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scalp micropigmentation

What Should You Do After Your First SMP Session?

What are the most critical steps to take after your first SMP session? Let’s explore that. Hair loss is common among men and women but it still hurts to see your hair fall. The shedding of hair can appear as early as the age of 35 and might cause complete baldness for some. Luckily, SMP can mitigate the effects of hair loss. When you start scalp micropigmentation, it is important to follow a few aftercare tips.

What To Do After First SMP Session?

Avoid showering for the First 3 Days

You may want to wash your head after the scalp session but it is best not to do so. Immediately, after the session, your scalp is sensitive. You can ruin it by applying water to your head. This includes refraining from swimming, which can expose the scalp to salty or chlorinated water.

In fact, you may want to avoid any physical activity that can result in sweating. Excessive sweating can prevent your scalp from healing in the first few days. Even you must avoid sunlight exposure, as UV rays can be hazardous to the healing process.

A loosely fitted hat can prevent scalp exposure to sunlight.

Avoid swimming for up to 30 days after your last procedure to get the best results.

Do not Shave

Starting day 4, you can start shaving your head. But before that avoid shaving, especially for the first three days after SMP. An electric foil shaver is a safe shaving tool that does not disturb your scalp pigment.

As you shave, be gentle on your newly inked scalp and avoid any visible scabs. You must be extra careful with the scabs and avoid peeling them as it can affect the result of your procedure.

Take a Light Shower 4 days after first SMP session

Starting with day 4, it’s safe to wash your head with small amounts of water. A light shower is okay. However, avoid using sulfate shampoo. A gentle cleanser without sulfates, chemicals, or paraben is good to use.

Resume Routine Day 7 Onward

After giving a full week of rest to your scalp, you have allowed it to heal. However, you may still want to avoid wet shaving with a blade. It’s okay to use a rotary shaver to be on the safer side. Now is the right time to sweat it out at the gym.

Use a non-greasy mattifying lotion like Zero Shine that creates a matte effect and prevents scalp shine while shielding your skin from dangerous ultraviolet rays.

Bottom Line

You want to give your scalp complete time to heal properly after each SMP session. Mild redness and slight itching are common after the procedure. Following the SMP aftercare tips will help you keep your skin healthy and avoid the risk of infection while allowing your scalp to heal fully.

If you’re ready for your first SMP session, get in touch with the best scalp practitioners in Arizona at DermiMatch. The team has decades of experience in micropigmentation and can help you deal with hair loss issues and is happy to share all care tips for the first SMP session.

scalp micropigmentation

What is the Best Solution for Hair Loss?

Are you looking for the best solution for hair loss woes? No doubt, hair loss is one of the worst experiences for men and women. You seek the best hair loss treatment that can help you regain confidence so you can walk with pride once again. If you have tried a few hair restoration solutions and not benefited, scalp micropigmentation might be a good option.

Is SMP Best Solution for Hair Loss?

SMP involves injecting pigment directly into the scalp, especially in areas that need attention. It aims to mimic hair follicles to give the appearance of a fuller and thicker scalp. The scalp artist chooses a little darker color of pigment than the actual hair to create a 3D and textured look. The final look is worth it. The world might notice that you look more youthful but they cannot figure out the secret.

How Is SMP Different From A Tattoo?

Is scalp micropigmentation the same as a tattoo? While the procedure involves injecting ink into the skin just like a tattoo, it is way different from traditional inking.  SMP uses specialized tattoo equipment to inject the pigment into the epidermis layer of the scalp. The tool is different from a tattoo gun. In fact, SMP uses microneedles whereas a tattoo works best with thicker needles. A tattoo artist injects the ink deeper into the skin. But a scalp practitioner is well-trained to inject pigment into the top level of the second layer, ensuring that it does not go deeper than this, where there is a risk of blurring or migration of the pigment.

However, as anyone who has gotten a traditional tattoo can tell you, that’s where the similarities end. Most “real” tattoos use thicker needles to inject the ink far deeper into the skin. The fact that this ink is not injected deeply into your scalp is one of the reasons that you’ll eventually need to come back for additional pigmentation.

Is SMP Better Solution for Hair Loss Than Hair Transplants?

The non-invasive procedure is less invasive and quicker than a hair transplant procedure. The latter is costlier than the former and also involves a longer recovery period. Scalp micropigmentation has a shorter recovery time, though SMP requires multiple sessions. The procedure is relatively painless and less annoying than a hair transplant. You may experience mild discomfort during the procedure, and with a little aftercare, the phase passes without too much of a problem.

Both are permanent procedures, though there is no guarantee that they will stimulate hair growth or stem hair fall. SMP looks more realistic and gives you a youthful look.  In fact, those with thinning hair, scalp scar or baldness due to hereditary reasons, hormonal imbalance, or chemotherapy can benefit from SMP as an effective solution for hair loss.

But to get guaranteed realistic results from scalp micropigmentation, you need a skilled scalp artist in Phoenix. Professional SMP experts in Phoenix are available at DermiMatch Clinic, who can transform the look of your scalp and give you the results you aim for.

scalp micropigmentation

What SMP Artists Want You to Know

Professional SMP artists work hard to deliver real results for clients seeking solutions for thinning hair, hair loss, and receding hairline. Scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive procedure that uses specialized pigment. Scalp experts are happy to share the following advantages of scalp micropigmentation.

SMP Artists Suggest Long-Term Solution to Hair Loss

Scalp artists use tiny deposits of pigment to create a hair pattern on the scalp. The pigment used here is specialized high-grade ink, which is different from regular tattoo ink and formulated to last much longer without fading, blurring, or discoloration.  The goal of SMP is to replicate the appearance of the scalp by creating natural-looking hair. Scalp professionals claim that SMP is a long-term solution to hair loss problems. Even people with certain medical issues, such as alopecia areata, PCOS, can also opt for scalp micropigmentation.

SMP Artists Confirm Safety

Since the procedure does not involve the use of chemicals, it is relatively safe than many other hair restoration solutions. Being a non-invasive procedure, SMP is painless and ensures a speedy recovery. There are minimal side effects. A person might experience swelling, redness, or itching. Scalp professionals use sterilized equipment for the procedure to reduce the risk of infection. Clients should reveal the truth about any allergies they suffer from so SMP artists are aware of the risks ahead of time. This helps them take precautions accordingly.

SMP is Not Hair Growth Procedure

Professional scalp artists always reveal the exact truth about the procedure so the client does not have unrealistic expectations. The procedure does not stimulate hair growth nor does it stem hair fall.

It is meant to cover certain areas of baldness, thinning hair, or a receding hairline. However, it does not cause any damage to hair.

SMP Duration Is Not Same for Everyone

The length of the hair restoration procedure is not the same for each client. It varies from one individual to another. While for one, it may require a couple of sessions, for others, the procedure may be complete in more sessions.

SMP Does Not Require Long-Term Maintenance

Scalp micropigmentation does not require a lot of maintenance. A client must follow a few SMP aftercare steps to ensure lasting results. it is crucial to keep the scalp hydrated so that the skin does not become dry or flaky. SMP artists also advise clients to keep the scalp covered when they step out in the sun.

  • Scalp professionals also suggest avoiding sudden temperature changes after the procedure.
  • They warn against using any abrasive products on the scalp, which includes harsh chemicals.
  • SMP artists advise regular exfoliation of the skin with a gentle scrub and minimize their exposure to water.

Professional scalp micropigmentation artists claim that following these post-SMP aftercare tips can help prolong the life of the pigment.

Work With Scalp Professionals

If you are looking for realistic results after experiencing hair loss, it is crucial to find an experienced scalp artist, whose skills fit your specific needs. A true professional is dedicated to delivering the expected results.

DermiMatch Clinic has a team of SMP artists that works hard to deliver the best scalp micropigmentation experience for clients. Consult with Phoenix SMP experts today.

scalp micropigmentation

Female Hair Loss and SMP

Female hair loss is a big concern for half of the world’s population. Hair loss has many causes. For women, it could be due to hormonal disturbance, menopause, PCOS, pregnancy, medication side effect, pollution, stress, and vitamin deficiency. There are other triggers too, such as dieting, restrictive diets, medical conditions, and hairstyles, among others. When women experience hair shedding, the world seems to have fallen down upon them because they associate hair with personality. Hair loss is a social taboo for many females. So how do women overcome the problem of hair loss?

Female Hair Loss Solutions

Like men, women too experience pattern hair loss. Their genes are primarily to be blamed for this condition, which may result in hair thinning on top of the head. In some women, hormonal imbalance can cause balding problems. Some women suffer from pattern hair loss in post-menopause, as the production of estrogen drops significantly.

So how do women treat hair loss? Is scalp micropigmentation worth it for women?

Before that, let’s check some of the signs of hair loss in women.

Female hair loss may occur slowly or suddenly. Certain signs of hair loss in women include:

Bald spots: women may experience patchy or circular bald spots.

Thinning: Hair thinning is quite common among men and women. Women notice that their thinning part starts to broaden gradually.

Extreme hair loss: A woman may suffer from extreme hair loss after an emotional incident or physical trauma. The sight of hair loss is explicit while washing or combing hair. This results in thinning.

Menopause and Hormone Imbalance

Menopause can result in significant hair loss in women due to the drop in estrogen and progesterone. Some women may suffer from hair thinning and loss if they stop taking contraceptives.

Stress also causes hair loss in females. A deficiency of B vitamins and minerals may cause thinning hair and hair loss in women.

Effective hair loss treatments

A woman suffering from hair loss due to nutrient deficiencies may start on a healthy balanced diet to fulfill their body’s needs for these vitamins and minerals. However, it does not happen overnight and takes time to show results.


The drug is meant for rubbing on the scalp. It is known to help hair growth and prevent loss of hair. However, minoxidil is effective as long as you are using the therapy. Hair loss might resume once you stop the treatment.

Estrogen therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is meant to treat hair loss by supporting the decreasing levels of hormones, especially androgenic alopecia.

Transplant therapy

The surgery involves removing pieces of the scalp with hair and grafting on areas of baldness. A hair transplant is a major surgery. It requires a long recovery period, and a patient often experiences pain and side effects.

Other treatments for female hair loss

If you are looking for a painless and permanent hair loss solution, then opt for scalp micropigmentation. SMP uses pigments to inject into the scalp that creates the look of hair follicles. As a result, it hides scalp problems, such as thinning hair, receding hairlines, and scars.

Trust the DermiMatch Clinic scalp experts in Arizona if you seek permanent women’s hair loss solutions.

scalp micropigmentation

Dry Scalp and Hair Loss: What’s the Connection?

Is there a connection between dry scalp and hair loss? Well, itchiness and flaky skin are associated with a dry scalp. The lack of moisture on the scalp results in a dry scalp. It may result from exposure to stress, cold and dry air, and overwashing. Sometimes dry scalp might be the result of some chemical products that draw moisture from the head and cause the skin to flake off. A dry scalp might feel light or irritated and itchy.

Dandruff, Dry Scalp and Hair Loss

Dandruff develops due to the growth of a yeast-like fungus on the scalp. It thrives and proliferates, disturbing the natural balance of the scalp microbiome.

Dry scalp flakes look white and dry. On the other hand, dandruff flakes are oily and yellow. Dandruff is not directly related to hair loss, but it may cause severe itching. Aggressive scratching of the scalp can ultimately damage hair follicles, resulting in hair shedding.

Other Scalp Conditions Causing Dry Scalp and Hair Loss

Scalp Psoriasis: It is an autoimmune condition that may cause hair loss as skin cells form scales and dry patches.

Seborrheic Dermatitis: The scalp becomes irritated and inflamed due to this skin problem caused by different factors. This may include stress, genetics, yeast, and medical condition. 

Scalp Ringworm: This is a fungal infection that causes dryness on the scalp. It might also cause irritation, itching, and redness, besides scaly areas on the scalp. Again, excessive itching and scratching is often blamed for hair loss.

Are Dry Scalp and Hair Loss Linked?

A dry scalp results in itching, causing you to scratch your scalp. Aggressive scratching can damage the skin on your scalp as well as hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. If you can work on hydrating the scalp to prevent dryness, this condition can be avoided.

How to Keep Your Scalp Hydrated?

Adequate hydration of the scalp is crucial to keep collagen levels in the normal range. It will further help keep the skin healthy. Dryness is often a cause for concern in the cold season. So keeping your scalp moisturized becomes critically important during winter. Look for gentle cleansers and moisturizers as a first line of defense for your scalp. The goal is to look for alcohol-free scalp care products that won’t strip the skin of its natural oils. Any alcohol product will cause further dryness and damage the follicles, resulting in hair shedding.

Add Extra Moisture

You may try using natural moisturizers to strengthen the skin barrier. Scalp massage will help strengthen the roots and keep dryness away. It will also stimulate blood circulation and promote hair growth.

SMP Advantage

If you are suffering from dry scalp and hair loss, then you ought to work on keeping your skin moisturized. However, this won’t happen overnight. That means you have to live with the problem for some time before lifestyle changes and dietary intervention help.

You may choose to wait or go for scalp micropigmentation as a hair restoration solution if you cannot wait for long. The best SMP Arizona team is available to solve your problem. They have the skills and expertise to camouflage scalp problems so that you can live with grace and confidence. Connect with DermiMatch scalp practitioners today!

scalp micropigmentation

Birth Control Pills and Hair Loss in Women

Can contraceptives cause hair loss? Or is there a connection between birth control pills and hair loss in women? No doubt, contraceptives are a popular way to control unwanted pregnancy, but they do come with their share of side effects. Is hair loss a side effect too? All forms of birth control can cause hair loss. This includes hormonal injections, skin patches, and oral pills. Even implants can have an adverse effect on hair growth.

Birth Control Pills and Hair Loss: How Do Contraceptives Work?

Birth control pills prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs when you are menstruating. They thicken cervical mucus and prevent sperm from entering the cervix. This ensures that the sperm does not come into contact with eggs. Sadly, the pill can interfere with the normal hair growth cycle. Temporary hair loss may be experienced as the contraceptive impacts the natural hormonal cycle and causes hormonal imbalance.

Do Birth Control Pills Cause Balding?

Some birth control pills contain progestin hormones. Progestin causes androgenic activity in women. That means it behaves like male hormones and binds to androgen receptors, thus increasing androgenetic activity and triggering hair loss.

Your family history of female pattern baldness puts you at a higher risk of contraceptive-related hair loss. If you are concerned about it, you may take a contraceptive with a low androgen index. Such pills are less likely to cause hair loss. Or you may talk to your doctor about an alternative birth control pill that won’t affect your hair.

There are certain pills that cause a spike in estrogen levels, which helps stimulate hair growth. But as soon as you stop taking the pill, the hair starts to shed once again.

How To Manage the Link Between Birth Control Pills and Hair Loss?

Birth control-related hair loss is not permanent. Once you stop taking the pill, your hair should return to normal within six months. But if you cannot wait for hair to grow and are not disturbed at the sight of hair loss, you could try other hair restoration options instead. The goal is to improve your overall looks and youthful appearance even as you lose hair due to contraceptive use.

There are certain medications that might help speed up the process of hair growth. But medications come with their share of side effects. You never know what effects a new pill might have on your overall health. So what is the best solution here?

The SMP Advantage

When you want to restore your self-esteem and return to a normal confident self, look for an alternative that can help your personality goals. Scalp micropigmentation, for example, is a hair restoration alternative that provides you with a safe option to conceal your scalp problems. SMP can create the appearance of hair follicles by adding pigmented dots.

Talk to an experienced SMP practitioner in Scottsdale about your concerns and find out if scalp micropigmentation is a solution for you. The best team of scalp artists in Scottsdale is available at DermiMatch. They have a proven track record of helping clients with various scalp concerns.

DermiMatch uses the best quality HD ink that is long-lasting and requires no dilution. It effectively hides scalp problems, such as thinning hair or receding hairline and even bald patches. Get in touch with scalp experts today and take a new step toward a confident self!

scalp micropigmentation

Melatonin and Hair Loss: Does It Help?

Is there a connection between melatonin and hair loss? Does melatonin impact hair growth? Well, melatonin has been widely researched to have a positive impact on sleep pattern. But how does that connect to hair growth? Let’s dig deeper into this connection.

Research finds that melatonin does more than just control sleep cycles. The hormone melatonin is produced in the pineal gland in the brain. While it helps regulate sleep and wake cycles, melatonin sends signals to the brain to slow down at night.

Melatonin and Hair Loss: What Works?

Melatonin is a hormone that the body produces naturally in the brain’s pineal gland.  At night, the pineal gland produces melatonin when the brain gets a signal to put the body to sleep in darkness.

As far as hair growth is concerned, melatonin appears to have a positive impact. Studies reveal that melatonin protects hair follicles as it fights oxidative stress. Research finds that melatonin stimulates hair cell growth.

When the body produces melatonin, several hormones are monitored and regulated while you are asleep. That means too little melatonin could mean an imbalance of DHT, testosterone, adrenaline, and enzymes. Hormonal imbalance may result in thinning hair. Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for the mental balance of the body and to reduce stress and anxiety. Being the sleep hormone, melatonin can help improve sleep and other regulate hormones, which are crucial to hair growth.

The connection between melatonin and hair loss is related to the normal hair cycle. Hair follicles pass through four different cycles.

  • Anagen: This is the most active growth stage of hair when the follicle produces hair.
  • Catagen: Now the hair growth slows and gradually stops.
  • Telogen: This is the resting stage of the hair follicle.
  • Exogen: Now the follicle sheds the shaft. It is the stage when it starts a new cycle.

Follicles synthesize melatonin. They have melatonin receptors. Melatonin creates pigment for the hair shaft and regulates the hair growth cycle. Research is underway to find the connection between melatonin and estrogen and how follicles interact with this hormone, which is crucial for hair growth. Melatonin might help extend the anagen stage.

Can Melatonin Prevent Hair Loss

Melatonin is not a magic hair loss solution. It may or may not help hair growth. In some cases, topical application of melatonin supplements might help women with androgenetic alopecia. But it is important to remember that hair growth does not happen overnight.

If you’re concerned about hair shedding and wondering about the melatonin and hair loss connection, speak to your doctor. The need of the hour is to uncover the root cause of your problem. What’s causing hair loss? They can decide if melatonin is a good solution for you.

The topical application might help increase the visible hair density. But there is a minimal dosage recommendation as too much or too little of anything is bad.

Bottom Line

Before starting any hair restoration therapy, explore the options to restore hair. Scalp micropigmentation is one. It does not require any invasive treatment like surgery nor does it have a long recovery period. The results are almost instant and you don’t have to wait to see your youthful appearance with SMP, provided you get the procedure done by a scalp expert in Arizona.

DermiMatch clinic is a pioneer in scalp micropigmentation. Its team of SMP practitioners in Arizona has been providing satisfactory results for clients. Get in touch with experts today.

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Steroids and Hair Loss: Is There A Connection?

Can steroids cause hair loss? Is there actually a connection between steroids and hair loss? There are different types of steroids. Many people take steroids for muscle mass building and to improve athletic performance. Some others use corticosteroids for allergies, skin conditions, or blood disorders. Since these steroids behave similarly to testosterone, they may lead to hair loss or male pattern baldness.

Steroids and Hair Loss: The Link

Hair loss in men using steroids is primarily found in those taking anabolic steroids, which is a synthetic form of testosterone or male sex hormone. These steroids may cause hormonal imbalance and affect androgen levels, resulting in androgenetic alopecia over a period of time.

Prednisone and Hair Loss

There is another steroid that is linked to hair loss. Prednisone is a steroid taken by people with low corticosteroid levels. This includes lupus, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. People with certain conditions affecting the skin, lungs, blood, eyes, kidneys, stomach, thyroid, and intestines are often prescribed Prednisone as their body is unable to naturally produce certain steroids

People taking Prednisone often experience hair thinning, depending on the dosage and interaction with other drugs. However, for some prednisone even stimulates hair growth.

How Do Steroids Cause Hair Loss?

Anabolic steroids can stimulate the production of DHT or dihydrotestosterone. DHT is the hormone that is blamed for androgenetic alopecia. this can cause genetic hair loss

Women too may experience adverse effects of anabolic steroid treatment. Such women may report excessive hair growth all over the body, except the scalp. In some cases, excessive use of the hormone may result in irreversible hair loss in women.

How To Prevent Hair Loss Caused by Steroids?

Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about the steroids and hair loss connection. They may prescribe alternative medications.

You must avoid steroids unless there is no other option. Steroid abuse may result in severe side effects in men, including severe acne, infertility, gynecomastia, and prostate cancer. Women may experience problems with menstruation, deepened voice, and increased hair growth.  The doctor may reduce the steroid dosage in some cases if the side effects are extreme.

What To Do for Steroid-Related Hair Loss?

A doctor may prescribe Finasteride for patients with steroid-related hair loss. The treatment is based on regulating DHT hormone levels in men. Minoxidil is another drug used for hair growth in people with steroid-caused hair loss.

Hair regrowth takes longer than expected. Hair does not grow overnight. A diet and lifestyle modification can help your cause in the long run. But what is the solution if you are losing hair at present and don’t know how to go about steroid-caused hair loss?

SMP for Hair Camouflage

If you cannot wait for medications and diet to show their effect, scalp micropigmentation can help cover those scalp problems. SMP cannot prevent hair loss but it can hide the site of thinning hair, alopecia, baldness, and receding hairline.

But not everyone can produce the desired results when it comes to scalp micropigmentation. You need expert hands for the procedure. Get in touch with DermiMatch SMP experts in Phoenix for the best scalp micropigmentation experience if you are looking for a solution to steroid-induced hair loss.

scalp micropigmentation

SMP Myths Busted

Are there any SMP myths? Scalp Micropigmentation uses microneedles to implant pigment into the scalp to cover scalp problems. The treatment is meant to mimic the appearance of natural follicles for people struggling with thinning hair, pattern baldness, or a receding hairline. But there are many SMP myths that need to be busted.

SMP Myth 1: It is meant only for Bald Men

This is wrong. Scalp micropigmentation is meant for anyone who needs help for scalp problems. No doubt, it can help bald men by covering bald patches and adding density. This creates a thicker appearance to the hair. Both men and women can benefit from scalp micropigmentation to thicken hair.

Myth 2: SMP Looks Fake

If the scalp micropigmentation is not performed correctly, the SMP myth may hold true. But with the best scalp artist around, you can only expect best results. Your procedure will appear genuine when done by experts with the right equipment and technique.

Myth 3: SMP is Painful

If someone told you that scalp micropigmentation is a painful procedure, then you might want to bust that myth. Compared to a traditional tattoo or hair transplant, SMP is less painful. It may cause a feeling of little discomfort for those whose skin is sensitive around their hairline. Some clients do not feel anything and even fall asleep.

The pain primarily depends on:

  • The area of the scalp being treated
  • The individual’s pain tolerance
  • Anxiety

SMP Myth 4: The Color Fades Quickly

Some might tell you that scalp micropigmentation does not stay for long. But this is totally wrong as SMP is a permanent procedure. That means with a few touch-ups, the longevity of SMP is around 4 to 6 years. There might be slight fading initially as the ink settles on your scalp. The treatment results primarily depend on:

  1. The expertise and skills of the scalp artist

2. Following SMP aftercare instructions

3. Avoiding sun/UV exposure

Myth 5: It is a Scalp Tattoo

Scalp micropigmentation is different from a tattoo. In fact, there are significant differences between both, from the skill of the practitioner to the tools used during the procedure. The pigment depth is another important difference. While a tattoo is implanted deeper into the skin, SMP stays on top just below the first layer of the skin. Scalp micropigmentation is implanted in the upper layer of the Dermis, which is crucial to retain the shape of the pigment. If implanted deeper, there is a risk of discoloration, migration, and blurring.

What’s more, SMP uses microneedles whereas a traditional tattoo uses bigger and larger needles. While tattoo ink is usually chemical based, SMP pigments are organic and plant-based.

Where to Go For SMP in Arizona?

Now that we have busted SMP myths, you should be confidently going ahead with the hair restoration procedure. However, the most important point here is to look for the most skilled and experienced hands for the job. DermiMatch has the best Arizona scalp artists who are experts in the field and can help transform your life. Get in touch with scalp experts at DermiMatch today, who can happily answer your questions and dispel your doubts!

scalp micropigmentation

Psychological Impact of Hair Loss

The psychological impact of hair loss is huge. Hair loss is inevitable but it still hurts. Some even take it as a sign of aging. No doubt, having fewer hair strands is not the end of the world. But hair loss has a serious impact on the psychology of the person.  In fact, it goes to the extent of impairing the self-esteem of the affected person.

Yes, hair gives you a distinct identity and is a major part of your personality. Your hairstyle can improve your appearance and give your self-confidence a boost. Many people suffer psychologically when they start noticing a lot of hair falling off their scalp. Although hair shedding is a dermatological condition, which may be in the form of receding hairline, pattern baldness, or thinning hair. On average, a person loses 50-100 strands per day. More than this could have a psychological impact. Even worse, hair loss could be temporary or permanent, depending on the causative factor. Hair loss cause could be genetics, stress, hormonal disturbance, pregnancy, medication, or medical disorder.

How Does Hair Loss Affect Psychology?

While some people take hair loss lightly, others find it too hard to digest. The sight of hair loss hurts. It affects their psychological well-being. As a result, the person might even suffer from social anxiety, phobia, depression, and personality disorders.

A person with well-maintained hair sets the impression right on others, and people see them with due respect. This can improve their self-confidence too. On the other hand, a person with hair problems could create a negative body image. The psychological impact of hair loss is so huge that these people might find it humiliating and embarrassing at the same time. They might even choose to withdraw from social interactions and become self-isolated. So are there no treatment options for hair loss?

How To Prevent the Psychological Impact of Hair Loss?

A dermatologist might prescribe over-the-counter medicines to treat the shedding of hair. In extreme cases of hair loss or pattern baldness, a doctor might suggest hair transplant surgery. While both have side effects and the latter comes with its own set of risks, scalp pigmentation is a better and safer hair restoration alternative.

The procedure involves depositing natural pigment into the scalp to create the impression of follicles using microneedles. The goal of SMP is to make the scalp look fuller. The best scalp practitioners match the client’s skin tone and hair color with pigment to achieve a natural appearance. For clients that have sensitive skin, the SMP artist uses numbing agents to alleviate discomfort. There is a solution for all types of hair loss in scalp micropigmentation. For receding or thinning hair, SMP can create the look of thicker and fuller hair.

For complete baldness, scalp artists may choose to create a buzz-cut look, which is like a head of shaved hair.

The number of treatment sessions depends on the severity of hair loss. It also depends on the client’s preferences and desired outcome. Small breaks in each session are meant to give enough time for the scalp to heal. The procedure may have to be followed up every 4-5 years with touch-ups to restore the look.

The DermiMatch Edge

Contact DermiMatch today to restore your crowning glory. We understand that the sight of hair loss is not easy to digest. You can connect with top scalp artists in Scottsdale regarding your hair loss problem and expectations and leave it to them to decide what would work best for you. SMP can help reduce the psychological impact of hair loss to a great extent by camouflaging the sight of lost hair.