you to assess prior to your appointment, to help your artist appropriately evaluate your goals.

First, we must understand the cause of hair loss: receding hairline or alopecia. Receding hairline, commonly referred to as “male pattern baldness”, is the thinning of hair around both the temples and the crown of the head- creating the appearance of a horseshoe hair pattern.The amount of thinness varies on the individual, and can be caused by aging, stress, diet, hormones, and various health issues. Similarly, alopecia- or “spot baldness”, is random balding throughout the body. The sizing of the baldness is about the size of a coin, and typically not permament. Knowing which catergory you fall into will help determine the density and placement of SMP follicle points needed. Next, there are two factors that dictate which look is most optimal: the depth and the shaping.

Depth is the spacing between the hairline and the glabella- the distinguising facial feature above the nose and between the eyebrows. A low hairline (from browline to hairline) spans between 2-3.2 inches (depending on gender). A medium hairline (most common) ranges anywhere from 3.5-4.5 inches. A high hairline is anything exceeding 4.5 inches.

The shaping is the placement of the front hairline, or centerpoint. Whereas some people prefer to have the centerpoint dip down slightly-creating two arches between the temples, others want the more popular “straight-edge”. A straight-edge approach attempts to mimic the look of a recent trip to the barber.

Overall, an important point to remember is that natural is best. If you had a widow’s peak prior to the hairloss, a similar hairline most likely compliments your particular face shape. However, your SMP artist should also provide valuable insight as to what will look right for you, based off look at your facial profile. For more information pertaining to this topic, please visit our DermiMatch tutorial video “How To Draw Hairliness”.


The Human Hair and SMP

The human head has on average about 2000 hairs per square inch. When thinning occurs, it can be depressing time, stigmas attached to alopecia, balding and premature ageing in both men and women can affect confidence. Scalp Micropigmentation can restore a completely bald head, with a look of fuller hair growth. During the procedure, a cartridge containing needles that work in symphony gently injects the keratin pigment into the second layer of skin in the scalp.

In Arizona, (Phoenix and Scottsdale) DermiMatch Hair Clinic is the best choice for scalp micro pigmentation. Here SMP artist Garrett Duell has perfected the technique combining most advanced technology with his experience and understanding the nitty gritty of tattooing and Scalp micropigmentation. Understanding the clients needs and requirements are something which is of utmost priority at DermiMatch.

 Changing lives and adding new dimensions towards people’s perception is priceless. Garrett Duell, known internationally as one of the best SMP artists, has made unimaginable into achievable for his clients. At DermiMatch, you can get back to your life, back to reality.


Arizona Scalp Micropigmentation Aftercare

This is a topic that feels necessary to cover, as what one does following each scalp micropigmentation session in Arizona is crucial to the overall success of the procedure. Although fading over time is both natural and inevitable, there are certain steps you- the client- can take to slow down the process and have a healthy scalp/skin in Arizona:

Day 1-7

Apply a post-care ointment- especially prior to showering- at least twice a day for the full seven days. There are several viable over-the-counter options, such as Neosporin, Aquaphor, or A & D. However, we have an aftercare ointment available for purchase on Amazon, eBay, and through our website. The brand is not as important, as it is to accelerate healing and reduce risk of infection.

Day 1-5

No sweating. This includes (but is not limited to) practicing sports, visits to the gym, swimming, hot saunas/bath/jacuzzis, prolonged outdoor sun exposure (those golfing sessions can wait!), and indoor tanning salons. Cutting out these rituals may temporarily pose an inconvenience on your social life, but we assure you it is well worth it. On the other hand, if you have a career that requires any of the aforementioned activities, we recommend you plan ahead to take time off work- at least for the initial healing period.

No soap. Rinse the scalp with only water, keeping the scalp away from being directly beneath the showerhead after getting scalp micropigmentation

Avoid picking, peeling, or scratching the micro pigmented areas. Although this may seem like common sense, touching the scalp is impulsive in human nature. We touch our heads constantly throughout the day, without even noticing. Try your hardest to be mindful of this behavior- which can both produce scarring and remove pigment.

Keep the skin clean. By this, we don’t mean using soap- rather avoiding cross-contamination of your skin from things/places known to harbor germs and bacteria (such as gyms, public restrooms, phones, swimming pools, etc). Treat the area as you would any other open wound or injury- as it is exactly that.

Smoking or drinking alcohol in excess. Both affect the immune system, therefore slowing the healing of wounds.

Day 5-7

Wash scalp lightly with soap and water. No exfoliation.

Remember: Your skin has been through considerable trauma. In order to deposit the pigment into the skin most effectively (into the dermis layer), the needles must first penetrate the outer epidermis (approximately 1mm thick). Doing so disturbs that protective barrier between the two layers, deeming it an open “wound”. By following the above instructions, you give yourself-and your skin- the best opportunity to heal and retain the new pigmentation. For more information on the scalp micropigmentation process, please visit our free DermiMatch YouTube tutorials.