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scalp micropigmentation

What is DHT Hair Loss?

There’s nobody who likes to see their hair fall. Unfortunately, hair loss is a common problem for men and women. The levels of  DHT or dihydro-testosterone can affect hair growth and increase hair fall. Let’s explore DHT hair loss.

Does DHT Cause Hair Loss?

Too much DHT is bad, but so is too little. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays a spoilsport in the nutrient supply to follicles. It prevents the supply and absorption of nutrients by hair follicles. As a result, hair follicles shrink and hair fall out. DHT is responsible for triggering male pattern baldness. Treatment for such hair loss is more about blocking or inhibiting DHT to prevent hair loss. Usually, the treatment is to reduce the presence of 5-AR, so not much testosterone converts to DHT.

While many products are sold as DHT blockers, their effectiveness is not proven. Finasteride is touted to be the most effective treatment for DHT hair loss. It is thought to combat the effects of DHT on follicles and is sold as tablets. You are required to take one pill every day for as long as you want to combat hair loss. But it is not a permanent cure, and hair loss begins once you stop taking finasteride.

Can you get rid of DHT?

It is not a good idea to block DHT completely. It is a part of the human body, which is naturally produced. Some dermatologists may prescribe a plaque technique to remove DHT. Doing so unblocks hair follicles so they get the nourishment they have been deprived of.

Platelet Rich Plasma

Doctors start the treatment by using DHT blockers to clear the scalp. Then they follow PRP treatment for hair growth. The treatment includes preparing platelet-rich plasma from the blood through a centrifugal process. The doctor injects PRP into the scalp. This provides essential nutrients to hair follicles. However, there are a few side effects, such as tissue damage, nerve injury, and infection, which can spoil the effectiveness of the treatment.

Is there a natural DHT Blocker?

Foods rich in lycopene might help in the case of DHT hair loss. This includes carrots, tomatoes, mangoes, and watermelons. You may want to include biotin-rich foods in your diet to strengthen hair. Fish, legumes, berries, and bananas contain biotin that conditions the scalp.

Should I choose SMP for DHT Hair Loss?

Scalp micropigmentation is a safe and effective hair restoration treatment. It works for those with pattern baldness, receding hairline, hair thinning, and scarring. The treatment conceals signs of hair loss and mimics the appearance of hair follicles, hiding the site of scalp problems under the SMP pigment.

It is undoubtedly one of the safest ways to treat DHT hair loss. But it is crucial to find a reputable scalp artist for the job. Do not trust tattoo artists. It would be a grave mistake to do so. Choose a skilled Scottsdale SMP practitioner, who has earned a name in the industry. DermiMatch Clinic is one such name that you can think of. Get in touch with scalp experts today.

scalp micropigmentation

Bald Head Care: What To Do?

Baldness isn’t too welcome among men and women. But if you have decided to embrace your bald scalp unless you find a real fix for the problem, it is important to take care of a bald head. A smooth, well-groomed scalp requires attention. So let’s see what are key bald head care essentials.

Don’t ditch the Shampoo as part of bald head care

Okay, so you have a bald scalp. Now that doesn’t give you the liberty to ditch the shampoo and conditioner. While there may be no hair, you want to make sure the scalp remains clean all the time. Of course, you don’t want it to become a breeding ground of germs, dirt, sweat, and oil. Besides, rinsing will help you get rid of clogged pores too. Using the right shampoo is the first step in the scalp care project.

Better still, get your hands on a paraben-free conditioner that helps keep the scalp soft, supple, and moisturized.

Shield it from UV rays

Now that your scalp is exposed to the elements, including the sun, you want to make sure you slather a good quality sunscreen to shield it from the dangers of ultraviolet rays. When it comes to taking care of a bald head, sun protection is crucial. Look for a sun shield that comes with at least SPF 30. Never walk out without a sun shield for optimal protection.

Invest in a Scalp Massage

Take care of your scalp with regular massage. This helps improve blood flow and distribute natural oils to the scalp. Massage is one way to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells. Additionally, it can help reduce the risk of razor bumps.

Keep it Hydrated

A hydrated scalp is a healthy scalp. Dry skin can result in flakiness and itching. Use a natural moisturizer that will become your scalp’s best friend and keep it hydrated, reduce dryness, and ensure it keeps looking its best.

Avoid products with harsh chemicals. You don’t want to invest in a product with a sharp fragrance either. Such products are laden with chemicals and can easily dry out the scalp.

Use the Right Razor for bald head care

You want to avoid cuts, ingrown hair, and razor bumps at any cost on a bald head. Using the right razor will help achieve a smooth shave. You may want to consider razors that offer a closer shave.

Consider SMP

No, there’s nothing to worry about a bald head unless you want a transformed look. No doubt, many men are embracing baldness and living happily with it. But not everyone can embrace the reality that they are bald. Luckily, scalp micropigmentation from DermiMatch Clinic can help transform your bald look into a buzz-cut one. Now you can live gracefully with baldness hidden under a clean, closely-shaved head, thanks to scalp micropigmentation in Arizona. The non-invasive procedure replicates the appearance of hair follicles and hides all types of scalp problems, from thinning hair to hair loss, scarring, and receding hairline. Get in touch with the best Arizona SMP artists today.

If you’re ready to take the first step in your bald head care project, reach out to DermiMatch Clinic for customized Arizona scalp micropigmentation services. With the right SMP aftercare, you can rock your new buzz-cut look.

scalp micropigmentation

Does SMP Look Good in Real Life?

Many people with hair loss, baldness, or thinning hair are unhappy with their scalp problems. They often look for a permanent solution to their hair loss woes. But most hair loss treatments are not effective enough to be a lasting solution to the problem. Luckily, scalp micropigmentation is. But many people wonder if SMP looks fake. Well, SMP is a procedure that involves concealing all types of hair loss, from thinning hair, receding hairline, baldness, and alopecia areata. Depending on the skills and experience of the scalp artist, the procedure produces natural-looking results.

How Does SMP Look?

The procedure involves the use of a fine needle to make tiny dots for applying a scalp tattoo. The goal is to create the look of short-cut hair or a “buzz cut,” also known as a stubble effect. SMP creates the appearance of a fuller head of hair that mimics dense growth beneath thinning hair. However, the most skilled SMP practitioner believes in creating a look that does not attract unwanted attention to the scalp. That means they aim to keep the scalp looking realistic and natural.

Professional scalp artists alone can ensure that SMP is done correctly.

Does Scalp Micropigmentation Look Fake?

Well, SMP look may not appear realistic when done incorrectly. What is incorrect SMP? Ideally, SMP must be performed by a trained scalp practitioner. But some people may fall into the trap of cheap tattoo artists who claim to perform scalp micropigmentation. Unfortunately, they do not know how to as SMP is different from body art and also uses a different set of tools. When the right scalp practitioner performs the procedure, it looks natural and effectively hides all scalp flaws, including hair transplant scars.

SMP has helped many men and women with hair loss woes regain their confidence to get rocking in public without the fear of looking bald.

Does SMP Look Real?

The best scalp artist will create a natural-looking hairline, filling in all the thinning gaps. They will focus on covering a receding hairline to create the appearance of dense hair with SMP pigment.

They draw out the hairline and focus on filling in the balding patches so that the appearance is natural. The best thing about SMP is that unless you reveal the secret of having done scalp micropigmentation, people cannot even notice. Though they can make out that you look younger than ever with that darker hairline, they cannot find the reality on their own.

Once the SMP results look realistic after treatment, clients no longer feel the need the hide their scalp flaws under hats, wigs, hair systems, or funny hairstyles. SMP gives them the confidence to feel confident about their looks again.

Phoenix SMP professionals at DermiMatch have undergone specialist training and experience before taking it up as a career. They are skilled in scalp micropigmentation to achieve a realistic look. The best SMP Phoenix technicians can help you resolve your hair loss problems with their skills and expertise. Get in touch with them today and take a step toward uncovering a new look. Are you ready?

scalp micropigmentation

Smoking and Hair Loss: What’s the Link?

Well, in simple words, the smoking and hair loss connection is not direct. But smoking can contribute to an array of conditions that could cause hair loss. this includes constricting blood vessels and slowing down blood circulation. As a result, the cell regeneration rate slows down as well.

The Link Between Smoking and Hair Loss

Now there is no direct connection between both. But as we have stated above, it would be a mistake to overlook the indirect link. Smoking causes blood vessels to shrink, thus reducing blood and nutrient supply to follicles. This is one of the causes of hair loss in smokers as the hair become weak.

How Smoking & Nicotine Affect Scalp

Long-term use of nicotine can cause hair shedding and thinning hair due to a reduction of blood flow to follicles. When follicles do not get an adequate supply of blood and nutrients, they start shrinking. As a result, hair becomes fragile and shed.

Research finds that smoking may cause hair shedding by vasoconstriction. In simple words, when you smoke regularly, DNA adducts are formed that are responsible for free radical damage to the follicle and causing hormonal changes. What’s more, smoking is also linked to raising DHT levels, which further makes you prone to hair loss.

Tobacco smoke produces solid and volatile gas particles, which may trigger hair loss. Nicotine and other metabolites can enter hair cells from vessels present at the base of the follicle. Researchers blame hair loss on the concentration of nicotine in the distal end of the hair as this causes longer exposure to environmental smoke.

Nicotine may cause a rise in androgen-dependent hair thinning. Smoking may result in higher androgen levels in the body, which could further cause an increase in testosterone.

Scalp Micropigmentation is a safe option for those experiencing hair loss and wondering about smoking and hair loss connection. The process involves applying pigments directly onto the scalp to cover thinning hairs. The goal of the treatment is to provide clients with a natural look so they can enjoy their looks without feeling disturbed at the sight of hair loss caused by nicotine-based products.

Will My Hair Grow Back If I Stop Smoking?

Well, you can expect to see less hair loss if yours was primarily blamed on cigarette smoking. So it is a good idea to quit smoking for hair as well as general health. Nicotine-based products do your body extreme harm and are to be blamed for many diseases, including cancer.

Scalp micropigmentation, on the other hand, is a minimally invasive procedure for hair loss and pattern baldness. DermiMatch Clinic offers the best Arizona SMP services for people suffering from any type of hair loss. they are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools to provide the best treatment for clients.

You can trust the top Arizona SMP practitioners at the clinic for your scalp micropigmentation job and rest assured that you will walk out with a big smile free from worries about hair thinning, receding hairline, or hair shedding. A few touch-up sessions will help keep your SMP fresh forever. So are you ready to take the first step toward a new you?

scalp micropigmentation

How to Shave Head with SMP?

Now that you have decided to choose scalp micropigmentation to conceal your hair loss problems, you may want to consider SMP aftercare tips. One question that often pops up in the minds of clients is: how to shave the head with SMP? In fact, shaving is a big deal for some people with SMP. But the beauty of the treatment is its low maintenance and of course, little upkeep. So let’s see how to go about shaving your head after scalp micropigmentation.

Tips To Shave Head with SMP

The beauty of the scalp micro pigmentation treatment is its low maintenance and little upkeep. After the procedure, you may need to shave your head 2-3 times a week to keep SMP looking fresh.

Get yourself a Trimmer

Pick the brand that works for you in getting a clean job done.

Clean the Trimmer for a safe job

You cannot overlook the need to keep the trimmer clean as it will be your best friend during shaving projects. Of course, you need it a few times per week. Dust off excess hair.

Angle the Trimmer for a better finish

When using the trimmer, you may want to angle it so the clipper glides against the hair.

Don’t forget to gently Stretch Skin while gliding

Without applying too much pressure, let the clipper do its job. it’s best to stretch the skin and glide to get a clean site to work with.

Go Against the Grain when you choose to shave the head with SMP

You can remove extra hair when you go against the grain. This guarantees a clean look and a symmetrical buzz.

To Go Over SMP Or Not

If you want your scalp micropigmentation treatment to look clean, you cannot ignore this step. Shave over SMP to clear up any peach fuzz.

When should you start shaving after SMP?

This is one of the most important questions and the most frequently asked in SMP circles. Clients don’t want their SMP to fade. They wonder if shaving is possible after scalp micropigmentation and how to go about it. Well, shaving is sometimes a necessity after SMP to make the scalp look fresh all the time.

Avoid touching your head immediately after the procedure. You don’t want to introduce any bacteria or germs to the newly pigmented scalp. The best SMP practitioners will advise you to wait for at least 4 days before shaving the scalp.

What shave is best for SMP?

You may want to choose a shaver that cuts closely to the scalp. The goal is to get a cleaner cut so the stubble looks like a shaved head. It is in your best interest to invest in quality razors to reduce the risk of skin irritation.

How often do you shave with SMP?

Your scalp artist will suggest a shaving routine. However, this depends on the speed of your hair growth. You may need to shave every 2-3 days. On a side note, the shorter you keep your hair, the less noticeable the SMP!

If you are still wondering whether you should shave the head after SMP, schedule a consultation with expert scalp artists at DermiMatch Clinic. The Phoenix SMP team at the clinic is the best in the industry.