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scalp micropigmentation

Needles of Hope Exploring the Potential of Acupuncture for Hair Loss

Hair loss is not a pleasant experience. It may result from genetic causes, hormonal imbalance, medications, or stress. However, many hair loss treatments have emerged of late. This includes the ancient practice of acupuncture for hair loss. Let’s see if acupuncture works.

Acupuncture For Hair Loss

Acupuncture focuses on massage, diet, medication, and herbal therapy. It is believed to relieve back pain, arthritis, and stress. Practitioners seek to restore the balance of Qi to promote well-being and healing by inserting thin needles at specific points along the meridians.

Some claim that acupuncture might help with hair loss by improving blood circulation in the scalp. Acupuncture delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles, which helps promote healthy hair growth.

Besides, acupuncture’s anti-inflammatory properties may reduce inflammation of the scalp. some even claim that acupuncture might affect the hormonal balance, which may stimulate hair growth and mitigate the effects of hormones like DHT, which causes follicle shrinkage. All in all, since acupuncture relaxes the nervous system, it contributes to reducing stress hormones and prevents hair loss.

Navigating the Acupuncture Seascape

The needles are meant to stimulate nerves in the body. Needles may stimulate follicles and encourage hair growth.

A licensed practitioner might help answer your doubts about the effectiveness of acupuncture for hair loss. It’s important to discuss expectations with them and be prepared for a series of regular sessions. While acupuncture alone might not help, you may need to combine the therapy with healthy habits, such as stress management and diet.

For those with hair loss, acupuncture is a potential avenue to reclaim their confident looks.

However, it is wrong to consider acupuncture as a magical cure-all. Its effectiveness varies from one person to another.

A study from the British Acupuncture Council concluded that while acupuncture may not directly “cure” hair loss, it can significantly improve certain underlying conditions.

Acupuncture may not be helpful for male pattern baldness and similar conditions in women.

So, before declaring war on hair loss, think about the root cause.

SMP for Hair Loss

If you’re experiencing hair loss, several treatment options are available, from traditional medicine to alternative therapy. While you cannot depend on acupuncture for hair loss, it may or may not help, depending on the root cause of your problem.

Scalp micropigmentation can help in every situation. It is not a treatment or solution for hair loss but an alternative to conceal the problem. Since hair loss treatments are effective only in the short run, it is preferable to choose an option that hides the problem and helps you get back your self-esteem and confidence.

An experienced scalp practitioner is the right person for the job. They can correct the hair loss problem using specialized ink to hide thinning areas, receding hairlines, or bald patches.

Consulting with Pheonix SMP practitioners at DermiMatch Clinic is the best step forward when looking for an effective solution to the problem. Experts at the Phoenix SMP clinic have helped thousands of clients find relief from hair loss and gain confidence. 

scalp micropigmentation

Exploring the Link Between Seasonal Affective Disorder and Hair Loss

The changing season for some brings along a darker secret. It ushers in the arrival of Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. Unfortunately, this cyclical depression resulting from dwindling sunlight can adversely impact mood and energy. Besides, it may trigger hair loss. let’s explore this connection between seasonal affective disorder and hair loss and understand the protective role of sun.

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Hair Loss: The Connection

Daylight regulates our circadian rhythm, charging our hormones. Unfortunately, shortened daylight hours in the winter season disrupt this intricate balance, resulting in decreased serotonin production. Serotonin is crucial in mood regulation, assisting sleep patterns and promoting hair growth.

When serotonin production is affected, SAD sets in. Clinical depression brings such symptoms as extreme fatigue, low mood, loss of interest, appetite suppression, and changes in sleep patterns. Such emotional turmoil causes a cascade of stress hormones, which disrupt the hair growth cycle and push follicles into the resting phase. This premature shift of follicles results in increased shedding.

Hair Loss in SAD

Different types of hair loss happen when you suffer from SAD.

Diffuse thinning

As a result of SAD, you might experience a gradual decrease in hair density all over the scalp.

Alopecia areata

Stress can trigger an autoimmune disorder, alopecia areata, resulting in patchy hair loss.

Telogen effluvium

Stress can trigger hair loss in more ways than one. A stressful event can suddenly push many follicles into the resting phase. As a result, you are more likely to experience sudden and noticeable hair loss.

Treating the Condition

Though Seasonal affective disorder and hair loss are connected, the good news is that the condition might improve as the days lengthen and sunlight increases. As a result of improvement in sunlight, natural serotonin production resumes. With that, you can experience an improvement in hair loss. However, hair growth won’t resume overnight. It may take a few months for things to normalize.

Additionally, you may try stress management techniques to combat the harmful effects of stress on hair loss. Ensure an adequate intake of nutrients to support healthy hair growth.

Hair loss associated with SAD is a distressing experience, but you can overcome the fear of living with hair loss during this emotional state by choosing hair growth treatments.

Can SMP Help?

Scalp micropigmentation, for example, is a non-invasive hair loss therapy for those with different forms of hair loss. it could be a receding hairline, thinning hair, or pattern baldness.

SMP comes to the rescue in every case. If you are suffering from seasonal affective disorder and hair loss, try SMP.

It might help change your looks and give you the confidence to look and feel better since SMP effectively hides your seasonal shedding problem under the SMP pigment.  Get help from scalp experts in Arizona, who have a track record of performing non-surgical procedures on clients with similar problems.

Scalp professionals at DermiMatch Clinic are known for their expertise in scalp micropigmentation. Get help now. Schedule your consultation today.