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scalp micropigmentation

Is Cheap SMP Good?

In your hair loss journey, you want to explore all hair restoration options, including cheap SMP. But is it worth going for cheap scalp micropigmentation? Well, SMP is an innovative hair loss solution that has helped many men and women get back their confident look. You, too, want to try out SMP for quick visible effects. But when it comes to scalp micropigmentation, should you look for cheaper options?

Is it worth going for Cheap SMP?

SMP can be the one life-changing decision that you need to make for a renewed youthful appearance. When making that decision, you cannot ignore the need to find the best scalp artists. Going for cheaper alternatives might prove devastating and way more expensive than what quality SMP costs now.

So you love to bargain. Finding a cheap SMP deal might seem like a step to fulfilling your dream. But here’s a catch. Cheap SMP might be a costly decision later. It isn’t actually a sensible move to look for the cheapest scalp artist in town. No doubt, money saved is money earned. But money isn’t the only criterion when it comes to judging an SMP practitioner in Arizona. SMP gone wrong can prove to be incredibly expensive to rectify.

For this very reason, you do not want to fall into the trap of cheap scalp artists that claim to do the job at half the price of Arizona SMP professionals.  

SMP is an altogether different field than tattoo or body art and if a tattoo artist claims to do the job for pennies, you should run away from that place and never look back. Scalp micropigmentation involves the accurate placement of pigment at the right depth. A level above might cause immediate fading and a little too deep might result in quick discoloration. SMP is placed in the superficial dermis between the epidermis and the dermis.

Only the right scalp artist with experience in scalp micropigmentation can deliver results that look natural.

Who is the right Scalp artist?

SMP is a cosmetic placement of tattoo-like ink in bald areas of the scalp. Only a skilled, qualified practitioner can reproduce the natural-looking results of closely trimmed hair.

They understand the scalp anatomy and are skilled in placing pigment at the right depth. The top scalp artists use top-quality products that are guaranteed to deliver accurate results in hiding thinning hair, bald patches, or a receding hairline. They are skilled in hiding scars of an injury, hair transplant, or spots left by a botched SMP done by an unskilled SMP artist. ‍

Why Avoid Cheap SMP

  • It is temporary and can fade away quickly.
  • It might not be the best experience in terms of accuracy.
  • An inexperienced scalp practitioner might create a bad taste in your mouth regarding SMP. You might end up with a botched SMP that looks odd and unnatural.
  • You might need to repeat the treatment every 6 to 24 months, which incurs additional expenditure.
  • Cheap SMP pigment might get discolored and turn black or blue.
  • Cheaper scalp artists might not be serious about hygiene and sterilization or following industry best practices.
  • In many cases, dark pigments may appear fake.

Bottom line

When you choose the best SMP professional in Arizona, you have the guarantee of ending up with desired natural-looking results. avoid going for cheap SMP. Not all scalp artists are created equal. You deserve the best experience.

Get in touch with qualified, skilled, and experienced Arizona SMP artists at DermiMatch Clinic.

scalp micropigmentation

Things to Know About PRP Treatment for Hair Growth

PRP treatment is fast becoming popular among those suffering from hair loss. it involves injecting platelet-rich plasma into the scalp. The treatment is being promoted to stimulate hair growth. PRP, as its name suggests, is derived from the blood of the client. It is rich in growth factors that aid in tissue healing. When the growth factors are injected into the scalp, they can reduce shedding, stimulate follicles, promote hair growth, and improve hair thickness.

PRP treatment for Hair Loss

PRP injections are believed to be good for mild to moderate hair loss. anyone with mild hair loss can respond to the treatment better and stop hair shedding in its tracks. However, the treatment is not as effective for people with severe hair loss. Those with androgenic alopecia or pattern baldness can also benefit from PRP treatment for hair thinning.

Unfortunately, the results may not be as good in patients with an underlying disorder. For example, someone with lupus or thyroid may continue to suffer hair loss. Worst still, PRP injections are not effective for people on blood thinners.  If you take PRP treatment while being on blood thinners, platelets won’t work effectively.

One is not enough

Is one PRP shot enough? No, you may need 3-4 PRP injections. It is an ongoing process that is not completed in one session.

During the treatment, your arm is the main source of blood. The practitioner draws blood from the arm. Then they put the tube of blood into a centrifuge. This process is necessary to separate platelets from different components in the plasma. They inject the platelet-rich plasma directly into hair follicles on the part of the scalp experiencing hair loss. You must undergo four treatments during the first year. This should continue every six months thereafter.

The treatment may cost anywhere between $2,400 and $3,000 for the first four treatments. Insurance may not cover the treatment.

Hair growth after PRP Treatment

It may take 6-12 months for the results to show up. Proponents of the treatment claim that hair follicles come back to life as the scalp stimulates stem cells to do so. This is known to trigger hair growth over a period of time. So hair growth may not be apparent for a few months.

But this is not the end of the treatment. Patients are advised to take maintenance PRP therapy every 6 months to see ongoing results.

The Right Solution is Here

Scalp micropigmentation is a better hair restoration alternative for those with alopecia areata, hair thinning, pattern baldness, and receding hairline. It is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that aims to cover all scalp problems under a special pigment that looks like a hair follicle. SMP professionals, who are trained and skilled in scalp micropigmentation, can transform the life and experience of a person with hair problems.

Trust only SMP practitioners in Arizona at DermiMatch Clinic, who have been working with clients for years to help them look and feel better with scalp micropigmentation. Get in touch with team DermiMatch on the clinic’s website for a consultation for SMP as an alternative to PRP treatment for hair loss.

scalp micropigmentation

How to Start Growing Hair After Chemotherapy

No doubt, cancer treatment is rigorous and invasive, it is a necessary evil for cancer patients and gives them hope for recovery. While you have to deal with physical pain, you must endure the stress of losing hair after chemotherapy. Cancer therapy takes a toll on your body and it’s your hair that suffers first because the body’s energies are channelized at fighting the life-threatening illness. Luckily, chemotherapy hair loss is temporary. That means the fallen hair will grow back after the treatment when the body starts to return to normal.

How to deal with Loss of hair after chemotherapy?

Of course, you can pick a wig hairstyle that attracts you. No, wearing a wig does not prevent hair growth. You may don a wig after chemotherapy if you want to cover baldness and maintain the look of a full head of hair. Your hair will start growing when the treatment is over.

Does biotin help hair growth after chemo?

Biotin is known as a hair growth supplement. But taking biotin supplements after chemotherapy may not have quick results. Your body is quite weak after the treatment, and the system starts to focus on recovery of the most crucial processes initially. Hair growth comes later. Of course, several other side effects of cancer treatment may keep showing up now and then. So your onus is to first strengthen the body.

What helps the growth of hair after chemotherapy?

Now if you cannot wait for the treatment completion and are not comfortable wearing a hair system, you are probably looking for safe and more effective hair restoration solutions.

Avoid chemical dyes, hair dryers, or bleach on your hair during the first six months of the treatment. Give your body adequate time to return to the new normal. Accordingly, you should learn to adjust to the new you. Hair growth after chemo should start after a few months. But it might not be as expected. For some persons who had straight hair before treatment, chemo curls become the new reality. In some cases, the hair might return to its previous texture or color. 

Should you pop hair growth pills?

Your body has already been through rigorous treatment and harsh medications. You don’t want to expose yourself to more pills that promise hair growth. Unfortunately, such hair growth medications do not work for everyone and could have some serious side effects too.

What are other hair restoration options?

Now you want to explore a safe and long-lasting solution that helps bring your self-confidence back. Luckily, scalp micropigmentation is a safe and permanent solution for hair loss. No, it is not aimed at reviving hair growth but hiding those scalp problems that might have popped up after the cancer treatment.

SMP practitioners know how to cover bald patches caused by chemotherapy. DermiMatch Clinic SMP professionals in Scottsdale can help you get your self-confidence back with their scalp micropigmentation skills and expertise. They use the best SMP tools to help chemotherapy patients smile again.

scalp micropigmentation

Hair Loss Myths Busted

Hair loss myths abound. Let’s take this opportunity to bust these myths or commonly perceived notions about hair loss so you know exactly what’s causing you the problem. Once you know the root cause of the problem, you can find the solution too.

1. Hair Loss Myth: Blame your Shampoo for hair loss

Does shampooing actually cause hair loss? Well, your scalp will always be happy when you clean it. This will prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for dandruff and other scalp problems. However, avoid any chemical shampoos and conditioners.

2. Myth: Blame your mom for hair loss

A majority of people blame hair loss on their mothers. But it is your genetics that is to be blamed for hair loss in many men and women. No doubt, you can inherit pattern baldness from both sides of the family.

3. Hair Loss Myth: You will become bald by 50 years

But statistics say another story. You may start losing hair around 35 years of age, as most American men are affected by pattern hair loss. hair thinning may begin by 50 years of age.

4. Myth: Hats cause baldness

Wearing a hat does not cause you any harm. In fact, it will protect your scalp from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun that can damage the skin. However, make sure to allow your scalp to breathe once in a while when you are sporting a hat. Wearing it constantly for prolonged periods can cause excessive sweating.

5. Myth: Testosterone is your enemy

No, testosterone is not a foe when it comes to hair loss. Elevated levels of the male hormone do not cause loss of hair. But if your follicles are sensitive to DHT hormone, you may experience all forms of scalp problems, including excessive hair shedding and baldness.

6. Hair Loss Myth: Vitamin overdose can stop hair loss

Vitamins are good for the proper nourishment of the body. A deficiency of vitamins and minerals can cause all sorts of health issues. Your hair health can suffer too. But that does not mean starting on a vitamin overdose spree. Too much of vitamins can actually accelerate the shedding of hair.

7. Myth: Hair loss is permanent

There are several causes of hair loss. It may be triggered by hormonal imbalance, illness, stress, environment, medication side effect, cancer treatment, and genetics. In the case of women, excessive hair loss might start postpartum, though the condition improves after a period of 6 months. Hair loss is not permanent in most cases but takes time to resolve if you address the root cause.

8. Myth: Cut your hair short to stimulate hair grow

Do haircuts have anything to do with hair growth? So they actually accelerate the process of hair re-growth? No, this isn’t true. Your hair grows from roots. You will lose a certain amount of hair every day, irrespective of your hairstyle.

True, hair loss myths can cause a lot of confusion. When troubled by hair loss, look for the root cause of your problem. this is a step in the right direction. Although in many cases, hair loss resolves when you address the actual cause of the problem. But it does not happen overnight. That means you will still have to live with it for quite some time before the results start to show up.

It is here that you may want to consult with a Phoenix SMP technician to guide you through the problem of hair loss. scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical procedure to camouflage your scalp problems. So you don’t have to live with the burden of thinning hair, hair loss, receding hairline, or pattern baldness.

Now is the time to burst hair loss myths and find the cause of the problem. Connect with the best scalp artists at DermiMatch Clinic today and find a reliable solution to the problem.

scalp micropigmentation

Covid-19 and Hair Loss: What’s the Link?

Covid-19 was a reality that destroyed numerous lives and brought life to a standstill. Covid-19 and hair loss is also a reality that has kept many wondering about the connection between both. While you are aware of Covid-19 symptoms, hair loss is also correlated with coronavirus. Now if you are experiencing hair shedding all of a sudden, that does not mean it is due to Covid-19. However, you ought to find out the root cause of the problem though.

The Relationship Between Covid-19 and Hair Loss

According to a survey, 27% of COVID-19 patients reported a sudden increase in hair loss during the recovery phase. True that COVID-19 is one of the causative factors of hair shedding, but it doesn’t mean that everyone will experience that. It results in telogen effluvium, which is a form of temporary hair loss that is frighteningly rapid.

When a person passes through this phase, follicles tend to skip their natural stages of growth. As a result, they rush into the telogen phase. That means they are in the resting phase, which prevents hair growth even as hair shedding continues rapidly. A person in the telogen phase experiences extreme shedding of hair as the body focuses its energy on other essential tasks of recovery.

Covid-19 hair loss is a sign of recovery rather than sickness. It is an indication that you are in the recovery phase of coronavirus.

Pattern Baldness and Covid-19

Anyone with pattern baldness is likely to suffer extreme hair shedding from COVID-19. Research finds that men with androgenetic alopecia are more vulnerable to severe coronavirus than others.

Hair loss may be triggered by several causes, not just COVID-19. You could lose more hair due to a medication side effect, nutrient deficiency, thyroid, hormonal imbalance, or emotional and environmental stress.

Unlocking the COVID-19 and hair loss Connection

You are surely wondering how to treat coronavirus-induced hair loss. well, first, this type of hair loss is temporary and resolves within a period of six months for most people. Now you are keen to overcome this phase quickly. So first, you may want to learn how to manage stress. That might help speed up the process. 

Improving your diet and adding more nutrition might help. Getting regular exercise is also important.  Besides, it is critically important to learn stress management techniques.

There are several medications for hair loss. But they all come with a range of side effects. There is no guarantee they will work for all persons struggling with hair loss.

Does SMP Help?

So what is the way out? How can you treat hair loss?

Well, there is no one-stop fix for everyone. But there is one hair restoration technique that works for everyone, provided you consult with SMP professionals regarding your hair loss problem.

Scalp micropigmentation can transform your hair loss journey into a pleasant experience. Whether you are struggling with COVID-19 and hair loss or hair shedding for other reasons, SMP in Arizona offers a permanent solution to the problem. Get in touch with Arizona SMP experts at DermiMatch Clinic to find the right solution to your hair-shedding problem.

scalp micropigmentation

Visible Scalp and Hair Thinning: A Reality Check

No doubt, visible scalp and hair thinning are a reality, and you are wary of those thinning locks. Of course, you want lustrous and healthy hair, right? But if you are struggling with thinning hair and visible scalps. There are several causes of hair shedding and thinning, from stress to environmental factors, hormonal changes, and dietary imbalance. Several medications and treatments may also result in scalp problems. Then there are some medical conditions, such as thyroid, that cause hair loss. irrespective of the cause of hair loss, you want to understand the hair growth cycle first.

Visible Scalp: A Miserable Reality

If you have thinning hair or are follically challenged, there is a likelihood that you are inching closer to the fate of a visible scalp soon. Of course, it is quite irksome and irritating. You know the frustration that comes along when you can see signs of a visible scalp through your locks. The reality is that there is no magic solution to restore your hair. Does that mean you have to live with this fate?

Well, luckily, no. You can minimize its impact on your appearance. Let’s talk about the hair restoration solution that can help you feel confident about your personality again!

Causes of Thin Hair

A hair follicle connects each strand of hair to the scalp. Imagine a situation when the follicle becomes weak, hair strands start to thin out. Hair thinning may also result from:

  • Alopecia areata is one of the major causes of hair thinning.
  • Over-treating Your Hair can weaken the roots and follicles.
  • Hormonal imbalance can cause thinning of hair strands.
  • Dietary choices or an unbalanced diet can weaken the whole body and cause hair shedding.
  • Chronic stress can result in hair shedding as the body enters fight or flight mode in stress. As a result, existing strands can weaken and become thin.

Do Natural Oils Help Thinning Hair?

Natural oils have therapeutic properties and can help nourish the follicles and stimulate hair growth. When you massage your scalp with natural oils, it can promote blood circulation and strengthen strands. No doubt, oil massage can induce hair growth but ‍it will not happen overnight. Massage can stimulate the growth of hair only in certain cases of hair loss. It is no one-stop solution for all.

Does Eating Healthy Foods Help?

Dietary intervention can help improve your overall health. This includes healthy hair too. But you ought to continue with this dietary change for a long time to see the transformation in your hair, that too if your hair loss is caused by poor food choices. Try including more omega-3, protein, folate, biotin, iron, and zinc in your diet to promote healthy hair growth.

Avoid Hair Styling Products

Hair styling tools that heat your hair can damage the strands. Heat can cause severe hair shedding and thinning hair.

Best Hair Treatments for Thinning Hair

If you want to try out the best thinning hair treatment, then look no further than scalp micropigmentation. SMP for hair thinning can help restore your old charm, creating a look of hair density with pigmented dots. This diminishes the visibility of hair strands and creates a fuller hair look.

The best thing about SMP in Phoenix is that it is a non-surgical, permanent hair loss solution.

DermiMatch Clinic is a trusted name in the SMP industry. Their Phoenix SMP professionals are experts in hair density treatment and can help regain your confidence. Consult the team of scalp experts today to overcome the problem of thinning hair!

scalp micropigmentation

What Does Follically Challenged Mean?

Follically challenged is a term that describes the state of baldness. Anyone who is losing hair and balding can be described as a follically challenged person. Both men and women lose hair, which is integral to their personality. Unfortunately, an increasing number of men and women are losing hair and balding. In fact, many of them cannot cope with hair loss. They feel they have lost their identity, personality, and self-esteem.

Follically Challenged Causes

You may be a victim of hair loss due to hereditary factors, hormonal problems, medical conditions, poor food choices, medications, or stress. The environment too plays a part.

  • If you have a family history of baldness, chances are that you, too, will have to meet that fate.
  • Hair follicles tend to shrink with age. As a result, you experience thinning hair. Aging is part of life but it brings along a condition when your hair becomes brittle and prone to shrinkage.
  • Several conditions can cause hair loss, such as an underactive thyroid, lupus, diabetes, or an autoimmune disorder.
  • Your hairstyle might be the culprit too. If you part hair widely, that can strain the follicles, resulting in breakage. This is known as traction alopecia.
  • Even hair straighteners and hot combs can damage hair and follicles. Such damage can lead to hair loss.

Solution for Follically Challenged Problem

Whatever the reason for your receding hairline, you are suffering emotionally every time you look at yourself in the mirror. Well, no doubt, there are several ways to treat hair loss. But it all begins with finding the right hair care products. You want to include products that contain biotin for hair growth. Apart from this minoxidil is popular as a hair loss treatment. But it may or may not work for all people. Besides, the moment you discontinue the treatment, hair loss resumes.

Luckily, there is one hair restoration treatment that can cover the receding hairline in your case.  You can trust an experienced SMP practitioner in Scottsdale for scalp micropigmentation.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

‍SMP is a cosmetic tattoo that uses special microneedles and pigment to create the illusion of thicker hair.

The technique is safe and effective when a reputable and certified scalp artist in Scottsdale performs the procedure. The results of the treatment can last for years before needing a touch-up to revive the charm.

How SMP Is a Better Option

‍SMP is a minimally invasive hair loss procedure that does not promise to regrow hair. But the cosmetic solution hides the scalp problem without being too invasive. The treatment takes effect as soon as the final session is over.

If you’re follically challenged, SMP can help. Trust the Scottsdale SMP professionals at DermiMatch Clinic to overcome the problem of a receding hairline. They have the resources, skills, and tools to correct scalp problems with the utmost discipline and expertise. With SMP, you no longer have to worry about being follicly challenged. The solution lies with scalp micropigmentation. Consult with scalp experts immediately.

scalp micropigmentation

Food for hair growth: Which food will stop hair fall?

Hair loss is primarily related to aging, hormonal disturbance, medication side effects, certain medical illness, and heredity. There are different types of hair fall, and it hurts to see your hair shedding excessively. Now you are looking for the best type of food for hair growth. The question is whether there are any foods that stop hair fall. Or let’s put it this way – what foods stimulate hair growth?

Food for hair growth

The misery of hair loss affects almost everyone. By supplementing your diet with iron, folate, folic acid, magnesium, selenium, protein, zinc, and calcium, you can take a step toward healthy hair growth.

Here are the foods that pack a powerful punch of these proteins, vitamins, and minerals required for hair growth.


Packed with the goodness of protein, zinc, folate, and folic acid, legumes, and lentils are good food for hair growth. Zinc, folic acid, and protein are known to induce hair growth and strengthen and nourish follicles.


Here is a superfood for hair growth. Rich in protein, biotin, zinc, and selenium, eggs are one of the best foods for healthy hair. Boost the growth of healthy hair cells by increasing your intake of eggs that pack a powerful punch of protein. Biotin is known to play a role in the production of keratin.


Packed with vitamin A and beta carotene, carrots are good for your hair. They nourish the scalp and help keep the roots moisturized. Make carrots an essential part of your hair care diet. There are plenty of ways to include carrots in your dietary regime.


One of the best hair growth foods, spinach is immensely beneficial for hair. The greens are rich in vitamins, iron, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin C, making spinach an indispensable part of your hair growth regime. Another green that is rocking the hair care food market is amaranth, which is a superfood for hair growth, being rich in iron and amino acids.

Sweet potatoes food for hair growth

Like them or hate them, you cannot ignore sweet potatoes in your hair care diet. They help in absorbing Vitamin A, which is crucial for hair thickness. It also aids in the production of sebum and keeps hair healthy and moisturized.


There is no denying the fact that oats are a superfood, thanks to their nutritional profile. They pack a punch of essential minerals, such as zinc, iron, and even omega-6 fatty acids, all of which are essential for healthy hair and skin.


Avocado is an excellent source of Vitamin E, which aids in hair growth. Vitamin E deficiency can cause hair fall. So including avocado in your dietary regime is a great way to nourish your skin and hair.

Nuts & seeds are food for hair

Packed with all essential minerals and nutrients, nuts and seeds are superfoods in more ways than one. They are a great addition to your hair growth dietary regime, whether you are vegan or vegetarian. Zinc, vitamin E, magnesium, protein, selenium, and Omega 3 are some of the nutrients that make up the profile of nuts and seeds.

Are foods for hair growth the best option?

Unfortunately, even superfoods for hair growth do not work in all cases. You may not benefit from a dietary change if you are suffering from a medical ailment, medication side effect, stress, or hormonal disturbance.

So what is the best solution for hair loss in your case?

Scalp micropigmentation gives hope to all those people looking for a permanent solution for hair loss. Get in touch with the best Scottsdale SMP professionals at DermiMatch Clinic to find the right solution to your problem.

scalp micropigmentation

Is There a Permanent Solution to Hair Loss?

If hair loss is a cause for concern, then you are certainly looking for a solution that gives you permanent relief. True, you seek a permanent solution to hair loss. Ideally, you will find several hair loss solutions on the market. But do all work? Many might suggest you to go under the knife for permanent relief from hair loss. However, in some cases, this is not a life-long solution. What’s more, you may even experience pain during and after the procedure, which leaves you with scars and a long recovery period. You might end up popping painkillers to manage pain from the transplant surgery. all in all, the surgery might not result in a permanent solution to hair loss, especially if the cause of the problem is hereditary or linked to genetics. Some people suffer from medical problems and experience hair loss due to hormonal disturbance. In such cases, hair transplant may not give relief.

What about a permanent solution to hair loss?

There are several ways to stop hair loss. this includes natural and artificial. Of course, there are chemical treatments available but they do not promise to stop hair fall forever. The same goes for natural hair care therapies. There is no denying the fact that hair care is crucial to hair growth. But not everyone is lucky to benefit from dedicated hair care. Such people often suffer from hormonal imbalance problems that cause extreme hair shedding.

There are a few different lifelong medications that might trigger hair loss. unfortunately, they cannot stop taking the pills due to their medical condition.

For such people, a hair transplant is not the right way to go, especially as it is not a permanent solution to hair loss.

So what is the best way to treat the problem of hair loss?

Welcome SMP!

Spelled scalp micropigmentation, SMP is one of the most effective ways to treat hair loss. Although it is not a solution to hair loss, the technique can effectively conceal the problem under pigmented follicles.

Is SMP A Permanent Solution to Hair Loss?

SMP uses a specific pigment to create the appearance of natural hair. The reason it looks natural is when the best scalp artist performs the job. The whole process takes 2-3 sessions, where the SMP practitioner works to darken the dots. The SMP professional takes the scalp and hair color, and size of dots into consideration to achieve the desired result. Their goal is to achieve realistic results. An experienced scalp artist understands the need to achieve variation in tone and size for a more realistic look. Make sure you choose someone who has a deeper understanding of scalp micropigmentation as well as practical experience in performing SMP on clients.

The DermiMatch Edge

In fact, it is also important to look for someone who has performed SMP on clients with similar problems as yours. If they haven’t, you might end up with an unrealistic result that doesn’t solve the problem but makes it look worse.

DermiMatch Clinic is one of the leading names in the Arizona SMP world. Connect with the best scalp artists in Arizona to get help for hair loss. Here’s a permanent solution to hair loss that promises to transform your life for the better.

scalp micropigmentation

Biotin for Hair Loss: Does it Help?

If you love your hair but they are falling, you might be wondering if biotin for hair loss helps. Well, B vitamin is known to be good for hair and skin health. But does that mean it is your one-stop destination for hair loss? Perhaps not! No doubt, it contains essential proteins that are crucial for hair, skin, and nail health. It is not effective for one and all, especially if the root cause of the problem is genetic, stress, environment, or medical disorder. Some people lose hair due to specific treatments too, such as cancer and chemotherapy.

Does Biotin for Hair Loss Work?

Hair loss could be the result of certain medical conditions, such as endocrine disorders, hormonal disturbance, anemia, postpartum, age, and genetics. Additionally, your hair may start to fall if there is a problem with your gastrointestinal tract.

It’s important to understand the cause of hair loss. sometimes your diet could be at the root of the problem too. In such cases, it is crucial to include biotin in your diet. Biotin helps with the production of keratin, which may play a role in hair growth.

No doubt, biotin for hair loss can help grow hair and prevent balding. People suffering from alopecia may benefit from biotin supplementation as it may induce hair growth and help with inflammation.

How much biotin for hair is recommended?

An adult should not take more than 30 micrograms of biotin to combat hair loss. however, the doctor will determine the right dosage for each individual, depending on their condition, symptoms, and physical needs.

You can get biotin naturally from the following types of foods:

  • Egg
  • Beef liver
  • Salmon
  • Almonds
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Broccoli

What About Biotin shampoo?

There is not much research validation on the impact of biotin-infused shampoo on the growth of hair. Of course, using a biotin shampoo does no harm. So it’s ok to use a shampoo with biotin but don’t expect any magical growth of hair overnight. Such things take time.

Do not overdo biotin supplementation as it can cause allergic reactions or adverse events in some people. Biotin for hair growth may work for some people. But it is not a one-stop solution for everyone. In fact, your root cause of hair fall could be different from the other person. That means you may continue to suffer hair loss despite including biotin in your diet.

What’s the right hair solution?

When you are struggling with hair loss, there is no single fix to the problem. Something that works for one may not be the best choice for another fighting scalp problems. Scalp micropigmentation is a sure-shot technique to cover the hair shedding and scalp flaws you might be struggling with.

Get help for hair fall at DermiMatch Clinic and find the best scalp micropigmentation artists in Phoenix to fix your problem. SMP is not a hair growth solution but a cosmetic procedure to conceal scalp problems, such as alopecia, thinning hair, receding hairline, and baldness. Trust the DermiMatch Clinic SMP experts in Phoenix and get the best experience for hair loss.