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scalp micropigmentation

Thinning Hair: Will It Grow Back?

You are experiencing thinning hair and wondering if hair thinning can become thick again. Of course, you are also looking for an answer to the most common question: How long does it take for hair to grow back?

Hair can grow back if the root cause of the problem is diagnosed. There are many causes of thinning, including stress, nutrient deficiencies, pregnancy, postpartum, thyroid, and other nongenetic reasons. Finding the root cause of the problem is the first step to solving it.

Hair thinning is not baldness. But yes, it could be the first step toward that stage in some cases. While you can take back control of your hair health by managing stress and nutritional deficiencies, there are some factors that are not in your hands. For example, if your hair loss is blamed on your genes or hormonal problems, there is little you can do about them. Nevertheless, talking to a doctor can help.

Hair Thinning: Am I Going Bald?

Are you genetically predisposed to pattern baldness? Does it run in your family? If it does, then you are prone to it too.

Stressing too much about hair loss can further exacerbate hair loss and start a vicious cycle, where you lose hair and feel stressed and vice versa. It is important to engage in activities that you enjoy so you know how to manage stress.

Other Factors

If you are above 40, you are aging and you should not worry too much about hair thinning. But if you are losing hair and are yet to cross 35, hair loss might be a sign of balding.

Hair thinning might also be blamed on hormonal imbalance, medical problems, thyroid, vitamin and nutritional deficiency, and dramatic weight loss. While medications and dietary intervention can help in some cases, people with genetic causes may not find relief from thinning hair with medication. So does that mean these people will have to live with the stress of losing hair all their life? Or is there a way out?

Restore Your Hair With SMP

If you are feeling low in confidence and lack self-esteem because of thinning, it might be time to get help. Timely medical intervention is necessary. However, if the medication doesn’t help, there is still hope for scalp micropigmentation. SMP is like a ray of hope for those with thinning hair, baldness, and hair loss. The non-invasive hair restoration procedure can effectively cover the problem areas on the scalp and give you a youthful look.

The non-surgical hair loss treatment works best for people with thinning, receding hairline, pattern baldness, and hair loss. In fact, the procedure helps camouflage scalp scars too, which could be unsightly, tough, and a result of an injury or hair transplant surgery.

SMP in Scottsdale is a reliable option to cover scalp problems, especially for those looking for a non-surgical solution. DermiMatch Clinic scalp experts are the best in the Scottsdale SMP industry and have a history of helping patients with thinning hair get back their self-esteem. Schedule a consultation with top scalp practitioners today!

scalp micropigmentation

PCOS Hair Loss: Causes And Tips To Deal

Also known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, PCOS affects females. The condition does not affect all women but a few in their reproductive age. A woman with PCOS suffers from several symptoms. This includes irregular period, weight gain, hair growth on different parts of the body, increase in facial hair, and difficulty in conception. Another symptom that often goes ignored is hair loss or hair thinning.

Causes of PCOS Hair Loss

1. Male hormone

One of the main causes of hair loss in PCOS women is believed to be excessive production of male hormone or androgen that binds to the receptors in follicles. As a result, follicles start shrinking, and healthy hair is unable to survive. You tend to lose more hair in that case.

2. Thyroid hormone

A PCOS woman experiences lower production of hormones. When a hormonal balance is disrupted, it has a major impact on the thyroid and affects different body processes. This includes the growth and development of hair. Unfortunately, the condition only adds to the stress factors contributing to hair loss. In that case, there is no new hair growth to replace the fallen hair.

3. Stress

A woman with PCOS often experiences mood fluctuations. This can have a vice versa impact on stress. While stress can cause mood changes, the latter can result in increased stress. Higher stress levels can increase androgen in the female body, which can trigger PCOS hair loss.

4. Anemia

A PCOS woman may be anemic and have low ferritin levels. Ferritin is a protein essential for iron storage. A low level of ferritin makes a woman vulnerable to iron deficiency. As a result, they may experience excessive hair fall.

Iron helps the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to different cells. It is crucial to cellular growth and repair. Iron deficiency makes you prone to hair loss and shedding. But eating a healthy diet with iron-rich foods or supplementing your diet with iron can help correct the deficiency. This might help with hair loss too.

5. Nutritional deficiency

A woman with PCOS is at a high risk of nutritional deficiency. They are often found to be suffering from a lack of biotin, folate, iron, riboflavin, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, among others. Such nutritional deficiencies can cause an imbalance in the body and result in excessive hair shedding, besides other health complications in the long run

 A well-balanced diet is crucial to fulfill the body’s nutritional requirements. For example, unless you take vitamin C, your body cannot absorb iron in food. So it is important to supplement your iron intake with vitamin C to improve its absorption.

Bottom Line

No doubt, you can talk to your doctor about PCOS hair loss and get help. But if the sight of excessive hair shedding is not easy to digest, you may take to scalp micropigmentation to cover the scalp problems related to PCOS. The best practitioner of SMP in Phoenix knows how to deal with PCOS-caused hair loss in women. Additionally, they are considerate and can listen to the patient’s concerns and expectations and suggest the best treatment possible.

Consult with top Phoenix SMP artists at DermiMatch Clinic to address your PCOS hair loss problem.

scalp micropigmentation

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss, thinning hair, and receding hairline are different types of hair shedding, but you might be wondering what are the causes of hair loss. Hair loss affects all individuals. Sooner or later, you are likely to experience hair loss as you age. However, it is not only a part of aging but also caused by hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency, underlying health conditions, stress, environment, or taking too much vitamin A.

Age is one of the leading causes of hair loss

If you are aging, hair loss is a common part of the process. You should not worry too much about it. For age-related hair loss, there are a few options to prevent breakage further or cover up balding spots. Avoid overusing heat tools or curling irons. You may also want to avoid hairstyles that weaken roots or pull off hair.

Alopecia Areata is a cause too

An autoimmune skin disease, alopecia areata is responsible for hair loss. There are a few treatments for alopecia areata. This includes UV light therapy, topical treatments, or medications.

Anabolic Steroids

Many athletes use anabolic steroids to bulk up muscle. This is unfortunately one of the causes of hair loss in men. How do steroids cause hair loss? Steroids regulate the endocrine gland, which regulates hormones to help the body’s functioning and affect hair growth.

Hormonal imbalance

A change in hormonal balance could trigger hair loss. This happens in women during menopause and postpartum when hormones are imbalanced. Some contraceptives also trigger hair loss.

Iron deficiency

A low level of iron deficiency is one of the leading causes of hair loss. If you lack adequate iron in your body, it may cause all sorts of health issues. Anemia might show up in the form of hair loss, chest pain, fatigue, and shortness of breath.


Among the different causes of hair loss is an autoimmune condition, lupus. It causes the immune system to attack healthy cells and tissues. As a result, this affects all organs of the body, including skin, joints, blood vessels, heart, kidneys, brain, and lungs. A person suffering from lupus is more likely to experience hair loss and scarring on the scalp. Unfortunately, such type of hair loss may be permanent.

Specific Medications

Different drugs may trigger hair loss. This includes blood thinners, anti-depressants, and NSAIDs, among others.


Certain hairstyles may also trigger hair loss. The use of chemical relaxers for hair straightening can trigger the shedding of hair. Hair weaves, tight braids, corn rows, and hot oil treatments can be harsh on the hair and cause them to fall out.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS is a type of hormone imbalance, caused due to excess androgen. Hair loss is one of the side effects of PCOS. In fact, excess androgen may cause the production of more hair elsewhere in the body.

Protein Deficiency

The lack of protein in your diet is one of the many causes of hair loss. People who follow crash dieting often complain of hair loss. This is due to inadequate protein intake in their diets.


Stress is a major factor in hair loss. In fact, if you are experiencing chronic stress, you could be a victim of excessive hair shedding.

Too Much Vitamin A

While a lack of vitamins and minerals can cause hair loss, too much of certain nutrients may also contribute to excessive hair shedding. If you are deficient in biotin, vitamin D and B, you could be experiencing hair loss. But if you are overdoing vitamin A, it could have an adverse effect on you.

How to Check Causes of Hair Loss?

A proper diagnosis is always crucial when you are experiencing sudden or severe hair loss. This is important to find the root cause of your problem. Accordingly, the doctor can suggest treatment to treat the cause of the problem. Additionally, if you cannot wait for medicines to take effect and want a quick solution to the problem, consult with the top SMP practitioner in Arizona. Scalp micropigmentation may not solve your problem but the tattoo ink can camouflage hair loss so you can carry yourself with confidence. Talk to Arizona SMP experts today at DermiMatch Clinic.