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scalp micropigmentation

Food for hair growth: Which food will stop hair fall?

Hair loss is primarily related to aging, hormonal disturbance, medication side effects, certain medical illness, and heredity. There are different types of hair fall, and it hurts to see your hair shedding excessively. Now you are looking for the best type of food for hair growth. The question is whether there are any foods that stop hair fall. Or let’s put it this way – what foods stimulate hair growth?

Food for hair growth

The misery of hair loss affects almost everyone. By supplementing your diet with iron, folate, folic acid, magnesium, selenium, protein, zinc, and calcium, you can take a step toward healthy hair growth.

Here are the foods that pack a powerful punch of these proteins, vitamins, and minerals required for hair growth.


Packed with the goodness of protein, zinc, folate, and folic acid, legumes, and lentils are good food for hair growth. Zinc, folic acid, and protein are known to induce hair growth and strengthen and nourish follicles.


Here is a superfood for hair growth. Rich in protein, biotin, zinc, and selenium, eggs are one of the best foods for healthy hair. Boost the growth of healthy hair cells by increasing your intake of eggs that pack a powerful punch of protein. Biotin is known to play a role in the production of keratin.


Packed with vitamin A and beta carotene, carrots are good for your hair. They nourish the scalp and help keep the roots moisturized. Make carrots an essential part of your hair care diet. There are plenty of ways to include carrots in your dietary regime.


One of the best hair growth foods, spinach is immensely beneficial for hair. The greens are rich in vitamins, iron, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin C, making spinach an indispensable part of your hair growth regime. Another green that is rocking the hair care food market is amaranth, which is a superfood for hair growth, being rich in iron and amino acids.

Sweet potatoes food for hair growth

Like them or hate them, you cannot ignore sweet potatoes in your hair care diet. They help in absorbing Vitamin A, which is crucial for hair thickness. It also aids in the production of sebum and keeps hair healthy and moisturized.


There is no denying the fact that oats are a superfood, thanks to their nutritional profile. They pack a punch of essential minerals, such as zinc, iron, and even omega-6 fatty acids, all of which are essential for healthy hair and skin.


Avocado is an excellent source of Vitamin E, which aids in hair growth. Vitamin E deficiency can cause hair fall. So including avocado in your dietary regime is a great way to nourish your skin and hair.

Nuts & seeds are food for hair

Packed with all essential minerals and nutrients, nuts and seeds are superfoods in more ways than one. They are a great addition to your hair growth dietary regime, whether you are vegan or vegetarian. Zinc, vitamin E, magnesium, protein, selenium, and Omega 3 are some of the nutrients that make up the profile of nuts and seeds.

Are foods for hair growth the best option?

Unfortunately, even superfoods for hair growth do not work in all cases. You may not benefit from a dietary change if you are suffering from a medical ailment, medication side effect, stress, or hormonal disturbance.

So what is the best solution for hair loss in your case?

Scalp micropigmentation gives hope to all those people looking for a permanent solution for hair loss. Get in touch with the best Scottsdale SMP professionals at DermiMatch Clinic to find the right solution to your problem.

scalp micropigmentation

Is There a Permanent Solution to Hair Loss?

If hair loss is a cause for concern, then you are certainly looking for a solution that gives you permanent relief. True, you seek a permanent solution to hair loss. Ideally, you will find several hair loss solutions on the market. But do all work? Many might suggest you to go under the knife for permanent relief from hair loss. However, in some cases, this is not a life-long solution. What’s more, you may even experience pain during and after the procedure, which leaves you with scars and a long recovery period. You might end up popping painkillers to manage pain from the transplant surgery. all in all, the surgery might not result in a permanent solution to hair loss, especially if the cause of the problem is hereditary or linked to genetics. Some people suffer from medical problems and experience hair loss due to hormonal disturbance. In such cases, hair transplant may not give relief.

What about a permanent solution to hair loss?

There are several ways to stop hair loss. this includes natural and artificial. Of course, there are chemical treatments available but they do not promise to stop hair fall forever. The same goes for natural hair care therapies. There is no denying the fact that hair care is crucial to hair growth. But not everyone is lucky to benefit from dedicated hair care. Such people often suffer from hormonal imbalance problems that cause extreme hair shedding.

There are a few different lifelong medications that might trigger hair loss. unfortunately, they cannot stop taking the pills due to their medical condition.

For such people, a hair transplant is not the right way to go, especially as it is not a permanent solution to hair loss.

So what is the best way to treat the problem of hair loss?

Welcome SMP!

Spelled scalp micropigmentation, SMP is one of the most effective ways to treat hair loss. Although it is not a solution to hair loss, the technique can effectively conceal the problem under pigmented follicles.

Is SMP A Permanent Solution to Hair Loss?

SMP uses a specific pigment to create the appearance of natural hair. The reason it looks natural is when the best scalp artist performs the job. The whole process takes 2-3 sessions, where the SMP practitioner works to darken the dots. The SMP professional takes the scalp and hair color, and size of dots into consideration to achieve the desired result. Their goal is to achieve realistic results. An experienced scalp artist understands the need to achieve variation in tone and size for a more realistic look. Make sure you choose someone who has a deeper understanding of scalp micropigmentation as well as practical experience in performing SMP on clients.

The DermiMatch Edge

In fact, it is also important to look for someone who has performed SMP on clients with similar problems as yours. If they haven’t, you might end up with an unrealistic result that doesn’t solve the problem but makes it look worse.

DermiMatch Clinic is one of the leading names in the Arizona SMP world. Connect with the best scalp artists in Arizona to get help for hair loss. Here’s a permanent solution to hair loss that promises to transform your life for the better.

scalp micropigmentation

Biotin for Hair Loss: Does it Help?

If you love your hair but they are falling, you might be wondering if biotin for hair loss helps. Well, B vitamin is known to be good for hair and skin health. But does that mean it is your one-stop destination for hair loss? Perhaps not! No doubt, it contains essential proteins that are crucial for hair, skin, and nail health. It is not effective for one and all, especially if the root cause of the problem is genetic, stress, environment, or medical disorder. Some people lose hair due to specific treatments too, such as cancer and chemotherapy.

Does Biotin for Hair Loss Work?

Hair loss could be the result of certain medical conditions, such as endocrine disorders, hormonal disturbance, anemia, postpartum, age, and genetics. Additionally, your hair may start to fall if there is a problem with your gastrointestinal tract.

It’s important to understand the cause of hair loss. sometimes your diet could be at the root of the problem too. In such cases, it is crucial to include biotin in your diet. Biotin helps with the production of keratin, which may play a role in hair growth.

No doubt, biotin for hair loss can help grow hair and prevent balding. People suffering from alopecia may benefit from biotin supplementation as it may induce hair growth and help with inflammation.

How much biotin for hair is recommended?

An adult should not take more than 30 micrograms of biotin to combat hair loss. however, the doctor will determine the right dosage for each individual, depending on their condition, symptoms, and physical needs.

You can get biotin naturally from the following types of foods:

  • Egg
  • Beef liver
  • Salmon
  • Almonds
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Broccoli

What About Biotin shampoo?

There is not much research validation on the impact of biotin-infused shampoo on the growth of hair. Of course, using a biotin shampoo does no harm. So it’s ok to use a shampoo with biotin but don’t expect any magical growth of hair overnight. Such things take time.

Do not overdo biotin supplementation as it can cause allergic reactions or adverse events in some people. Biotin for hair growth may work for some people. But it is not a one-stop solution for everyone. In fact, your root cause of hair fall could be different from the other person. That means you may continue to suffer hair loss despite including biotin in your diet.

What’s the right hair solution?

When you are struggling with hair loss, there is no single fix to the problem. Something that works for one may not be the best choice for another fighting scalp problems. Scalp micropigmentation is a sure-shot technique to cover the hair shedding and scalp flaws you might be struggling with.

Get help for hair fall at DermiMatch Clinic and find the best scalp micropigmentation artists in Phoenix to fix your problem. SMP is not a hair growth solution but a cosmetic procedure to conceal scalp problems, such as alopecia, thinning hair, receding hairline, and baldness. Trust the DermiMatch Clinic SMP experts in Phoenix and get the best experience for hair loss.