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scalp micropigmentation

Do Vitamin Pills Stop Hair Loss?

Hair loss hurts individuals of all ages and genders. Both men and women hate the sight of their falling hair. As a result, many turn to vitamins and supplements, searching for a quick fix. But does that help? Do vitamin pills stop hair loss?

Well, while a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is crucial for overall hair health, the effectiveness of vitamin pills in stemming hair loss requires further research.

Vitamins Pills Stop Hair Loss

The role of vitamins and minerals in hair growth cannot be overlooked. Vitamins and minerals are essential to the body, including hair growth. Any vitamin and mineral deficiencies may trigger hair loss.

Iron deficiency can cause hair shedding. It is essential for carrying oxygen to cells, including hair follicles.

Biotin deficiency, also known as vitamin B7, can cause hair loss. It plays a crucial role in keratin production, the structural protein for hair. Deficiency can lead to hair loss, brittle nails, and skin rashes.

Zinc is crucial to scalp health, including hair growth, and deficiency may cause hair loss. It plays a role in protein synthesis and cell division, which are crucial for hair growth.

Similarly, Vitamin D insufficiency is linked to hair loss. Research suggests a potential role of vitamin D in hair follicle cycling and growth regulation.

Do Vitamin Pills Stop Hair Loss?

While certain vitamin deficiencies can lead to hair loss, simply taking vitamin supplements without a confirmed deficiency is unlikely to prevent or reverse existing hair loss in most cases.

High doses of certain vitamins may have adverse effects instead of benefits for hair growth. So, popping vitamin pills unnecessarily may not help your hair loss woes.

Scalp Micropigmentation: A Non-Invasive Alternative to Vitamin Pills for Hair Loss

While vitamin deficiencies can contribute to hair loss, vitamin pills are not a solution for preventing or reversing hair loss in most cases.

SMP has emerged as a non-invasive and permanent alternative for those seeking a solution to their hair loss concerns. The cosmetic tattooing procedure involves implanting pigment into the scalp to create the illusion of tiny hair follicles, providing a natural-looking solution for thinning hair or balding areas.

One of the most significant benefits of SMP is its immediate results. Unlike vitamin pills, which may take months to show results (if any), SMP provides an instant solution, helping restore confidence and self-esteem.

The technique is suitable for advanced stages of hair loss. Scalp micropigmentation offers a practical solution, creating the illusion of a full head of hair or a closely shaved look.

Unlike some hair loss medications or supplements, scalp micropigmentation does not carry the risk of adverse side effects when performed by a skilled and experienced practitioner. So, you should always get help from a skilled SMP practitioner in Scottsdale.

SMP Advantage

Well, DermiMatch Clinic in Scottsdale is well-known for its team of scalp experts. They have been creating natural-looking results for people suffering from hair loss of any type. You can trust the Scottsdale SMP practitioners for your scalp job.

scalp micropigmentation

Coconut Oil for Men’s Hair

So, you have been struggling with hair loss and looking for a solution to the problem. Coconut oil, lauded for its culinary and beauty uses, does fit in the criteria well as a natural alternative. It packs a punch when it comes to male hair care. Let’s explore some of the benefits of coconut oil for men’s hair.

Coconut oil for men’s hair is a Natural Moisturizer

If you are afraid of using harsh chemicals on your hair shaft, worry not. Coconut oil is the best moisturizer for hair care. Unlike harsh shampoos that strip away natural oils, coconut oil deeply nourishes the scalp and hair roots. It is rich in fatty acids that penetrate deeply into the follicles to moisturize and nourish the scalp, combating dryness and frizz.

Coconut oil is a Protein Powerhouse

Since your hair is primarily made of protein, it needs more protein for healthy growth. What better way to nourish your hair with extra protein than coconut oil? It is a natural source of lauric acid. The hair quickly absorbs it. So your hair can grow better without breakage. What’s more, lauric acid inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria on the scalp. So with regular use, you can enjoy a healthy scalp environment.

Coconut oil is your Scalp Savior from Dryness

If you often struggle with a dry scalp, coconut oil might rescue you! Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, coconut oil reduces irritation and soothes an irritated scalp. what’s more, regular massage helps promote scalp circulation. Massage helps stimulate blood flow to the scalp, thus delivering more nutrients to hair follicles.

Let coconut oil come to your Damage Defense

Using coconut oil for men’s hair growth regularly acts as your defense against environmental stressors like sun exposure and pollution that can wreak havoc on hair. Rich in antioxidants, coconut oil is a protective shield for hair that minimizes damage and keeps your hair youthful and vibrant.

Is Coconut Oil For Men’s Hair Growth A One-Cure-All

Well, it won’t be wrong to say that coconut oil is an excellent nourishment for hair growth, but it is not a panacea for all scalp problems. Addressing the underlying causes of hair loss, including dietary or nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, or stress, is crucial. Sometimes a medical condition could trigger hair loss.

Additionally, there is no conclusive evidence to prove the direct benefits of coconut oil for hair growth in men. Not only that, but the results are not the same for everyone.

Remember, coconut oil is not a one-fit-all solution for hair loss. its effectiveness may vary from one individual to another. Some people even claim that there is a potential for build-up of coconut oil due to its heavy texture, making it appear greasy and limp.

Unfortunately, it can clog hair follicles and exacerbate your hair loss problem. What’s more, all-natural remedies for hair growth do not work overnight. They are time-taking solutions that may take months or years to show proven results.

No doubt, coconut oil for men’s hair growth can be valuable for supporting healthy hair. However, it’s crucial to understand its limitations and manage expectations. If you are struggling with hair loss, scalp micropigmentation might be a solution.

The Best Hair Growth Alternative is Here

While SMP is not a solution for hair loss, it surely can be an effective technique to hide the scalp problems you are suffering from.

Getting help from expert Scottsdale SMP professionals is crucial for results. unless you hire the services of a scalp professional in Scottsdale, you cannot experience the best outcome. For realistic SMP results, consult with the leaders in scalp micropigmentation in Scottsdale, available at DermiMatch Clinic.

scalp micropigmentation

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?                             

While creatine may not directly cause hair loss, there is still an indirect connection. The supplement may affect the levels of DHT hormone, which is often blamed for hair loss. Creatine occurs naturally in the human body, though it can be consumed in supplement form, too.

How does DHT cause hair loss?

Since hair follicles undergo three primary processes – growth, resting, and shedding.

After the growth phase, your hair passes through the resting phase. Following this, the hair falls out. DHT can bind to specific follicle hormone receptors, leading to shortened growth cycles. As a result, hairs become thinner and shorter. This disturbs hair growth. Additionally, more hair is shed while hair growth slows down.

How does creatine relate to hair loss?

The hair-loss rumor linked to creatine stems from a 2009 study in which the subjects took creatine daily for three weeks. They were rugby players who were on creatine supplementation for muscle building. According to the study, a “statistically significant” increase in DHT resulted in shrunk hair follicles and increased hair thinning. The subjects also reported a shortened hair growth cycle.

However, following this research, other research-based studies concluded that it was merely a misconception since none of the subjects, aka rugby players, was found to have experienced hair loss due to creatine supplementation. The study also established that the DHT levels of all subjects “remained well within normal clinical limits” despite the increase. That means DHT levels did not go abnormally high.

So does creatine cause hair loss?

Creatine is a derivative of amino acid, which stores phosphocreatine molecules needed for muscle development. While there are plenty of creatine benefits, no conclusive evidence suggests its direct connection with hair loss.

Some research suggests that creatine may be a safe supplement for vegetarians whose diets don’t include meat.  Although the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t approve it as a drug, creatine is recognized as “Safe” by the FDA.

Besides, it is water soluble. That means excess won’t cause too much trouble as it would be flushed out. But always exercise caution when using supplements, and do not go beyond the prescribed dosage to be within safe limits.

More research is required to determine the connection between hair loss and creatine supplements.

Perfect Solution For Creatine Hair Loss?

If you fear hair loss is induced by creatine, you may consult your doctor. The problem is aggravated due to some other cause, not creatine.

Additionally, if hair loss sends shivers down your spine, you may want to try out a safe, permanent solution for hair loss.

Choose scalp micropigmentation or SMP to camouflage the signs of hair loss. it is one of the most innovative techniques to hide the effects of hair shedding, hair thinning, or receding hairline.

SMP creates the impression of a full head of hair, thus helping restore confidence in people troubled with hair loss. The procedure is non-invasive and has no side effects. Moreover, it helps people suffering from bald patches due to alopecia areata or inherited hair loss. It can even correct scars left by hair loss.

Get in touch with SMP Scottsdale experts for scalp micropigmentation. They have helped thousands of clients suffering from hair loss restore their self-confidence.

scalp micropigmentation

Does Taking Hair Loss Medication Come With Risks?

Is hair loss medication bad for you? What are the side effects of hair loss treatments or hair growth pills? Well, hair loss is a problem for most men and women. Hair loss treatment may work for some but is not immune from risk.

Is hair loss Medication worth it?

There are multiple hair loss triggers, from age to stress, genetics, hormonal imbalances, disease, medication, and nutritional deficiencies. Although hair loss medications might help, they may cause other problems.

Do hair loss drugs actually work?

Different treatments work differently and depend on your type of hair loss. It may take anywhere between three and six months for results to show up. While most people can easily bear hair loss drugs, side effects cannot be denied.

Post-finasteride syndrome

Men might suffer from lower libido due to finasteride side effects, which may cause erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, it has been linked with depression and, ultimately, suicide.

Hair shedding

Minoxidil can cause hair shedding in the initial months of treatment. It is a common symptom of hair loss treatment, though the hair shedding stops after a few months. Thereafter, you may experience hair growth for as long as you are taking minoxidil.


There is a risk of scalp scarring with hair transplants, which may further cause infection. A transplant may be painful and have other side effects. Recovery time from a transplant is long. You may have to deal with the side effects for a long period after a transplant.

Can You Naturally Regrow Hair Loss?

Well, there are a few ways to grow hair naturally. This includes using caffeine-based shampoos that help stimulate hair growth. Scalp massage is a good way to nourish the scalp and hair follicles so hair can grow better. Besides, the use of essential oils might help, too. Rosemary is particularly good for hair.  Again, natural cures do not work overnight. They are effective in certain cases and might take long to show desirable results.

Bottom Line

As with any treatment, side effects are common. It is better to research risk factors and side effects before switching to a medication therapy or hair loss treatment.

If you are struggling with hair loss and fear the side effects of hair loss treatment, you may want to switch to scalp micropigmentation.

It is one of the safest and most permanent solutions to hair loss. SMP is a non-invasive procedure that uses specialized pigments to create dots that mimic hair follicles. The purpose of SMP treatment in Scottsdale is to hide most scalp problems and hair loss.

This includes thinning hair or a receding hairline. If your hair loss is genetic, SMP is the best way to camouflage androgenetic alopecia and other types of baldness. However, only the best scalp artists know how to hide scalp flaws and create the results the client dreams of.

Scottsdale scalp professionals at DermiMatch Clinic are happy to help. With years of expertise in scalp micropigmentation, DermiMatch scalp artists have been helping those seeking an effective hair loss treatment find a permanent solution to their hair-shedding woes.

scalp micropigmentation

Can We Prevent Male Pattern Baldness?

Call it male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia, this type of hair loss is a genetic condition that affects men. Since it is a form of hereditary hair loss, there is no cure. However, you can take steps to slow down the progression of the condition. Let’s see what you can do in this regard.

How To Prevent Male Pattern Baldness


Certain medications can inhibit the action of DHT, which is responsible for male pattern baldness in many cases. Finasteride and minoxidil are two oral drugs that slow hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth.

Low-Level Laser Therapy

This technique uses light-emitting diodes or low-level lasers to stimulate hair follicles, promote growth, and reduce hair loss.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

A diet rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals can affect hair growth positively. Combined with regular exercise and stress management, it may prevent excessive hair loss. Besides, minimizing sun damage will help reduce hair loss.

Early Intervention to prevent male pattern baldness

When you spot hair loss, it is better to seek professional advice. Dermatologists can help diagnose the actual cause of the problem and advise on hair growth.

If you’re concerned about male pattern baldness, get personalized advice based on your specific situation.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for male pattern baldness, but you can delay the onset of a receding hairline by taking these steps.

Non-invasive treatments

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical hair loss treatment that helps conceal the signs and stigma of hair loss or pattern baldness. The treatment uses specialized tools and pigment to create the illusion of hair follicles. This is done to camouflage the signs of baldness and restore your confidence.

Is scalp micropigmentation useful to prevent male pattern baldness?

Natural remedies, like caffeine, may not be effective regarding hereditary hair loss. But SMP can.

SMP is not a treatment for pattern hair loss. But it helps conceal the effects so you can get back to life as usual without worrying about hair loss. The best thing about scalp micropigmentation is that it helps restore the hairline and create a realistic look.

SMP is a relatively low-maintenance hair loss treatment method. Minimal ongoing maintenance is required to keep SMP looking fresh. However, the effectiveness of the treatment depends on the expertise and skills of the scalp artist.

If you find a reliable, reputable, and experienced SMP professional in Scottsdale, trust the experts at DermiMatch Clinic. Get help from professional scalp practitioners who have been doing this for years and helping those with hair loss recover from the stigma of hair loss.

scalp micropigmentation

What Medications Cause Hair Loss?

Hair loss can be a distressing side effect of certain medications, which impacts your physical appearance as well as self-esteem. While medications treat various health conditions, they cause serious side effects. Certain medications cause hair loss. Let’s explore this below.

Do Medications Cause Hair Loss?

Chemotherapy Drugs

It’s quite common for chemotherapy patients to lose hair. Some cancer medications cause extreme hair loss. Though these medications target rapidly dividing cancer cells, they have an impact on other rapidly dividing cells, especially hair follicles. As a result, there is significant hair loss during chemotherapy treatment. Hair often begins to regrow once chemotherapy is over.


Some anticoagulants are linked to

. This includes heparin and warfarin. The exact mechanism is not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to the disruption of the normal growth cycle of hair follicles.


Antidepressant medications are linked to hair loss. There are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors that can make your hair fall.  The type of hair loss is known as telogen effluvium – a condition when certain conditions, such as illness, childbirth, surgery, bad food choices, mental stress, or medication stress your body. During this time, follicles enter the resting stage prematurely.

Since more follicles are in the resting phase, there is more hair shedding. This results in diffuse hair thinning all over the scalp.


Certain anticonvulsant medications used to manage epilepsy and other neurological conditions can trigger hair loss. These drugs affect the hair growth cycle. Hair loss is considered a common side effect of anticonvulsant drugs.


Hair loss is also associated with beta-blockers or high blood pressure medications. These medicines are thought to affect blood flow to the follicles and roots, thus affecting hair growth.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone medications cause hair loss. Medicines used in hormone replacement therapy can trigger hormonal changes, resulting in hair thinning and shedding.

Acne Medications Cause Hair Loss

Acne drugs, such as isotretinoin, are also blamed for hair loss. These medications can cause hair thinning or loss, depending on the dose. Although the risk of hair loss may be greater in aged people or those on higher doses. The hair cycle follows growth, transition, and resting phases. But people on Accutane or acne medications suffer from side effects. As a result, the drug is thought to stop the hair growth cycle, putting hair into the last phase. This causes more shedding.

True, certain medications cause hair loss. But in many cases, medications are a necessary evil, and you cannot ignore them. Luckily, a hair loss treatment is available for people experiencing medication-induced hair loss.

How Can SMP Help Medications Caused Hair Loss?

SMP works on all forms of hair loss. This includes medications caused hair loss. Getting help from a scalp expert is the best way to conceal the pain and trauma of hair loss. SMP professionals are trained in micropigmentation, which involves injecting specialized pigment into the scalp that creates the look of hair follicles.

But it is crucial to find a scalp expert in Scottsdale for scalp micropigmentation. Don’t trust tattoo artists for the job. They are no good for SMP. Scottsdale SMP professionals at DermiMatch Clinic are experts in scalp micropigmentation and have helped thousands of clients recover from hair loss.

scalp micropigmentation

Remedies for Thinning Hair in Women

A majority of women love their hair. After all, hair add to your personality, and you can style them in different ways to set a style statement. Unfortunately, thinning hair in women is a big problem. true, when a woman has to deal with thinning locks, it can be distressing. With age, the problem only aggravates, resulting in more shedding, widening bald patches, and decreased volume. No doubt, excessive hair loss can adversely affect your self-confidence.

Wondering what’s causing your hair to thin out? Do your genes have some role in this? What can you do to address this problem? Can a dermatologist help? Or should you see a beautician? Do you need to make any lifestyle changes to improve the thickness of your hair?

Perhaps you are looking for solutions to thinning hair as you want your locks to look fuller.

The good news is you will find numerous solutions to the problem. But on a side note, not all solutions are effective in addressing the real problem.

Use Volumizing Shampoos

There are hair shampoos and conditioners meant for fine or thinning hair. Such hair care products are formulated with specific ingredients to help add volume and make the hair appear thicker. You may want to look for shampoos containing such ingredients as collagen, biotin, protein, and other hair thickeners. But avoid anything with paraben.

Try Thickening Serums

When it comes to hair thinning in women, you want to try everything that can stimulate hair growth. That’s where some women end up trying products like Rogaine, which are formulated with minoxidil and are known to stimulate hair growth. Use carefully over thinning areas. In most cases, results are quick but stop when the treatment is discontinued. It is ideal for those with hereditary hair loss.

Use Styling Products to add Volume

There are temporary solutions to add volume. You may try to disguise thin spots by volumizing hair sprays, texturizing powders, and mousses. But these are only temporary solutions and will lose effectiveness quickly. That means you may need to keep applying these styling products occasionally.

Consider Hair Thickening Fibers

What about products like Toppik? Well, such hair-thickening keratin fibers help create the look of fuller hair. Again, these are temporary and stay only until shampooed.

Reduce Stress

If you suffer from chronic stress, you are more likely to experience elevated cortisol levels that can worsen hair loss and thinning. Practice stress management to lower stress and its impact on hair.

Eat a Hair Healthy Diet

Your diet plays a crucial role in determining your overall health and well-being. So make sure you get enough iron, protein, zinc, folate, and vitamins C and D to stimulate hair growth and boost hair health.

Try Scalp Micropigmentation for Thinning Hair in Women

While all the aforementioned solutions are temporary, you may want a permanent fix that you don’t have to bother about applying every day. Here enters scalp micropigmentation.

The cosmetic tattooing treatment is known as a scalp camouflage solution for hair thinning that uses microneedles to make tiny follicle-like dots. These dots mimic natural hair follicles and create a buzzed-hair look.

SMP is touted to be one of the most effective ways to hide scalp problems and disguise thinning spots. But it is critical to choose a scalp artist for the job. SMP experts alone can help create the look you desire.

Get in touch with the best Scottsdale SMP practitioners at DermiMatch Clinic. They have a track record of successful scalp micropigmentation on clients with different women hair loss problems. This includes treating thinning hair in women with scalp micropigmentation density treatment.

scalp micropigmentation

Research Finds the Stress Effect on Hair Loss

If your stress levels have been high for some time, then you are more likely to suffer from the stress effect on hair loss. When stress levels are high, it could mean more falling hair. Even research supports this claim that chronic stress can cause a significant amount of hair loss.

How Does Stress Effect on Hair Loss Happen?

The hair on your head follows three growth phases, and a majority of the follicles are in the growth phase. That means you do not realize you are losing hair when it is natural for some hair strands to fall off.  When follicles enter the telogen or resting phase, hair shedding starts.

However, there could be a sudden, abnormal shift of hair from the growth phase into the shedding stage due to an emotional stress episode.  As a result, hair transitions into the telogen phase

It could be any negative event in your life that causes you anxiety, emotional pain, and stress, resulting in hair shedding. The same happened during COVID-19.

One research study corroborates the stress effect on hair loss, claiming that stress disrupts the normal hair growth cycle and results in hair loss.

Diffuse Thinning

Telogen effluvium is associated with diffuse thinning. Someone with telogen effluvium may notice a sudden increase in hair shedding. It’s okay to shed 100-200 hair strands every day, but anything more than that is certainly abnormal.

This is not permanent if you focus on stress management. What’s more, the hair growth cycle should return to its pre-effluvium density after 6 months or so. However, the process of returning to normalcy is quite slow, and you may not see visible results any time soon. Hair growth does not happen overnight.

The study found that follicle stem cells stayed in the resting phase for a prolonged period without regenerating tissues. Besides, hair growth slows down so does hair density with age. Unfortunately, telogen effluvium mat become chronic and last for years or even a lifetime.

Worst still, there is no way to prevent an episode of telogen effluvium.

So that means you have to live with the stress effect on hair loss.

What is the Treatment for Stress-Induced Hair Loss?

Focus on stress management to release stress and support hair growth. Eating a balanced diet is crucial for hair growth. But it is not easy to get rid of stress. You cannot get rid of it overnight. It’s a long process. If you are not ready to live with the stress effect on hair loss and still cannot learn to manage stress, look for ways to hide diffuse thinning.

What better way to camouflage scalp problems than scalp micropigmentation?

SMP is a non-invasive treatment for hair loss that conceals scalp problems, such as diffuse thinning, pattern baldness, and receding hairline.

However, the results may vary depending on the skill level of the SMP practitioner. A tattoo artist is not the right person for the job. Get in touch with scalp experts in Scottsdale, who have the experience as well as skills to do the job perfectly the first time.

Schedule a consultation with top Scottsdale SMP practitioners at DermiMatch Clinic. They have a proven track record for delivering results.

scalp micropigmentation

What Does Research Say About Vitamin Deficiency and Hair Loss

Okay, so you are already aware that hair loss is a reality, and many men and women experience it all through their lives. But when everyone suffers from hair loss, why fuss about it? Well, the reason is simple. In some cases, hair fall is extreme, and it often goes to the extent of baldness. If hair shedding is from vitamin or nutritional deficiency, it is reversible. Let’s explore if there is a connection between vitamin deficiency and hair loss.

Is Vitamin Deficiency and Hair Loss Connected?

Can vitamin deficiency affect hair? Well, hair loss is common and might be triggered by vitamin deficiency.  A variety of factors can trigger hair loss, of which deficiency of vitamins is one. The lack of biotin or vitamin B7 can cause hair fall. The body needs vitamin B7 to convert food into energy. Although it is a rare deficiency, it often results in brittle, splitting, and thinning hair and nails.

Additionally, the body does not synthesize Vitamin B12, which is essential to the normal functioning of cells, including that of hair follicles. So that means you need to replenish it through food. Vitamin B12 deficiencies can cause hair loss.

Is B12 deficiency hair loss reversible?

Yes, if your hair loss is only due to a deficiency of B12, it can be reversed once you treat the deficiency and restore vitamin B12. This helps in the replication of hair cells and support the growth of healthy hair.

Research finds that deficiency of folate, riboflavin, and biotin, apart from vitamin B12, can trigger hair loss. Supplementation with vitamin B12 may mimic the look of fuller and thicker hair. B12 improves the supply of oxygen to hair follicles. This stimulates hair growth. Besides, Vitamin B12 may help make your hair stronger and healthier.

Which Vitamin is Good for Hair?

Biotin or vitamin B7 (vitamin H), is extremely good for hair growth. It can help in the formation of red blood cells that supply nutrients along with oxygen to the scalp and hair follicles.

Vitamin H helps in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and amino acids in the body, which further helps strengthen hair and nails. But since it is a water-soluble vitamin, the body cannot store it.

Although a deficiency in B12 may cause loss of hair, research does not suggest B12 supplementation for people without deficiency. It may work for those with deficiency alone.

That means hair growth with vitamin supplementation only helps in cases of vitamin deficiency.

How to prevent hair loss?

If you are wondering how to thicken hair, then focus on making healthy dietary, lifestyle choices along with a dedicated hair care regime.

Adding more protein in your diet is one of the right ways to reduce hair loss induced by nutritional deficiencies. You do not want to fall into the trap of fad diets at any cost.

Despite your hair care and dietary regimen, you may still experience hair loss for various other causes, including hormonal disturbance, stress, medication side effects, hereditary reasons, and thyroid, among others.

In such cases, it is not easy to reverse hair loss until you focus on treating the root cause.

So, what can you do if one of these factors is responsible for your hair loss?

Well, trust scalp micropigmentation in such cases. The procedure can help conceal your hair and scalp problems. It helps improve your self-confidence in your looks.

But trust only skilled scalp experts, who are known for their skills in creating hairlines that suit you best. Do not fall into the trap of tattoo artists. Their job is not SMP but body art. There’s a huge difference in their job profiles, too.

Get help at DermiMatch Clinic if you are unable to find the best Scottsdale SMP practitioners.

scalp micropigmentation

Thinning Hair in Women: Causes & Remedies

Thinning hair in women is as much a common problem as it is in men. While men may go bald with hair thinning, women may not suffer the same fate. But women hair thinning is still a serious problem for them.

Understanding Hair Thinning

There are many causes for hair loss. You may lose hair regularly due to the natural hair growth cycle, which has three main stages.

Anagen or growth phase: What is the anagen growth phase? The stage, as its name suggests, is the hair growth phase.

How long does hair stay in anagen phase? The stage may last two to eight years as there is rapid cell division in the hair bulb and dermal papilla. As a result, new hair grows from the scalp.

Catagen or transitional phase: It is a short phase that lasts 2-3 weeks since it is a transition from growth when the hair is preparing to shed.

Telogen stage: The third hair growth phase when the hair falls off from the follicle. After the hair sheds, the follicle enters the stage of dormancy for three months. This dormancy phase ends when a new hair starts to grow.

What is the difference between telogen and anagen?

Anagen hair is growing. It is stronger, darker, and more pigmented since hair in this growth phase have more melanin. But when hair reach telogen, they become dormant and inactive. Compared with those in anagen phase, telogen hair are weaker and less pigmented.

Anagen are growing hair while telogen are resting or dormant.

How To Prevent Hair Thinning and Hair Loss?

Women dream of healthy, fuller hair. Unfortunately, the health of your hair depends on a range of factors, including hormone levels, genetics, diet, stress levels, and lifestyle. While some factors are not in your control, you can manage some others that can help control hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

Good nutrition

Balanced diet is essential to healthy hair growth. Focus on including more protein in your diet as your hair need protein for growth. Also include iron, Vitamin D & C, folate, and B12 in your diet for healthy growth of hair.

Stress management for women hair thinning

Stress can have a toll on your hair as well. Stress-induced hair loss, also known as telogen effluvium, is a condition when hair falls out quickly from touching, combing, or washing. In the case of women, hair thinning is also blamed on stress. During this phase, hair loss could be extreme. As a result, hair thinning is quick too.

Alopecia areata

Women who have a family history of hair loss may experience it too. The condition is the result of the body’s immune system attacking hair follicles, resulting in hair loss or thinning hair. While you cannot do much about this type of hair loss, try to manage stress and care for your hair.

Hair care

Avoid using harsh chemicals on your hair. Remember, environmental stressors and chemical products can ruin hair growth. Healthy hair care starts with picking the right products for hair growth. This includes shampoo, conditioner, and oil. Besides, hair styling also affects hair growth. Using a lot of tight hair styles can contribute to hair fall. You may also want to avoid using hot water and hair dryers, which makes hair prone to damage.

Where’s the Solution to Women Hair Thinning?

If you believe you’re losing more hair at a faster pace and nothing seems to help, get in touch with top Scottsdale SMP providers. The best scalp artist understands how hair loss affects your self-esteem and confidence. They have the skills and expertise needed to resolve your hair loss problem.

Get help at DermiMatch Clinic in Scottsdale for women hair thinning today!