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scalp micropigmentation

Male Pattern Baldness: A 7-Stage Journey

Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is a gradual thinning of hair on the scalp. The condition commonly affects the crown and temples. Unfortunately, it affects up to 50% of men by age 50 and 2/3rds by 30.

What’s the Cause of Male Pattern Baldness?

While genetics play a significant role, the exact cause is not known. However, it is thought to be caused by hormonal interplay and genetics.

The genes you inherit from your parents play a role in determining whether you are susceptible to pattern balding. Besides, the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone is also thought to play a role that shrinks hair follicles over time.


It begins with a receding hairline as the first sign of pattern hair loss in men at the temples. The hair loss progresses upwards. Besides, other symptoms include:

  • Thinning hair on the scalp crown
  • Circular patches of baldness
  • A widening of the part in your hair

Stages of Male Pattern Baldness

It emphasizes early awareness and understanding of the Norwood scale, which outlines the 7 stages of hair loss:

Stage 1

Slight hair loss in the form of subtle thinning around temples, which often goes unnoticed. Gradually, thinning around the temples begins to be noticeable. When that happens, you may feel that the hairline is receding.

Stage 2

The receding hairline becomes more noticeable as a “widow’s peak around the temples and above the upper brow. Some might even notice the dreaded M-shape. There is a visible horseshoe formation at the hairline.

Stage 3 of male pattern baldness

This is the stage where most men find they are victims of hair loss as there is a significant reduction in the amount of hair on the temples. As a result, there is little to no hair. Besides, the crown has hair thinning, with visible signs of baldness.

Now is the time to make a decision whether you wish to go for a hair restoration treatment or are okay with hair loss.

Stage 4

When you hit stage 4 of male pattern baldness, you start to notice bald patches on temples and crown. Unfortunately, the crown area thins out further, creating a wider bald area and a deepening M-shape hairline.

Stage 5

There is significant hair loss at this stage. There is further thinning of the band of hair between the crown and the hairline.

Stage 6

Most men feel embarrassed when their pattern baldness reaches this stage, with concentrated baldness in the middle of the scalp. Unfortunately, there is no bridge of hair as baldness becomes concentrated. What’s left is a horseshoe-shaped hairline.

What’s more, you may begin to spot hair thinning around the ear area.

Stage 7

When you hit stage 7, the last of the stages of male pattern baldness. Complete baldness is on top, with only a horseshoe pattern remaining along the sides and back. Hair may be thicker at the back of the scalp when there is no hair everywhere else.

How to deal with male pattern baldness

Unfortunately, there aren’t many treatment options for the progression of pattern hair loss. It is essential to acknowledge hair loss early. Hair concealment options, such as scalp micropigmentation, can help at any stage as it helps cover pattern baldness.

By being informed and aware of treatment options, you can overcome the problem gracefully. Contact SMP experts in Arizona to get the best job done. Top scalp artists are available at DermiMatch Clinic in Arizona. Schedule your consultation now.

scalp micropigmentation

Veganism and Hair Loss: What’s the Reality

There is no conclusive evidence linking veganism and hair loss. However, vegans may be at a higher risk of certain nutritional deficiencies, which may contribute to hair thinning or shedding if not managed properly.

Veganism and Hair Loss Connection

The main reasons a vegan diet may be associated with increased hair loss risk include:

Protein deficiency

Protein is crucial for hair growth. Vegans need to ensure they are getting enough protein from plant-based sources like legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds to increase their protein intake.

Iron deficiency

There are two types of iron – heme and non-heme. While heme iron from animal sources is easy for the body to absorb, the story is different in the case of non-heme iron, which is not absorbed correctly. Since iron is crucial for hair cell production, vegans may need to focus on diets that make iron absorption easier. One way of doing so is combining iron with vitamin C.

Zinc deficiency

Zinc plays a role in tissue growth and repair, including hair follicles. If your vegan diet lacks zinc, you could be a victim of hair loss.

However, there are some excellent vegan zinc sources. This includes legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

You need to take B12 in supplement form as vegan sources lack this essential vitamin critical for red blood cell production. Look for vegan foods fortified with cobalamin.

Essential fatty acid deficiency

Fatty acids are essential for overall health and well-being. Your hair is no exception. Omega-3s help nourish hair and scalp. while fish oil is loaded with omega-3, some vegan sources include chia seeds, flaxseed, olive oil, and walnuts.

As long as you eat a balanced vegan diet meeting all your nutritional needs, it should not cause hair loss. A vegan diet becomes a problem when it is extremely restrictive, and your body does not get adequate nutrients to support healthy hair growth.

Other causes linking veganism and hair loss

Rapid weight loss

Extreme or sudden weight loss can trigger hair loss regardless of diet. For vegans, it is more common as these diets are more restrictive and may lack adequate nutrition.

Underlying medical conditions

If you are suffering from a specific medical condition like an underactive thyroid, you are more likely to experience hair loss. The problem may continue despite your turning a vegan.

How To Prevent Hair Loss on a Vegan Diet

Nutrient-rich foods

Choose fortified plant milk, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, lentils, legumes, and whole grains for optimal nutrition.

Consider Supplements

Get yourself tested for any specific nutritional deficiencies if you are a vegan, and then consult a doctor or registered dietitian to discuss if vitamin supplements are necessary.

While a vegan diet can contribute to hair loss, it’s not the only factor. Planning your meals and addressing potential deficiencies can help prevent problems.

Hair loss can also be related to genetics, stress, and other lifestyle factors. Consider a holistic approach to hair health.

Welcome scalp micropigmentation

If hair loss is a burden that you want to shed, go for scalp micropigmentation. The technique works even if there is a connection between veganism and hair loss.

A non-invasive hair loss treatment alternative, SMP is a cutting-edge hair restoration technique that does not stimulate hair growth but helps camouflage hair loss.

But only the best SMP practitioners in Scottsdale can help if you seek a solution to your hair loss problem. Avoid inexperienced tattoo artists. They lack SMP skills. Look for scalp experts in Scottsdale, available at DermiMatch Clinic.

scalp micropigmentation

Which Vitamins Cause Hair Loss?

Do vitamins cause hair loss? Well, your hair needs a good dose of nutrients to stay healthy. But excess of everything is bad. That holds even for vitamins and minerals. If you exceed the recommended dosage guidelines, your hair might suffer. Any dietary imbalance can cause health problems and hair loss.

What Vitamins cause hair loss?

Excess intake of essential vitamins and minerals poses a risk of telogen effluvium as far as hair health is concerned.


Your hair needs selenium for good growth. But less is more when it comes to selenium supplementation. There is a high risk of selenium toxicity that can trigger hair loss. Besides, too much selenium can create too much of antioxidant enzymes that can cause the immune system to attack its own cells. As a result, hair follicles suffer.

Vitamin A

One of the most essential vitamins for hair growth, Vitamin A helps healthy hair growth. vitamin A is needed for cell growth, which helps in the growth of hair. Even the skin glands use vitamin A to produce selenium. However, too much of it can cause hair loss. Since vitamin A stimulates follicles, overstimulation can have adverse effects, resulting in more frequent hair loss.


Zinc deficiency can trigger hair loss. It is necessary for hair growth. But too much of it can affect the hair production cycle. Excessive levels of zinc can disrupt the absorption of vitamins and minerals. It triggers the production of DHT, which can result in hair thinning and hair shedding.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is known to increase capillary circulation in the scalp. This helps in the growth of hair. But excessive consumption can cause hair shedding.

When exploring the issue that vitamins cause hair loss, you will find that taking too much vitamin E can have side effects on hair. Excessive intake of vitamin E can cause a bleeding problem in patients taking anticoagulant therapy. Increased bleeding can result in anemia.

Bottom line

It is important to examine your diet to ensure that there are no imbalances. Besides, you want to make sure that you are not taking too much of anything either. Keeping a track of your vitamin and mineral consumption can surely help keep the connection between vitamins and hair loss healthy.

However, lifestyle adjustments will take at least six months, if not more, to show up in the form of results.

So what happens during this time? Does that mean you will continue to struggle with your self-confidence due to the loss of hair loss, which affects your personality?

If you are not ready to suffer any further, you might want to explore hair restoration solutions that can solve the problem or help restore your self-esteem.

No doubt, there are several options. But there’s one that is non-invasive and permanent. Scalp micropigmentation is a cosmetic procedure that helps camouflage the signs of hair loss, scarring, receding hairlines, and thinning hair. When the best scalp artist in Arizona performs the procedure, you can rest assured that you will rock your new look. SMP is not noticeable when done by experts but it can give you a youthful look.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to consult with the best SMP practitioners in Arizona to discuss your situation. Now that we know vitamins cause hair loss when taken in excess, SMP can still help. Whether your problem is about vitamins and hair loss or you are suffering from alopecia or scarring, SMP is the way to go. Connect with top scalp micropigmentation artists at DermiMatch.